Scum of the Earth Funding Protests
Bereaved mother scolds protesters in cemetary on Memorial Day

Scum of the Earth Funding Protests

You don't have to understand Hebrew to grasp what's happening in this clip of bereaved parents extremely upset to see protesters using their loss to further their cause. In a cemetery no less. On the holiest day of the year for these parents of our fallen soldiers - the Israeli Memorial Day, Yom HaZikaron.

We've seen a lot of upsetting things over the last few months, but now we've really crossed a red line. These fallen soldiers are our sons. The cream of the crop here in Israel who died protecting the rest of us. Clearly no one cares about anyone else anymore - and here is the proof. It's time for us to understand how we've officially hit rock bottom now.

And the disgusting protesters who have no shame whatsoever are getting paid to be there. But this isn't normal money that we earn and use on a daily basis. This money that is funding all these protests is coming from wealthy Jews who have an immense hatred of Israel and everything it represents, and invest all their time and energy trying to dismantle it.

When things take a turn for the worse as a result of all this division they've caused among our people, they will be the first to suffer.

Today I have a message for people behind the protests. When things take a turn for the worse as a result of all this division they've caused among our people, they will be the first to suffer.

This is not a struggle about Israel but rather about a group of truly evil people with no other purpose in life except to weaken Israel. These are people that sold their souls a long time ago for the sake of their god - and that god is money. They are the scum of the earth.

We see them visiting Israel during this critical time with a single goal in mind - and that is to deepen the rifts. All in the name of justice and their version of democracy.

Another piece of scum I'd like to mention is Yair Lapid who was our Prime Minister for about 5 minutes. He thinks he can go around spreading lies and dirt about the government he represents, while us taxpayers foot the bill. I predict that he's also going to have a very rough time finding his way back to the holy land, once we vomit him out of our system. People with such a deep hatred of this country and our values don't deserve to be here.

Yair Lapid said to the Jewish Federations that he knows the current coalition "doesn't represent your values".

My commentary >> Of course our government in the land of Israel doesn't represent their values. The American Jews visiting Israel worship American values! And we all know what Americans hold dear. Especially Jewish Americans who still think they can buy their safety by being super wealthy and blending into the crowd. They should try opening some history books to see how that's worked out in the past.


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