A Sea Life lesson
The 20/6/2019, the weather was just perfect to enjoy my favorite hobby, spear-fishing. So, I woke up in the early morning and decided to get ready and head for the nearest beach all by myself. Every time I go spear-fishing, I feel excited and happy, but this time the feeling was even intense. When I got to the right spot, I was happy to discover that the water was clear, transparent and quite. In a nut a shell, the conditions for spear-fishing were great. I dived down the sea flapping gently while holding my spear gun carefully. While in under the water, I was taken aback by the God’s creation of sea life. What a magnificent and breathtaking world!
After two minutes or so, I caught an octopus weighing up almost three kilos. I tied it up around my waist and kept hunting. A minute later, I just saw the right fish to catch; it was really big. It was fast, but I decided to follow it. It kept evading me by swirling between the reefs and it finally made it its way towards a cliff; I finally managed to catch it. “What a big fish! My lucky day!” I thought for a moment. But no sooner had I celebrated my victory than I had realized that I lost track of my way back to the sea surface.
It was an outright shock! I couldn’t move my body for a while. I was out of breath and strength. The octopus I had earlier caught slowed me down and I had to get rid of it. I spent almost 3 or 4 minutes under water in the dark and I was almost going to give in. All my life flashed before my eyes in a second. I thought to myself “this is the end of my life”. Luckily, I regained my breath and collected my final burst of energy and swam up towards life again.
This incident has basically taught me three main lessons.
-The first one is that people should act and react within their terms of average. That is, one should always act within his/ her means no matter how much they love to do something. This experience teaches us that we should not invest all our time, energy and money in doing one thing. We could use only the minimum and we still can do miracles.
-The second lesson that I learnt from this experience is that one should always collaborate with others in taking decisions or actions. Team work is way better than individual work.
-The third lesson is that one should forget neither the first nor the second rule in taking decisions and actions in life. These two lessons can be also applicable to the world of business in the sense that one should not risk all his assets in one single project nor should he /she work individually. Similar to real life, working within our terms of average and in collaboration with others is the right course of action to follow in the business world. I will never forget the day I got stuck under water. It was a frightening yet enriching experience