In the Search for Relevance
Only One is Relevant
Though all in ego claim;
Though all strive
Whether they worship or not
Whether they acknowledge or not
Whether they honour or not
Whether they sacrifice or not
To the only Relevant One.
How seek you relevance
Outside the One Relevant?
How seek you relevance
Except acknowledge the One Relevant?
How seek you relevance
With an absence of self-discovery?
Relevance is in purpose
To which is tied motive
In selflessness to those ordained
In service to as many as have been pre-determined
In appreciation and honour of the Creator
And His pleasure and beauty of His creation;
Relevance is in the dissipation of ego
And the releasing of the virtue lurked within
The appreciation of the light within
In worship of the One True Light;
By bringing out the deposits buried within
Through daily self-teaching
The reason you’re wiser than all your teachers.
Via focus
Via consistency
In the conscious mission of positively influencing
Others to the path of Truth
After you find it.
For in it is the True purpose
To illuminate all with the bliss of life
Through much patience
Through much longsuffering
Through much labour
Through much abstinence
Through much commitment
Through much responsibility
Through much surety ship
Through much owning of mistakes;
And daily striving to thrive
In connection for perfection in the Way
That’s already made perfect.
Life has been bestowed on you
As you traverse these parts
Like Crusoe’s hero.
Dominate your environment therefore
Explore and unleash your creativity
To you will then yield the promise of innovation.
Till the land
Its abundance, like the Maker, is inexhaustible
Ever self-replenishing
Though to you is a time allotted
To you is a time appointed
To deliver relevance;
Make your ‘lotted time count
Redeem lost time:
‘Twill yield to you
Only as you have been given to imagine
And as you have desired
And relentlessly pursued;
Seek. Focus. Discover. Engage
And make relevant
That which is your portion to do and to give!
Think on these things…
July 8, 2016.