Seafood Headlines December 8, 2021

Seafood Headlines December 8, 2021

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Cod Limits Questioned | Bluefin Tuna Quota | Sockeye Forecast

IFFO and SFP roundtable focus on West Africa and face criticism from Greenpeace

More than 70M sockeye expected in Bristol Bay next year, potentially busting this year’s record

CMA gives green light to Scottish Sea farms’ acquisition of Grieg Seafood Hjaltland UK

Fishery groups question cod limits

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Bluefin tuna catch quota to be raised 15%

Cod Quotas Shake the Svalbard Treaty

8 Reasons Why Seafood Should Be On Your Family Table

Oregon’s coho salmon run breaks record, steelhead numbers decline

Glacier retreat creating new Pacific salmon habitat in western North America

Mowi USA hosts December 8th in Miami, FL event to celebrate sustainable marine aquaculture and seafood'

Scottish oysters were on the rocks. Now a whisky distillery is throwing them a lifeline

FDA, CDC say outbreak linked to fish ends with more than 100 people sickened

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Salmon sales to US power ahead

Coast Guard rescues fishing boats during first week of crab season

Holtec says it won't dump radioactive water in Cape Cod Bay in 2022

Patagonia Joins Call for Moratorium on Deep Seabed Mining

Skipper Science Program is a big success – and growing

U.S. trade deficit sinks 18% in October as exports surge to record high

EXCLUSIVE Aleph, Wacker team up to fast-track mass lab meat production

Stem cell study paves way for manufacturing cultured meat


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