Sealem Lab, A Revolutionary DeFi/ GameFi ecosystem offering quality DeFi+ GameFi products that guarantees profitability.
Sealem Lab is a broad spectrum Decentralized investment ecosystem . It offers a broad spettrum DeFi+GameFi protocol with amazing products that guarantees profitability and reduces risk.?The project have team of dedicated who are professionals and experienced in the field of blockchain, gaming and marketing that is willing to move the project to the greatest height. Sealem Lab will offer varieties means to earn profit on its ecosystem while making the risk more reduced. Sealem Lab is a cryptocurrency based?research and development company whose headquarter is located in Dubai . The company has intellectual property right and offers technology related products and services. Before i delve into major topic of discussion , i will like to briefly explain about DeFi for those who are hearing about Decentralized Finance ( DeFi) for the first time .?
DeFi is a financial system that operates using blockchain technology. It can be related to normal financial services offered by banks but the main difference is while Banking system operates using national currency and centralized system , DeFi operates with the use of Cryptocurrencies and its powered on decentralized system which allow the users to have complete control over their assets. DeFi offers similar financial products just like in the traditional financial setup?like Banks, insurance and stock trading companies.?DeFi offers lending , borrowing , trading , saving and more . thats a brief explanation of DeFi.?DeFi creates possibility of accessing these products through Decentralized Apps, (DApps). Another money making protocol in Crypto gaming industry is GameFi which i will briefly explained.?
Game Fi allows users to make money passively by allowing users to mine their Virtual land .?It further allows users to make money by lending their assets like Digital characters or perhaps getting them Staked which is one of the feature of DeFi protocol . While Play2Earn protocol creates a huge economy for the gamers in the ecosystem . It is the trending and most profitable gaming system in the global gaming setup . Play2Earn allows players in the ecosystem to make money while playing games.?
About?Sealem Lab
Sealem Lab has developed this platform to solve the existing barriers in DeFi , GameFi ecosystem ,the project focused on correcting the anomalies in the existing structure and coming up with a game changing ecosystem which will instill confidence in the mind of users and general investors.?Users will be able to benefit massively from the ecosystem . The solution offered incorporate a new solution known as Play for Fun . The play for fun allow users without funds been able to explore the ecosystem , able to play without funds and earn rewards for their activities. This has never been in existance in the history of Play2Earn . Sealem Lab now offers GameFi +Play2Earn+ PlayforFun .
How can users benefits in Sealem Protocol ?
Since the ecosystem is designed for GameFi +Play2Earn+ PlayforFun. Users will be able to Pay for Fun and at the same time earning income in the ecosystem . This make Sealem stands out . Users will be able to engage in Play2Earn in the platform as well. The P2E allows gamers in the ecosystem to earn real income based on the degree of their participation in the games.?Another fantastic opportunity offer in the Sealem DeFi protocol is Staking , it allows users to stake their token and earn good rewards base on their stakes. Players?in the gaming ecosystem participate in Games by holding their SEALEM NFT in other to receive token rewards.?
How to Make Profit on ST Protocol?
Bonding, Staking , Gaming are the 3 core approach to make profit in Sealem protocol. Users will be able to effectively use DeFi, GameFi and other available resources available in the platform to earn reasonable income . Stakers majorly benefits from the price appreciation.?Stakers benefits from staking their Token to earn more token in return which will yield them profit as the price increases.?Another aspect is Bonding, when users mint ST tokens , they are literally selling a particular assets to buy ST Bonds from the protocol.?With Bonds, users will not be able to withdraw their earning during the fourteen days vesting period .?
Sealem is a game changing innovation. The solution offered incorporate a new solution known as Play for Fun . The play for fun allow users without funds been able to explore the ecosystem , able to play without funds and earn rewards for their activities. This has never been in existence in the history of Play2Earn . Sealem Lab now offers GameFi +DeFi+ Play2Earn+ PlayforFun .?
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wallet id: 0xAEF6857753A205aDc0e5333Ce388222E2F1061B4