Search Engine Strategy Basics part 2 (Google Style)
Orji Sylvanus ogbonna
Tech Blogger & CEO, Tech Empire | Sharing insights on AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Business software technology and more | Helping businesses leverage technology for growth.
*Google Webmaster Tools
They’re free and yet very few webmasters take advantage of the tools that Google has made
And that includes Google Sitemaps, one of the best methods for getting your pages
crawled and subsequently indexed (we’ll talk about that one in depth in the next segment).
Listed below you’ll find some of the free SEO tools that you should be using on a regular basis.
NOTE: In order to use any of these tools, you’ll need a special key. Just click on “Get a Free
Google "API Key” or go to and submit the form.
The key will then be sent to whatever email address you specify.
* Google Rankings
This tool allows you to locate the search results position for any given keyword and URL address.
You can input one word at a time or multiple keywords.
You also have three choices with regard to where the search will be conducted.
That gives you the option of seeing what position is held in one or more of the three major contenders… Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
The nice thing about this particular tool - aside from the valuable information it provides - is that fact that it’s relatively fast. Unlike other tools of this type that can take several minutes to complete the search and results process.
* Google SEO Tool
When it comes to keyword optimization, this tool is an absolute must.
There are two steps involved which return information about keyword count, keyword density, and keyword position.
Step 1
Analyze Keywords - Gives you a list of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases that appear “x” amount of times or more on any given page (“x” is the amount you choose when first filling out the form).
You also receive the density percentage for each word listed.
It will also display the page title, the meta description and keywords tags, and the top five most often used keywords.
Step 2
Create Position Report - Tells you what position the web page holds in Google search results for each of the top five words found in Step 1.
* Google rankings Position Tracking
This is an excellent means of staying on top of all your search engine positions.
You create a free account and then log in to input whatever URL addresses and keywords you want to keep track of.
It allows you to check your ranking history, create charts, or download data to your spreadsheet application.
* Google AdWords Keyword Tool
Use this suggestion tool to get ideas for new keywords that can help improve your ad relevance.
Enter one or more keywords and Google will show you matching queries and alternatives. Can be very helpful when running AdWords campaigns.
* Google Suggest
As soon as you start typing in the search query, Google will begin to suggest similar search terms.
It will also show you how many results exist for each of those terms.
Very helpful when compiling keyword lists or determining niche markets.
* Google Sponsored Links
Conduct a search in Google that returns only sponsored link results only.
This is extremely useful when you’re trying to find the proper wording for your AdWords or need to see how your competition is doing.
* Search Term Difficult Checker
This one doesn’t happen to be directly from Google but it has such tremendous value, it definitely had to be included here.
All you do is enter your Google API Key and a search term. (If you don’t have an API key, you can get one for free at
The program will return a score factor that will let you know how difficult it would be to gain a position on the first page of Google search results for the keyword (search term) you just queried. The lower the score, the easier it will be.
Now, whenever you come up with a keyword you think might have potential, you can find out right away whether or not it‘s even worth investing any time and effort. Both from a traffic generating perspective and an SEO position.
To be continued...