SCRUMstudy: Can Scrum ensure the success of your project?
As with all other frameworks that ensure success in a Project according to the business needs, Scrum also provides assurance that the end result of a product or service will always be better than the initial stages of its development. This is due to the fact that quality is emphasized as a top priority in Scrum to meet the Acceptance Criteria and satisfy the business needs of the Customer.
In order to determine that a project will meet the defined requirements of quality, Scrum adopts the process of continuous improvement in which the teams have the benefit of learning from experience. There will also be regular interaction with stakeholders for keeping the Prioritized Product Backlog constantly updated with any changes in requirements. This Product Backlog not will be complete until the project is closed or terminated.
As the work is completed incrementally in Sprints, it has the advantage that errors, faults and defects can be identified in the early phases by continuous tests of quality before product or service is in the final stages of completion. Another advantage is that other valuable tasks related to quality such as testing, development and documentation will be completed in the same iteration, that is, the same Sprint also by same staff members. By following this method, a project can be ensured of meeting predetermined quality leveles in any release product or service. The end product or deliverables from these kinds of Scrum projects meet a “Definition of Done” that prescribes quality thresholds.
By following the principles of Scrum, continuous improvement with consistent testing of quality can increase the chances of attaining the desired levels of quality in a Scrum project. Regular interaction between the stakeholders, which includes users and customers, and the Scrum Core team can decrease the gap between expectations and actual deliverables through valuable suggestions at the end of each Sprint.
Valuable suggestions and guidelines can also be obtained from Scrum Guidance Body regarding the quality which might prove useful for all the Scrum projects in the organization. The Scrum Guidance Body usually consists of a group of experts typically involved in defining objectives that are related to government regulations, security and various organizational parameters.
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