The Scrutiny Of Physiognomy
Chukwuebuka Abazie
Christian Content Writer ? Brand Strategist ? Product Manager ? Talk Podcaster ? Therapeutic Life Coach & Spiritual Tutor ? Focused On Providing Information & Solution Through Spiritual Enlightenment
The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in our body; it is composed of billions of neutrons that communicate together by forming numerous connections and synapses. I believe that an elegant physical appearance does not of it self produce a good mind and character. On the contrary, excellence of the mind and character will make the best out of the physique given. The thought we choose are modding us and shaping us subconsciously, The thoughts of man are metaphysical vortexes, subjected to the kind of information being fed and accepted into the mind. And in response, The mind builds the interior and exterior of one’s being. When we do this repeatedly, the result becomes visible to the outward character in due time. Scientifically the brain weight of a man and woman is entirely different, The male brain weighs about 1336 grams, and the?female comes in at about 1198 grams, but this difference in weight has shown no effect on function or intelligence. There are three main divisions cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem. The cerebrum consists of two cerebral hemispheres the outer layer called the cortex (grey matter) and the inner layer (white matter). There are four lobes in the cortex, the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe. The cerebrum is divided into the right and left hemispheres and is the largest part of the brain. It contains folds and convolutions on its surface, with the ridges found between the convolutions called gyri and the valleys between the gyri called sulci (plural of sulcus). If the sulci are deep, they are called fissures. Both cerebral hemispheres have an outer layer of grey matter called the cerebral cortex and inner subcortical white matter, However the brainstem contains the midbrain, pons, and medulla. It is located anterior to the cerebellum, between the base of the cerebrum and the spinal cord. The human body releases DMT C12H16N2 fluid in your body. DMT means Dimethyl-tryptamine and it is a very strong psychedelic fluid that can affect all senses of the body and can completely change that person’s way of thinking, sense of emotions and supernatural ability to perceive things beyond time and space. Physiognomy’s the learning or study of the inner landscape through the indication of their outer appearance. I believe you can agree with me that our physical attributes are largely influenced by our mental attributes.
When we talk about The Thinking Process (this represents our thoughts), it is a conscious act of observation that one becomes subjected to. Without observation comes destruction, and when there’s destruction lurking, it’s a life of total abyss. When we are conscious or become self aware of our thoughts we take control of what comes in and out our mind. To attain full mastery of yourself, you must be aware of the kind of thoughts you entertain. Negative thoughts only creates damages in your mind, whereas positive thoughts build your mind up. On the other hand, we become aware of our words. I call this The Saying Process (this represents our words). Our words capaciously build our entire being, it can also destroy our lives too. One of the prominent things of life is being aware of our words, thoughts and actions. One should be mindful of their thoughts, words and actions at all times. A biblical reference to this in Proverbs 18:21; The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. I believe that this scripture has a lot of sublime messages in it, in the sense that, our words holds power to build and destroy. (This is the saying process) and when the bible says that ‘those who love it will eat its fruit’, I believe that the bible’s message in this was “Karma”. Needless to say, what we say and how we say thing matters to our existence a lot and to the society at large. We can either build with our speech, or we could as well create stumbling blocks with it. Lastly, The Doing Process (this represents our actions) talks about the things we deliberately act on, knowingly or unknowingly. Understand that time is important to our being, but not necessary. Time is like a regulator that keeps us in check while we walk this earthly path. Our actions brings rewards overtime, whether good or bad, we always get our rewards. Time is the only thing we cannot get back so it is important we use it wisely. I know we are in a time where people has become digitally insane, the media here and there with lies and all of that. But the big question is how do we respond or tackle our daily activities, routines and tasks irregardless of life’s circumstances? What do we choose to prioritise at most? Who and what do we put first in our lives? Do we live our lives off of people’s opinions and validations or do we make decisions for ourselves? Well, here’s the truth;
Whether you like it or not, your country, family, friends, lover, spouse, company etc will move on with or without you. It’s not about what you have but rather, what you did here on earth. The imprints you left in the hearts of men, that is what will be remembered. So if you’re wicked instead of being kind, being rude and proud instead of being humble, it will definitely speak for you tomorrow.
Attaining one’s cognitive abilities opens core one’s vortexes for enhanced perception, and in a lay man’s understanding, it is called “Spiritual Awakening”. The essence of spiritual awakening is to enable you perceive, feel and transmute energy signals, in other words, understanding that there is a higher mind in existence. Oftentimes, we develop certain attitudes and behaviours that limits our growth. Behavioural patterns is said to be an exhibited action that keeps reoccurring over and over again. This could be done consciously or subconsciously, when dealing with certain behaviour and that of others. When we become concise of our behaviour, we are fully aware of our actions and we’re obligated to take any consequences that comes with it. On the other hand, there are certain evidences that shows that people do things and they’re not conscious of it. Without exception, I believe the ancient beings understood the sacred truth about intuition, following their inner guidance wasn’t a problem for these ancient beings. They’ve always know that within the human body itself there are hidden sources of energy and vision. Matthew 6:22 says “The light of the body is within the eye, if therefore thine eye be single, the whole body will be full of light”. Now, allow me explain the spiritual science aspect of this, based on my knowledge about this scripture. The bible is an ancient book that holds the answers to anything we seek, like anything you need already exist within the bible all you need to do is to read and pray. The bible holds guidelines to man’s core existence based on science. Miracles and Magic is all science, God is science and science is God. Everything within the universe has geometric patterns within them. Bio Geometry is all about the design related to life-force and consciousness. Geo which is the Earth, and Metric (metry) which is the measurement of the earth. The law of resonance goes from zero to Infinity, and it’s defined by two aspects of creation namely; the qualitative and quantitative aspects.
When dealing with the quantitative aspect of creation, it’s limited in resources and productivity. We humans embody these aspects within us, making us limited in abilities and strengths. An example is the inability to fly or physically teleport ourselves without external influences or powers. Whereas the qualitative resources are universal. An example of a qualitative study is love, peace, happiness, the air we breathe etc. However, the scrutiny of spiritual physiognomy is solely based on the sixth sense also known as our intuition. A complete being is made up of 5 senses and these are;
Additionally, the sixth sense is our intuition, the sense of inner knowing. One becomes free in submission to the higher mind’s intuitive guidance, instead of predicting, one’s conditioned to the inner-knowing more. Now, it’s important that I inform you that intuition is a natural spiritual phenomenon from God, gifted to certain individuals who specifically ask for it. Some are naturally intuitive from birth, whereas others are gifted. However being intuitive is a very powerful tool for any spiritual being, hence it can be heightened for greater clarity from the divine.
How Can One Develop Or Enhance The Sixth Sense?
With intense study, research and discoveries I've been able to come to a conclusion that Our mental attributes are affected positively or negatively depending on the harmonics we absorb on a day to day basis. Matter of facts, we are heavily influenced by varies of emotional flux, developed as mental attributes. This is a well studied branch of knowledge that has been in existence throughout the ages but in recent decades, people began to battle the mainstream thought of philosophy with diverse studies, analogies and theologies. The archetype of learning one's personal inner landscape through the indication of their outward appearance became a valid means of assessment and validation of such individual. Our thoughts are not something that can be concealed from the world for if this was so, external opinions and validation becomes a tool that such individual could live off of. That's why I've been spiritually guided to speak and enlighten you on physiology, I'd need your maximum attention in other for you to attain this sacred knowledge. The reason is because, this is something I believe no body has really taken their time to analyse and educate others on.
Who we are, how we think and act shows up as a major indication through our appearances. Humans and animals use the anatomy of physiognomy as the primary factors to access the mind, therefore submitting erroneous facts about such individual. Less I remind you that Mark 7:15 says "Nothing from outside a man really has tangible reasons to defile him, rather that which come out of him".
I think what this bible passage meant was never to judge a book by its cover, take your time to access deeply and get to know that person before you can conclude your analogy on such individual. I've come to understand and realize that wisdom, knowledge and understanding are different words with different meaning altogether. I believe it is one thing to be wise therefore attaining the right wisdom and on the other hand, it's totally different to have a knowing on a particular topic or discussion or subject. But I submit to you with the honesty, truth and the scripture that it's totally devious when you lack understanding. Be it understanding of life, self or the scripture. When you lack understanding and not concerned to truly find it, then your wisdom becomes foolishness. This is where a being becomes foolishly wise. Let's be 100% real, there are people that hates you right now just because someone else told them something false about you. Most of these secret haters are admires from a distance, that may or may have not met you in person. But because they've been brainwashed with false information, they made their decision to also slander your name. Mark 7:21 says "For from within, out of the hearts of men proceeds evil thoughts, adulteries, fornication, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, evil eye, blasphemy, pride and foolishness". Obviously the bible made it clear that all evil things come from within and defiles a man.
We live in a generation where we get judged quickly, people concluding our lives without even getting to know who we are. When you ask them why don't you like that person, they'll give foolish answers like, "I heard he's a bad person" or "i heard she's a bad person". Matter of fact, people even hate on another person just because of how they appear physically. Either by facial looks or by dressing. Such term shouldn't be a valid reason to hate, mock or slander the someone who's done nothing to you. Your words can either build someone life positively or crush the world of that person entirely. So you have to be careful.
Why can't we live a life of peace and free from criticism? Why can't we live with compassion and kindness? Why do we hate and condemn others? Why do we judge?
No matter your race, beliefs, religion, culture or ethics, it shouldn't be a source of chaos and abyss to the wellbeing of humanity. We are all one, doesn't matter whether you're black or white, blue or green. From dust we were formed, and dust we shall return. All these won't matter when you're lying lifeless 6ft below the ground. So live your life and be happy while doing so, be kind and compassionate towards others. Love and support unconditionally because we're all created and formed out of love, God is love and love is God.
Have a blessed day, sending you so much love and light,
Bazzy Francis.
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