Sealant Selection
Sealant Selection
? The sealant must accommodate the anticipated joint movement requirements.
? The sealant must have the requisite durability for environmental exposure (i.e. UV stability, chemical resistance, submersed applications, etc.).
? Sealant adhesion to the substrates to be sealed must be verified prior to application either through laboratory and/or field adhesion testing?
Verification may be performed by laboratory testing that the selected sealant is compatible with adjacent substrates (ASTM C1087),has been tested for adequate adhesion to those substrates (ASTM C794), and if aesthetics is a concern that it will not stain adjacent porous surfaces (ASTM C1248).
? Submit representative samples for laboratory testing for adhesion, compatibility, and stain testing by completing and returning the?Adhesion, Compatibility and Stain Test Submittal Form