Sea Swimming and Intention Setting
How has your week been to you?
It's been a really powerful week with powerful conversations over here and I'm feeling really grateful.
As well as a little sleepy, if I'm honest!
Today was my second sea swim in Portsoy Harbour, the energy it takes my body to heat back up must be pretty significant, so here I am, on the laptop, in my cosies; with Ruby watching Minnie Mouse beside me.
It feels huge as this was the goal!
I decided that I wanted to teach myself to properly swim in order to be able to feel confident to surf and sea swim and that is now what I do! I've got my first Moray Coast surf session next week and had two dooks this week with a great bunch of ladies. I even got a good 10 lengths in today which was much needed to stay the time I did in the water.
It got me thinking about goals and the importance of allowing for time and grace for things to come together as and when they are meant to, as well as taking account the distance (metaphorical in most cases) to get there and realistically what that looks like.
In our fast information, social media fuelled existence filled with quick this and that promises, it can be really easy to get disheartened with what feels like slow or no progress. It's this, in part, why I am so fond of journalling to take stock of each and every time win to keep the momentum.
Because sometimes that momentum includes significant pauses.
When I had decided I wanted to swim, I could pootle a little breaststroke, but I was scared of water deeper than myself as I hadn't learned to swim in deep water, or properly (and almost drowned myself in Malta when the people I was with didn't know I couldn't really swim and we were in a deep spot - which I excused myself from and tried to get to the side but didn't know how to tread water, yikes, I was ok, but I didn't love it).
Yet, I've always loved and been drawn to bodies of water and really love the sea.
Back in 2015, I'd got myself a Surfgirl magazine and pored over it, I wanted to surf... Yet, it was another 5 years before I'd take any steps to make it a reality and a further year before it would actually happen.
Then, a couple months after my first surf lesson, we experienced the flood that rendered us homeless right before Christmas and any plans for business and personal goals were shelved.
We'll see plenty of examples of going through hard things and carrying on regardless, heck, I am often sharing of keeping going with certain things in a capacity through hard times, yet at the same time, the real power comes from checking in with yourself and asking yourself what you really need and what can be left to lie whilst you do life.
This, in a sense, is my reflection of a reminder that it's not only ok, but also absolutely essential to allow things to take time and unfold how they are meant to.
As, even until this week I had been feeling frustrated as we don't have a car right now and the bus times have changed, meaning that all of the local group swims were inaccessible to me, frustratingly by only an hour. I was getting frustrated with the Universe for moving the goalposts again, until I remembered 'it's this or something better', then for the first time another group I had been in for a couple of weeks a message popped up with a swim in Portsoy.
A swim that was easier for me and made the most sense.
Sometimes, it's creating that space to allow for an easier way than the one you planned.
Being specific and yet flexible with aspects of your goals can absolutely change the game.
You can read the blog I wrote on learning to swim right before lockdown which shut down the path to my goal in 2020, for then, which I picked up later. It's here . I'm restarting writing on Medium , where many of my articles will need a rewrite with the change in how I think the personal growth path is so fascinating in that way so be sure to follow me if you'd like to catch my writing.
Have a great weekend!