In a heartfelt conversation with a colleague today, I was asked to consider temporarily taking a step back on the scrutiny of operations in this person’s area of delivery. Our conversation got me thinking on a few aspects worth reflecting on and I hope that for those of you who are struggling with the notion of scrutiny in your jobs, reading this article will challenge you to see things differently hereafter.
Let me start by defining the word scrutiny. defines scrutiny as ‘close and continuous watching or guarding.’ In the context of operations, scrutiny is meant to ensure that things are happening the way they are meant to so that any lapses identified can be arrested immediately in the interests of safeguarding the business.
Imagine a situation when all is gung-ho and things are happening just the way they should be. Wouldn’t it be a matter of pride to be under continuous observation knowing that all one would find is a spotless record? However, let’s also consider the downside to the situation when things are not happening as they should be. Imagine being under close observation at a time when things feel out of your control, when you’re unable to set things right as of yet, and there are fires to be fought round the clock. Having someone observe your every move could actually start getting under your skin, making you nervous and uncomfortable!
During such times, you could either consider asking the scrutinizing “Sauron’s eye” to take a vacation or to go pry into someone else’s operations till you’ve gotten your act together, or you could leverage the ‘all-seeing’ eye to your advantage. It boils down to what you choose to do with the hand you’re dealt. When it comes to the matter of choosing though, bear in mind that your mind can pull a few quick ones on you so that you end up feeling like a victim instead of a victor. Below are a few thoughts to ponder on, drawn from experience:
- The equity theory: We all nurse an innate need to feel equitable in our situations, treatment and outcomes. When subject to scrutiny, the instinctive outcry is to either want it for others who may not be subject to it, or by converse, not warrant scrutiny for us, since others are not subject to it. However, realize that generalization aside, your situation is uniquely yours and most intimately known to you. The sun does not pick its moments to display its radiance. There are times the light illuminates and there are times it scorches. The outcome does not take away from the identity of what the sun is known for – giving light. In other words, rather than seek equity around you, seek it within you. If the scrutiny does not get to you when things are going well, be equitable in not letting it get to you in your down times. After all, the purpose of scrutiny does not change depending on your situation.
- The AIKIDO move: AIKIDO as a martial arts concept is a way of combining forces. In a typical block and tackle situation, you could either exert more force than your opponent to block, or combine your force with his/hers to tackle. In a similar light, you could either spend your time and energy to resist the exposure brought by scrutiny or use it as a quick access tool to focus your strength on resolving the problems highlighted. We all have a need to establish control. While our conflict is not with the existence of a problem we feel better disposed to addressing it when we’re the ones finding it versus an outsider handing it to us. In such instances, it never hurts to have a dash of humility in knowing that someone’s got our back and we don’t have to figure things out by ourselves, all the time.
- The pity pot plight: People who exude excellence are not victims of circumstance; they are victors of their minds who dictate a certain standard of being. For them, being excellent is a decision they make once and a choice they enact as many times as needed in whatever hand they’re dealt. This however, does not hold true for those who base their standards on their circumstance. For them, excellence is contingent upon multiple factors that may or may not fall in line with their expectations. In such instances, it becomes easy to sit on their pity pot feeling sorry for themselves since they’ve made themselves a victim of their circumstances. This path will consequently lead them into compromise where they’ll end up convincing themselves that it is okay to settle for less when circumstances are not conducive. Consider the heroic true stories where people did what they were supposed to do, not because the circumstances were conducive, but because they held themselves to a high standard, and in turn saved hundreds of lives and/or averted disaster. You have the same opportunity at hand to make that difference because of the stand you take. Not because of your circumstance. Scrutiny may throw light on your circumstance, but it cannot take away from your stand to do what is right and to the best of your ability. So if you’re sitting on your pity pot, pack up and move on!
- Misplaced gratitude syndrome: Paranoid as we are about the looming health disasters inflicting mankind today how much attention do we pay to our bodies when they let out warning signs through discomfort or other physical signs of distress? Should a doctor’s medical review indicate warning signs of a health condition, would our typical take away from that interaction be to follow the preventive measures prescribed with a feeling of relief that we got off the hook early or a grudge that we got diagnosed with an issue? After all, things could have gotten much worse or out of hand if we didn’t know sooner. Carry this scenario back into your operations. While you are wrapped up doing a zillion things at a time, it may be easy to overlook the warning signs or distress signals of things dropping within your world but knowing that you have an extra pair of eyes watching out for you, should help you take a sigh of relief that you have the help you need for preventive action. To resent the transparency, is like wanting to stay healthy without any medical review or understanding of what preventive care is needed for your own well being.
If you’re in a role that is subject to scrutiny wherein the scrutiny has been getting under your skin of late, I urge you to consider reflecting on the above points to determine if re-calibrating your world-view can help you leverage the scrutiny minus the discomfort constructively. I conclude in the words of Norman Vincent Peale, “Change your thoughts and you change your world!”