SCRUM and Design
In the bad old waterfall days, this was not a problem.
By the time the detail specification was completed designs for all user interfaces were included, and the developers “only” had to implement these. We did not worry so much whether it was pixel perfect, or the colours matched, the main thing was to get something done.
Now we are all doing SCRUM and design first.
Design first means that we design the application, screens and user flows before implementing the software.
SCRUM means that we have one team with all the skills required to complete the software.
So that is easy – we include the designer in the team. Then we can complete the user story in the sprint including design, implementation and test. We have 2 weeks – it should be enough.
Unfortunately, the designer cannot complete the designs in time. He wants to make drafts, discuss with the stake holders – maybe even run through some usability lab. In the daily stand-up the development team talk about their work, the designers about the design and there is no real communication.
Then there is a solution – we get the designers to work up-front in design sprints. We have a separate team for designers with UX experts. The product owner defines user stories about the functionality required. The designers do their stuff one to two sprints before the implementation, and then the team can groom the user stories on the basis of the completed designs. The designers work is planned in design sprints.
But – wait a minute. We are back to waterfall. That is agreed as something that we do not want.
Let us be pragmatic – we do not care what it is called, the main thing is that it works.
What are the problems with design separated from software development:
- the design will design a solution without knowing whether it is easily implemented
- we have separate teams working on the same problem with lots of coordination problems
This is what I recommend:
- A combined review. The designer sees how his designs worked out, and the team sees what designs have been prepared
- Integrate design into the backlog grooming process. For each user story, consider whether design is required. If so, try to do the design one or at the most two sprints ahead of the implementation. Ensure that some grooming with everyone takes place before the design starts – so the designer understands the requirements from development
- Design and software development should be close to one another – the developer working on a story must feel free to ask the designer questions
How you organise the designers and the teams depends – you may have a designer attached to a scrum team, or have a design team supporting several SCRUM teams.
The important thing is that everyone works together to make a product, we do not have silos, and that there is not a major time lag between design and implementation.