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Sean Bohan - Quality Improvement Coach

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"Culture is everything"

Every business created started with an Idea, Vision and a Dream to provide a service or product that makes some impact in the lives of people....

Every entrepreneur or business owners journey begins with their time working in the business; they hold the vision, instill and inspire the values within in their people within the business by leading by example....

But when success happens....Consumer demands and expectations grow too in terms of more products an/or services....

And your on the path to the success you always dreamed of right?

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But in reality for most companies what actually happens is; due to growth everything grows...

? More Employees

? More Processes

? More Systems

And more problems....

The owner/founder ends up no longer working in the business but now works on the business; and is no longer the pay roll, HR, Operations, Sales, Marketing and brings in the expertise to take over such tasks.....

Hierarchical infrastructure is established and an increase in geographical locations/sites ensues...And the business ends up running you....

Its at this point Profits Success Occurs; but a Loss Is Occurring Within The Business.....

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What happens is the people in the business start to lose the connection to....

? The Vision - The Why

? The Values - The How

The result is the the "words & deeds" no longer match in terms "what we say and what do differs" and the experience for our people within the business and our customers end up with a transactional experience; focussed on Quantity and the Quality slowly disappears over time..

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Over time silos of culture and practice are developed locally....And frustration and cynicism grows within the workforce and you here "those in central office"...."They never visit our site"..."I do my job and go home"....

Our biggest losses are our Time, Energy & Money?

Sound Familiar???? What Can You Do About It?

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  1. Evaluate: The relationship should always be your number 1 priority. As no matter what business you are in you you are in the people business.. Run live face to face focus groups with your people; and design cultural based surveys. Ask 3 key questions..

- Celebrate - What do we do well as an organisation? (Start With Success Stories)

- Evaluate - What Could We Improve? (Fundamental Need Right Now)

- Innovate - What Would Add Value (Generate Ideas)

Engage & Connect with people in a genuine approach and ensure people are part of the culture re-set. The leaders should lead on this and be visible and genuinely engaged. Create a 360 open trust & truth feedback culture. Create collaborative partnerships...

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  1. Where there is no vision the people perish: Create a vision and and values that inspires to people leave a legacy for each other. A vision and values should not be a lip service plaque on the wall . It should be the Why & How all decision are made by and measured against.

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  1. Culture By Design: Culture happens anyway... If people do not buy in, believe in or are not committed to your organisational vision & values. They'll create and implement their own; and over time new practices, processes and systems are developed; and this becomes the organisational legacy. A Silo Culture: People become frustrated in the process. Good people leave.. Good people stay and disengage...or your left with a cohort of disruptors....

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  1. SIMPLIFY: Simplify your policy & procedures, your processes and systems. Too often the bigger a company becomes; the more focus on Quantity becomes the measure of success and quality... Compliance and Tick Box becomes the measure itself...Rather than being an outcome of a Quality Culture....People become administrators of reports with duplication & triplication of data collation to suit everyone...

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  1. Share Stories: Every quarter hold a organisational values & quality day.. Have people from all levels of your organisation create stories of practice that show how the vision & values are instilled in practice with quality results. And and ensure to share stories of what went wrong to become a reflective learning practice based organisation. Inspire people to Hold The Vision, Instill The Values In Practice... And to go 1 step further beyond what's expected and innovate... Stay connected and ensure everyone regularly visits site locations. Allow people in your services, shops, factories, offices to visit partner locations; and ensure people in leadership & departmental roles visit locations regularly.... Have shadow days were people get to spend time with the CEO, HR Team, Sales etc and have your leaderships & departments shadow frontline staff & management...Create Transparency, Connection and Understanding.. 1 Dream, 1 Team

Leave A Legacy......

If you or organisation feel they need a Culture Re-Set and not sure where to start contact me today for a free consultation to find out my no-nonsense practical and systematic approach to a " quality in everything we do & say" culture mindset approach....Saving you Time, Money & Energy....Leaving a Legacy for all......


Sean Bohan

The Quality Improvement Coach

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 086-8630321


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