Are you pitching the right Product???
There are sooo many players in this space for many reasons. It is absolutely the most talked about tech in the Market today. The question is....are you pitching or selling???
All SDWAN providers have a purpose in an Organization, they all do different things and most do it very well, however, consider this when adding this tech to your bag of tricks.
Which one actually sells???? Maraki?Velo?Viptela?Versa?BigLeaf? They all claim to be the "leaders" in this space. How can you all be Leading??? There are no Participation Trophies in Business!!! I actually heard this statement yesterday from one of the named above " we are the leaders in this space due to anticipated forecasts" What!!! Anticipated deployments make you the leader? Anticipated means hopeful. Good luck with that.
Dont be fooled by the Marketing dollars. Real dollars are sold units. Period.
SimpleWan has over 5000 Locations active, how many does your SDWAN partner have?? Ask them... They will lie or your will be shocked. Ill tell you they are not even close to SimpleWan. It is time to add SimpleWan to your Portfolio or you will loose those SDWAN opportunities.