SDSU - Senior Design Day - 2023
Yesterday, May 3rd, 2023, I had the extreme privilege and honor to attend San Diego State University Senior Design Day! It happens once a year - the first week in May when all the Engineering students of all disciplines put on display their senior design projects. There were projects in Aerospace, Civil Construction & Environmental. Electrical & Computer, and Mechanical Engineering.
The students work together in groups of 6-7 on projects that span their senior year and often are sponsored by local and not-so-local businesses or the University. The students often work on projects for the sponsoring companies and many students end up with full-time jobs after graduation with these companies.
If you have a business in need of progressive and hard-working graduating engineering seniors, you can contact Chris Larkin at SDSU who can help your team get started on a project for next year. I was fascinated by all the technical and environmental problems these students were solving and learned so much.
My son, Trent Moca , an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science minor, graduating senior participated in Signal Sleuths - Filter Frequency Response Visualizer with seven teammates. Proud day to be a mom!
If you want to learn about the other fantastic projects, you can read more here.