SDSF - Beyond the Basics
SDSF is one of the premier ISPF Dialogs on z/OS. It was the first to use the BRIF (Browse Interface) and EDIF (Edit Interface) Services to enable you to browse and edit any data source. SDSF uses BRIF for the SB command to browse output, and EDIF for the SE command to use the editor against the output and, my favorite, the SJ command to edit a copy of the JCL used to run the job. In addition to BRIF and EDIF, the VIIF (View interface) is also now available.
Bruce Koss presented numerous ISPF-related sessions at SHARE for many years. In this session, he covered:
Bridging the IBM Mainframe Skill-Gap through World-Class Mainframe Education!
1 年This presentation is nearly 10 years old!