Scrum Events

Scrum Events

Scrum only has five events for inspection and adaptation.

? The Sprint

? Sprint planning

? Daily scrum

? Sprint review

? Sprint retrospective

The Sprint -

All the necessary work to achieve the product goal, including sprint planning, daily scrums, sprint review, and sprint retrospective, happens within a number of sprints.

During the sprint:

? No changes should be made that would endanger the sprint goal.

? Quality and quality requirements will never decrease.

? The product backlog may be refined as needed.

? The scope of work may be clarified and renegotiated with the Product Owner as the team learns more about product backlog items (PBIs) included in the sprint.

Spring Planning -

The Product Owner ensures that attendees are prepared to discuss the most important product backlog items and how they are mapped to the product goal. The Scrum team may also invite other people to attend sprint planning to provide advice.

Sprint planning addresses the following topics:

  • Why is this sprint valuable?
  • What can be done in this sprint?
  • What can be done in this sprint?
  • How will the chosen work get done?

Daily scrum

Basic question to be asked -

  • What am I working on today?
  • What did I complete yesterday?
  • What can’t I do because of some impediment?

Sprint review

The sprint review is the second to last event of the sprint and is timeboxed to a maximum of four hours for a one-month sprint. For shorter sprints, the event is usually shorter.

Sprint retrospective

Traditionally teams talked about three items specifically, but the discussion, as with daily scrum meetings, is not limited to these topics. It may, however, be helpful to still ask these questions during a sprint retrospective:

  • What should we stop doing?
  • What should we continue to do?
  • What should we improve during future sprints?

Scrum artifacts

All the artifacts mentioned here will be covered in detail, namely:

  • The product backlog
  • The sprint backlog
  • An increment


