In Search of Second Chances
Dave Dutton-Fraser
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
I know you are damaged but then aren't we all?
Your heart is broken but I shall prove it still works.
I won't let you stay down after such a hard fall,
Though I am sure I appear as just one more jerk.
Yet a risk I gladly take, if my memory serves well,
Since those years long gone when our paths crossed.
Back in a time much farther from Heaven than Hell,
When our souls were confused from being so lost.
Upon first meeting, you struggled to feign sleep,
While I, as an ignorant fool spoke words of hate.
A time I can see now when I was the vilest of creeps;
Loathing your friend for rejecting me as her mate.
Yet despite personal feelings, my words you read
For I had displayed them for The World to see.
Its amazing back then you did not want me dead
But found something better and worthy in me.
If I ever needed a sign that so long ago it existed,
That what I see now, is ever so beautiful and strong,
Is a soul that sensed in mine goodness that persisted,
Even though back then I would swear you were wrong.
Had I not been blind to all such portents and omens,
The present might have smiled with more favour on me.
If I had only listened to you, not all those false women
But there are none so blind as those that will not see.
So, now I must try amidst all my failures and losses
To gain your attention and such knowledge again
And like a grand Chef amid wilde meats and sauces,
Prepare you a feast as I never did way back then.
I hope that the injuries done to your passion and heart
Are not so destructive, as I see now what has to be true:
The friend I have needed most, was from the very start,
Can have surely and truly been none other than you.
(Its wonderful to have met you)
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
3 年Thank you William James, Angela Lesher, Hala Yousef, Nanang Hartony Wallace Jackson and Abhaya Agarwall