SDP-2 User Research
Dwarampudi Balaji Reddy
Backend Intern@Safertek || Ex-LLM Python Engineer@Turing || Ex-SoftwareDev@TogetherEd || 3? CodeChef || Finalist @TechgigCG'23 || Advisor@Kognitiv Club || Gold Medalist and Topper in Java Programming(NPTEL)
Greetings to all,
As a part of our Skill Development Project-2, we as a team have performed user research of our Business System. The Business System we have chosen for this project is "Banking and Finance Systems". We went through all five Design Thinking steps: Empathy, Design, Ideate, Prototype and testing—to thoroughly comprehend and get solid understanding about the business system.
Our Team
2100030140-D.Balaji Reddy
2100030440- P. Sandeep Reddy
2100031890-Ch. Revanth
What is SDP?
Problem Statement:
Nowadays, everyone's primary necessity is money. But many of them have lack knowledge of financial management. Most of our money is wasted on useless things.
To manage the daily and periodic transactions and get a better handle on their spending, we created the online application "Budget Boss". They also receive analytical daily and weekly spending reports from our website when they use it.
Interaction with User Groups:
Insights gained from Users(User Stories):
Outcome of our survey:
Empathy Map:
We create a empathy map based on the data collected from survey.
Online Research Links:
We go through some articles at the time of our research.
Customer Journey Map:
A customer journey map displays the customer's journey. It will demonstrate to us in great detail the problems the consumer is having in a specific situation.
It demonstrates when and how we may assist the customer by offering the answer.
User Personas:
Here these are some user personas we collected:
Affinity Diagram:
This is the some of the requirements that can be added to our web application.
Target Groups :
We applied the principles and techniques of design thinking to identify a practical, client-focused solution to the issues that would arise in our project. It enabled us to move in an empathic manner and experience the Scenario from several points of view.
Thank you!!
Budget Boss Team.
Team Info: