Search engine optimization (SEO)
Md. Omar Faruk
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1. Introduction
If you’re serious about increasing your traffic, you need to do more than just build a website; you need to ensure that the content of your site is search engine friendly.
Search engines are very effective at identifying search queries. On the other hand, they are not as easy on text-based search queries, such as those on a short form or on a blog.
Luckily, Google has recently begun to filter text-based search results, and that means that in the future it will probably be possible to filter results for all text (including non-English) queries. But that doesn’t mean that you should stop searching for keywords which don’t exist yet. It means simply applying a bit of common sense.
For example, if you want to rank in Google for “saddle shoes” but you already know that “Saddles” does not appear frequently in searches for this term, then type “Saddle Shoes” into the Google Search bar instead. Or if you want to rank for “saddle shoes” but think “Sheepskin Saddles” is a better match for your audience and product lines, then use it too:
2. What Is Search Engine Optimization?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of principles and guidelines for improving the performance of web pages in relation to search engines.
Here are some guidelines from one of the leading SEO experts, Chris Brogan:
1. Use keywords that people will type into a search box.
2. Perform a comprehensive audit to determine which keywords are being used by competitors and what they are doing better than you're doing it.
3. Respect the user experience by avoiding keyword stuffing, irrelevant terms, and meta-tags on your site.
4. Don't be afraid to use long phrases that aren't necessarily relevant to your product or brand.
5. Don't assume that because your keywords are in the title tag that they'll automatically show up in relevant searches on Google or other search engines (on the other hand, you might want to include them there).
3. The Importance of Keyword Research
Here is a rather obvious question for you (although you probably aren’t paying attention just yet): what exactly does keyword research entail? I know there are several different ways to do it and many different theories explaining the purpose of it. But my experience is that no matter what the theory or method, it always boils down to one thing: knowing your competition. This means finding out who is doing what, what their products are like, how they rank in Google and other search engines and so on.
This can be a very simple process if done well, but it requires a lot of time and effort: we need to find out who our competitors are; then we need to find out how they do their keyword research; then we need to figure out what strategies they use; then we need to figure out how our competitors use those same strategies… It's not just a matter of putting together some fancy technique or app.
With a little bit of investment (which will vary depending on your budget) I can show you that if done right, this process can get quite close to cost per click (cost per impression) for most applications. If you have enough money, you should have at least one person dedicated full time to the job. For example:
If your business has been around long enough, you may have come across the term “keyword research” when discussing the effectiveness of certain keywords in search engine optimization (SEO). However, even though keywords may form part of your marketing efforts, there are many factors that go into determining which ones work best in terms of traffic and conversion rates as well as helping with SEO conversions (i.e., increasing bounce rate and keeping people on your site as long as possible). The way that you approach keyword research varies between individuals ranging from serious researchers working in scientific fields (who want information about entities such as countries and diseases), through those who do small amounts of research every day for their own benefit (who want information about things such as how much an item costs),
4. Off Page SEO Factors to Consider in Your Strategy
The role of the off-page factors in search engine optimization (SEO) is not as a direct competitor to the main focus of on-page SEO. It’s more of a complement to it. The main goal of off-page SEO is to provide an additional tool for user experience, social proof and other factors that are not possible through on-page SEO alone.
But before we get into this, I want to make it clear that search engine optimization is not a simple game of futility. While there are plenty of people who argue that you should spend all your time on-page and let off-page factors take care of themselves, there are plenty who argue otherwise. Some argue that off-page SEO results in higher rankings, while others argue that you would be better off using one approach or the other (and thus trying both).
I think that both sides have validity to their arguments, but there are some reasonable arguments in favour of each side too. I’m going to share some real world examples with you and try to help you understand why they work or don’t work and what factors must be considered in order for them to work well or not at all (or at least how they can be manipulated).
Off Page SEO Factors: Let’s start with a basic introduction:
? Off page SEO does not directly compete with any aspect of on page marketing; rather it complements it.
? It doesn’t directly compete with conversion rate optimization; rather it helps improve conversion rate and efficiency.
? It doesn’t directly compete with creative efforts such as landing page design; rather it supports them and provides additional verification & validation (e.g., by linking back after submission).
5. On Page SEO Factors to Consider in Your Strategy
You can’t do a lot of good on page SEO if you’re not keeping an eye on the effect your work is having. But there is much more to it than that.
I think most people are under the impression that site performance will have a direct and predictable impact on rankings, and that it is largely a function of the way you structure your site and the content within it. While this is certainly true, it isn’t necessarily so. There are several other factors that can have an impact on site ranking and we should be aware of them (and be prepared for some surprises).
One of these factors is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is basically about optimizing your content for Google by using various techniques such as:?using high-quality titles;?using semantic tags to build your content around keywords;?using meta tags to help users retrieve relevant information from your site;?building links through relevant anchor texts or keywords;?and so forth, etc.
These are important things to consider when building your SEO strategy, but there are also many other factors beyond those listed here — factors which should also be considered when evaluating how well you’re doing in terms of ranking.
For example:
? If you don’t have a dedicated back end server hosting your site then any traffic coming to your site will be sent directly to Google’s index rather than coming through anything other than Google’s own servers (which can result in lower rankings). This means that changes in traffic may not be reflected immediately—sometimes taking weeks if not months for the changes to become apparent. In fact, this can happen even if you believe all traffic has been sent through Google’s servers: if you make a change in design or code without making a corresponding change at Google, then an update at Google won't actually reflect until after a significant amount of time has passed (Google doesn't really check for updates until they're about 20 minutes late). This means that even though another update at another hosting provider might have been released earlier than yours, this update won't show up until later than yours would show up — giving one provider an advantage over another... [1]
? If you don't use any form of Web 2.0 tools such as RSS feeds or blogs, then any updates made at these sites will be delayed until after they've been approved by Google too... [2]
6. How to Perform a Website Audit and Why You Should Do It
There are many different ways to analyze the performance of your site. The best way to perform an audit is to use a site audit tool like Searchmetrics or . You can also use and Google Analytics.
If you don't have access to these tools, I recommend that you read through this post for an overview of the tools you will need: How to Build a Great Website Audit: A Step-By-Step Guide
I’m going to assume that you are familiar with the basics of SEO and you know how search engines work (which they do a pretty good job of doing) and how they relate to people who want information about products and services that interest them (which they do a very poor job of). You also probably know that when it comes to search, there are two things that matter most:?matches and relevance . The more relevant your content is, the more people will find it on a search engine result page or in their own searches.?
An example of relevance would be the seller who has products listed in their store with prices so low that they are willing to give away those products for free, thereby driving traffic back their store. The benefit is obvious – people looking for those items will come back again and again (because it’s free!) - but what about the other side? What if someone looking for books on Amazon searches for “free ebooks on amazon”? That person might be disappointed by what she finds instead: there isn't anything specifically about books on Amazon that makes them appealing enough for someone looking for "free ebooks on amazon." So she starts asking all over Google if there are free ebook sites (or if there's some similar type of site where someone can start making money right away). And then other sites pop up with free ebook deals, but only when she clicks through from Amazon - which takes her far too long!
Here is what we can learn from this: search engines optimize things like price, title, etc., but not really much else about the content itself. They get much better at doing so over time as they gain experience; but over time as well, it's easy to forget what makes content valuable and interesting in the first place. For example: while Amazon’s paid advertising seems like an excellent way of getting people in front of your product – ebooks seem irrelevant compared with something like SaaS software or
7. Additional Tips to Improve
I want to talk a little bit about linking strategies. I’m going to go through a few links here and talk about some of the strategies that are out there.
The first strategy is to do linkbait, which is very simple. If you just have one page, put a lot of links on the page because people will just click through if you have a bunch of links all over the page. The second one, which I kind of call “linkbait 2”, is if you have multiple pages on your site and you have multiple products that are related to each other in some way — in other words, you can use these as back links for each product so that people can quickly go from one product to another on your site.
The third and last link strategy is “click-to-call” or “click-to-go”. This is kind of like what Google AdWords does with their search ads but it’s not quite as straightforward as taking someone who has already searched for something and giving them the ability to search again for more related content on your site. For example, if I get this search: [product name] and I want to find something related to that product like [product name], I can do it with this strategy:
I don’t have to be involved in any moneymaking activities at all! This is really focused on getting more traffic across your site and driving down cost per click or cost per action or cost per lead or whatever else they measure in terms of how much money you get out of advertising.
So next time we’ll look at linkage strategies specifically in relation to keyword research but also speaking generally about how we should approach link building methods overall.