Sea Moss~Manganese~Astrocytes~Diabetes~ Vitelline~Glycopeptide~Arthropods~Cool Stars~Metabolic Disordering~Anticancer~Proline~Hippocampus
Anne Stanford
Corporate Assistant /CEO and CFO at Braintree Corporation Bioscience, Biomedical, Translational Research
As, For Moss, As, “To Spread On Moist Surfaces”, As, Of “Lava Rock”, As, For “Mosses”, As, “To Grow Under “Milky Quartz”, As, “To Grow Longer Shoots”, As, For “Sea Moss Space Forming Salt Crystals On “Fronds”, As, For Tiny Quartz Crystals, As, “In Clouds Of “Hot Gas Star Giants”, As, For Quartz Hard Crystalline Mineral, As, “Composed Of Star Forming Silicon”, As, “Silicon Dioxide”, As, For Quartz, As, For High Pressures And High Temperatures, As, For Silicon Dioxide, As, “Tiny Crystalline”, As, In “Volcanic Lava”, As, For “Quartz-Like Crystalline”, As, In “Planetary Disks”, As, For Sea Urchin’s Ability, As, “To Motion “Spines”, As, From Single Large Crystals, As, “Calcite Crystal Microstructure”, As, For Crystal’s Energy, As, “Their Atomic Structure” That Allows The Storing Of Energy, As, “Piezoelectric”, As, For “Piezoelectric And Biological Macromolecules”, As, “Transducing Mechanical Energy”, As, “Into An Electric Energy Current”, As, For Piezoelectricity, As, Of Proteins And Nucleic Acids, As, Structural Elements Of “Human’s Body”, As, For Piezoelectricity And “Stimulating Human’s Neural “Tissue”, As, For “Regeneration”, As, For “Synergistic”, As, For Synergy, As, “Of Two Things, As, “In Harmony Of Working Together”, As, “Synergistic”, As, “Greater Effects”, As, For “Human’s Medicinal Seaweed”, As, For Climate Surroundings And “Water Temperatures”, As, “To Determine Colors Of “Sea Moss”, As, “Chondrus crispus”, As, Seaweed Or “Algae” Irish Moss, As, “Spiny”, As, For “Crystals”, As, “Human’s Edible Antioxidants”, As, For “Sea Vegetable’s Mineral Space Forming “Iodine”, As, For “Ocean’s Iodine” And “Cloud Formation”, As, For “Two Neutron Stars Colliding”, As, “Iodine Forming”, As, For “Iodide”, As, For “Iodine And “Curium Nuclei”, As, “Produced Before The Formation Of The “Sun”, As, For “Curium And “Nuclear Medicine”, As, For “Sea Moss Star Forming Calcium, Magnesium, “Phosphorus”, Potassium, Zinc And Copper, As, For “Meteorite’s Iron And “Manganese”, As, For “Manganese Human’s Dietary Vital Element, As, For “Macronutrient Metabolism” And “Bone Formation”, As, “Human’s Free Radical “Defense Mechanism”, As, For “Space Forming Manganese Metalloproteins”, As, “Bound To Human’s Astrocytes”, As, In “Human’s Central Nervous Systematics”, As, “Abundant In Glial Cells”, As, For “Glial Cell Alterations”, As, In “Human’s Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, As, For “Glial Cells”, As, “Vital To Neurons”, As, For Human’s Manganese Space Forming Vital Trace Element And “Human’s Neurodegenerative Dis-eases”, As, For “Human’s Accumulating High Levels Of Manganese, As, For “Manganese”, As, Abundant, As, In “Red Giant Stars”, As, For “Iron” And “Elevated Manganese”, As, Of “Near Earth Supernova”, As, 2.5 Million Years Ago, As, For “Crayfish Skeletal Muscle”, As, “High Manganese”, As, For “High Space Forming Manganese, As, In “Lobster’s Central Nervous System”, As, For “Space Forming Manganese Ions”, As, “To Stimulate Osteogenic Differentiation”, As, “To Enhance Human’s Bone Regeneration”, As, “To Preserve Bone Mass”, As, For Manganese Assists, As, In “Human’s Body’s Forming Connecting Tissues”, As, For “Supernova Manganese”, As, “Required For Activating “Prolidase Enzyme”, As, For “Human Skin Cell’s Collagen Formation”, As, For “Space Forming Amino Acid “Proline” Signaling Molecule”, As, For Proline, As, In “The Mitochondrial Proline Cycle, As, “An Intracellular Signaling Molecule Space Forming”, As, For “Human’s Elevated Circulating Amino Acid Proline”, As, For “Human’s Insulin Resistance And Obesity”, As, For “Fermented Cucumbers”, As, “Antihypertensive”, As, “To Lower Human’s High Blood Pressure”, As, For “Grasshopper’s Space Forming Amino Acid Compounds”, As, “Ethanolamine Phosphoric Acid”, As, For Phosphoric Acid, As, In “Rocks”, As, “Igneous”, As, For “Fire Ants Excrete “Phosphoric Acid”, As, For “Interstellar Synthesis”, As, Of “Phosphorus Oxoacids”, As, For “Insect’s Vitellen”, As, For “Vitelline Membrane Protein Layer”, As, “Covering Egg Yolk Nutrients”, As, For “Vitelline Umbilical Vessel”, As, For “Space Forming Vitellin Lipoglycoprotein”, As, Present In Yolk And In Arthropods”, As, For “Plant’s Recognize Plant Pathogens”, As, For “Plant’s Space Forming “Glycobiology”, As, For Space Forming Glycoproteins, As, Of “Higher Plants”, As, For “Plant’s Defense Genes”, As, For “Plant Glycoproteins And Folding”, As, For “Vitamin D”, As, A “Hormone”, As, “To Regulate Star Forming Calcium And Phosphate”, As, In “Human’s Body”, As, For “Bone Structural”, As, For “Space Forming Lipoglycopeptide Antibiotics”, As, For Space Forming Lipopeptides, As, For “Managing Plant Dis-eases”, As, For “Lipopeptide Molecules”, As, Of “Biological Origins”, As, “Motions Against Dis-ease Causing Bacteria And Fungi”, As, For “Plant’s Conditions”, As, For “Microbial Lipopeptides”, As, “Antimicrobial Motions”, As, Of “Plant’s Pathogens”, As, “To Inhibit”, As, For “Vitellin Space Forming Phosphoprotein”, As, For “Star Forming Phosphate”, As, For Phosphoproteins, As, For “Signal Transduction Pathways” And “Cellular Processes”, As, For Star Forming Phosphate, As, For Phosphorylation, As, For “Regulation Of Enzymes”, As, For “Human Dis-ease Associated “Enzymes”, As, For “Enzyme Dysfunction” And “Human’s Metabolic Dis-Ordering”, As, For “Phosphorus”, As, “Difficult To Detect”, As, In “Cool Stars”, As, For “Stars”, As, “To Contain Phosphorus”, As, May Host Planets, As, “With Life”, As, For “Phosphorus”, As, “To Be Created By”Neutron Capture”, As, In “Massive Stars”, As, For “Neutron Capture Enhances Dose” And “Reduces Cancer Viability”, As, For Star Forming “Zinc”, As, For “Neutron Rich Zinc Isotopes”, As, For “Highest Levels Of “Zinc”, As, Found In “Human Brain’s Hippocampus”, As, For “Human Brain’s Highest Potential Energy”, As, For Human Brain’s Para Hippocampal Gyrus, As, “Amplified Curiosity”, As, For “Human Brain’s Hippocampus, As, For Motivation, As, To Explore, As, Purpose Of Learning, As, For Curiosity And Exploratory, As, “Human Brain’s “Complexity Networking”, As, For “Thought Contemplation”, As, For “Rumination”, As, “Deep Thought”, As, “Brainwork.” Thank-you.