Scripture and The Holy Bible Are Not The Same
An original Wycliffe Manuscript

Scripture and The Holy Bible Are Not The Same

"But false prophets also appeared among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying Christ our Lord who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep."

---2 Peter 2:1-3

Scripture and the Holy Bible are not the same. Scripture includes The Book of Genesis, Exo (aka Exodus) chapters 1-20:1-10 (aka chapters 1-10:1-17 within The Book of Exodus), The Book of Kelts, The Book of Divine Order, The Book of Divine Right, The Book of Divine Measures, The Book of Lent, The Book of Tribes, and the Books of the Apostles (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (chapters 1-14), Paul, and Timothy). The Holy Bible is a compilation of manuscripts selected by Roman Centurions upon an edict written by Rome's Emperor Nero in 54AD.

The Holy Bible's Old Testament contains testimonies of the so-called "prophets", letters written by elders of Christendom, and a compilation of sonnets. The Old Testament is filled with lies and half-truths and omits nearly all the teaching Jesus instructed sons and daughters of Christendom.

The Holy Bible's New Testament includes Matthew the Apostle's testimony, Mark the Apostle's testimony, Luke the Apostle's testimony, John the Apostle's testimony, and letters written by the Apostles to one another. Aside from the testimonies mentioned, Paul the Apostle's letters to Timothy, Peter the Apostle's letters to his church, Paul the Apostle's letters to Timothy, and A Pact (aka Apocalypse, aka Revelation, aka Revelations), the New Testament is incomplete and filled with half-truths.

Within Christendom, Genesis, Exo, The Book of Kelts, The Book of Divine Order, The Book of Divine Right, The Book of Divine Measures, The Book of Lent, and The Book of Tribes were known as The Book of Knowledge. In Yiddish, The Book of Knowledge translates to Torah.


Exo has 20 chapters, and chapter 20 contains 10 verses. When Roman scribes were evaluating manuscripts for inclusion within The Holy Bible, Letterman (ne Moses) suggested expanding Exo to include rules and regulations he and his brother Aaron established for the Israelites.

Letterman, himself, revised chapters 18, 19, and 20 for the Roman Catholic Church and renamed the tomb Exodus. In Latin, the word Exodus implies travel to the celestial bodies. For more than 3,000 years, Letterman lured men and women to distant locations throughout the world with promises of "riches you cannot believe." Letterman referred to the men and women that forsook Christ our Lord for these empty promises as his "daisy chain".

As Vatican librarians can attest, chapters 18, 19, and 20 were embellished. Within Exo, the 10 verses contained within Chapter 20 reveal the Ten Commandments as they were spoken to Letterman. Letterman, himself, dictated Exodus chapters 21-40 to Roman scribes.

Letterman suggested omitting Jesus' name from the Old Testament (sometimes referred to Jesua or Jezua within copies of Aramaic manuscripts) and replacing Christ our Lord's name with the name of God and generic references to a Lord. As Vatican librarians can attest, Letterman had contempt for Christ's servant known as God. He openly expressed that contempt within his daisy chain and encouraged atheistic points of view.


Leviticus, The Book of Numbers, and Deuteronomy were not included within The Book of Knowledge and were not of Christendom nor of the Israelites. Each tomb was part of the Aremaean Council of Authority's Book of Trials.

The Book of Trials were rules and regulations Letterman, Aaron, and Aremaean Council members established after Jesus reminded Letterman of the Book of Divine Order and asked Letterman to etch the Ten Commandments into stone. Aaron, Letterman, and Aramaean Authority Council members referred to the rules and regulations inscribed within The Book of Trials as the law.

Aside from the Ten Commandments and a few of the peace offerings, the Aramaean Authority Council's rules and regulations are contradictory to Christ our Lord's teachings. Jesus provided The Book of Knowledge to Christendom as a guidebook. That guidebook contains Christ our Lord's commands for living. Jesus simplified the essence of those commands for Aaron, Moses, and the Israelites when he asked Letterman to etch the Ten Commandments into stone.

Jesus instructed sons and daughters of Christendom: "Do no waste." (Divine Order 1:19) and "Do not harm." (Divine Order 1:10). The burnt offerings, grain offerings, and sacrificial killings, Aaron, Letterman, and Aramaean Authority Council members demanded were a waste, harmed the livelihoods of Israel's inhabitants, harmed livestock, and harmed the environment.

The Book of Trials three manuscripts were titled The Book of Levites, The Book of Referrals, and The Book of Duties. Letterman authored The Book of Levites and the Book of Referrals. Aaron authored The Book of Duties. Upon Letterman's suggestion, Roman scribes renamed these three manuscripts within The Old Testament: The Book of Levites was renamed Leviticus, The Book of Referrals was renamed The Book of Numbers, and the Book of Duties was renamed Deuteronomy.

Within Israel, Aramaean Council of Authority members were referred to as Levites. Upon Letterman's suggestion, Roman scribes referred to Levites as Pharisees within the New Testament. As Vatican librarians can attest, references to the Aramaean Council of Authority and the Aramaean Council Temple were scrubbed from the The New Testament by Roman Centurians before the Holy Bible was published.


Roman Prefects included the testimonies of 21 so-called prophets within the the Old Testament. Each testimony besides Atom's (The Book of Joshua), Isaiah's, and Ezekiel's was bastardized.

Joshua's testimony (The Book of Joshua), Samson's testimony (The Book of Samuel 1 and The Book of Samuel 2), David's testimony (The Book of Kings 1, The Book of Kings 2, The Book of Chronicles 1, and The Book of Chronicles 2), Achilles' testimony (The Book of Ezra), Tribute's testimony (The Book of Nehemiah), Atlas' testimony (The Book of Ecclesiastes), Asaph's testimony (The Book of Jeremiah), Apollo's testimony (The Book of Lamentations), Malachi's first testimony (The Book of Hosea), Joel's testimony (The Book of Joel), Titus' testimony (The Book of Amos), Germain's testimony (The Book of Obadiah), Cassius' testimony (The Book of Micah), Zeus' testimony (The Book of Nahum), Demeter's testimony (The Book of Habbakkuk), Ceres' testimony (The book of Zephaniah), Zachariah's testimony (The Book of Zechariah), and Malachi's second testimony (the Book of Malachi) were either bastardized by the authors or recanted by the authors. The recanted testimonies were replaced with works of fiction after the authors surrendered themselves to No Ah, Lucifer, Belzebub, and/or See.

Judah returned with his true to Christ our Lord when their obligations within Christendom were fulfilled. Judah's testimony (The Book of Judges) was bastardized by Roman Centurions.

As Vatican librarians can attest, Roman scribes decided to withhold Issac and Jacob's testimonies from the Old Testament. Both sons of Christendom's testimonies were stored within the catacombs underneath Saint Peter's Basilica and were kept hidden by the Holy See.

Daniel's testimony isn't a testimony. The Book of Daniel is an account of his first enslavement after Daniel betrayed David and David's heroes within the Tower of Babel (aka the Hanging Gardens) when he bedded Sissyfus.

Ezekiel betrayed of Christ our Lord and conceived of sport of boxing. Ezekiel arranged bouts throughout Numantia and enslaved his defeated opponents. Ezekiel molested more than 10,000 women throughout Europe during the last 7 centuries of the 2nd Millenium AD and became known as the "Grim Reaper".

Ezekiel spent the Second World War as an internment officer for the Gestapo in France and begat a bastard son. Ezekiel stole his benefactor's estate and informed the KGB of her involvement with the German resistance on D-Day of 1944.

As Vatican librarians can attest, Ezekiel embellished the last 4 Chapters of his testimony and submitted a re-written version for inclusion within the Old Testament before the tome was compiled. His re-written testimony was included within the first printing of the Holy Bible to build a following. Ezekiel joined the Roman Legions during the 2nd Century BC, was made a Centurion, and provided Judas with silver for his betrayal of Christ our Lord in Jerusalem. Ezekiel died of consumption centuries later.

The testimonies of Sincere (The Book of Ruth), Hester (The Book of Ester), and Chaste (The Book of Haggi) were bastardized by Roman scribes. Sincere's testimony was withhed from publication, stored within the catacombs underneath Saint Peter's Basilica, and kept hidden by the Holy See.

Each of these daughters of Christendom was harmed repeatedly by No Ah before authoring their testimonies. Each of their testimonies was included within the Book of Tribes along with the testimonies of 11 other daughters of Christendom.


Lucifer authored The Book of Job and presented that work of fiction to Ignoramous (ne Ignacious) after Ignoramous first retired from the Papacy. Roman proconsuls included The Book of Job within the 2nd printing of The Latin Vulgate. That work recounts Lucifer's 7th attempt to corrupt Atom. Each attempt occurred after David was slain (10,000BC) and Olympus was overrun (7,000BC) .

Atom did not have a wife nor progeny. He resisted Lucifer's persecution and remained true to scripture. The physical maladies Atom experienced during the tribulation were real. After stripping Atom of his lands and the church given him, Lucifer disclosed Atom's location to No Ah. No Ah traced Atom, clubbed Atom over the head, and sold Atom into bondage. Lucifer scripted Satan as the villain within this story.


The Book of Psalms was originally entitled Songs. Elders within Christendom included Songs within The Book of Tribes. Songs contains sonnets written by sons of Christendom. Most of these sonnets were written by David.

Most of the sonnets contained within Songs were bastardized by Roman Centurions before inclusion within The Old Testament. In some cases, words were altered to simplify their meaning.

The attributions of some sonnets were changed to serve the Holy See's purposes and references to Christ our Lord were omitted. The name of God or generic references to a Lord replaced the omitted glorification of Christ our Lord.

Roman Centurions included seven sonnets Solomon Grundy composed within the Book of Palms (Psalms 135, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, and 150). Grundy is commonly referred to as King Solomon. He enslaved over a million men and women along Africa's Gold Coast and forced them to dig for gold. He and his warriors were defeated by Germain during the 2nd Millennium BC.

Grundy envied David and aspired to conquer the Earth. The seven sonnets Roman Centurions included provide evidence his infatuation with power and each ignores commands instructed within Chapter 1 of the The Book of Divine Order. Most specifically: "Do not praise." (Divine Order 1:13).

Over the centuries, the sonnets contained within the Book of Songs have been further muddied by translators. Names of locations have been changed to suit the interpreters' purposes and words have been altered to further simplify their meaning.


Roman Centurions included a sonnet written about King Solomon entitled The Song of Solomon within the Holy Bible. That sonnet was written by a Roman proconsul named Archedemus. Archedumus was a scholar of Christendom and and taught counter-theory in Babylon during the 2nd Century BC.

As Vatican librarians can attest, The Song of Solomon was included by Roman Centurions upon a written edict issued by Nero where Nero remarked "This will get women's juices flowing." Archademus envisioned himself as the bride he describes.


Proverbs contains a compilation of letters composed by David's mother and by Dionysus as encouragement to David during his campaigns against Cleopatra and Parthagenia. Dionysus is Aram's true and educated David on history, letters, etiquette, and dignity. David's mother educated David on the same.

David's correspondence was returned to Dionysus by Louis Dry and Robert Day after David was slain and put on display outside the Acropolis. Christendom's elders vetoed to have 31 of the letters written by Dionysus and David's mother included within The Book of Tribes. Copies of the each letter were made and placed within Aramaic manuscripts. David's mother made the copies herself.

.With the exception of the opening paragraphs, each letter was published by the Roman Catholic Church in full. Over the centuries, some of the passages from these letters have been modified by various publishers to suit their needs.


As Vatican librarians can attest, Matthew the Apostle's testimony, Mark the Apostle's testimony, Luke the Apostle's testimony and John the Apostle's testimony were included in full within The New Testament by Roman scribes with Nero's approval. Nero's written edict commissioning the establishment of the Church says, "Give them enough so they remain hungry." Through 188AD, Roman Catholic clergy read from these books when delivering their sermons.

The testimonies of Paul the Apostle, Peter the Apostle, Timothy the Apostle were withheld. Paul and Peter's testimonies includes the names of Canaanites that called for Christ our Lord's conviction the day He was tried by Pontus Pilate and the names of the Levites. Paul's testimony includes the names of Cannanites that threw stones, rotted vegetables, or cursed Christ our Lord during his ascent of Mount Calvary and after He was nailed to the cross. Timothy's testimony is the most detailed and accurate of the Apostles and was considered "a threat to the [Roman] Empire."

John the Apostle betrayed his brethren, his disciples, and his brethren's disciples following the crucifixion. As Vatican librarians can attest, John stole from his brethren, molested women and children entrusted to his care, informed on his brethren to Roman Centurians, and bedded men.

John's testimony through Chapter 14 is an accurate account of what he witnessed. Chapters 15 through 21 are embellished, and Chapter 21 was fabricated. The quotes that appear were spoken 4 years before Christ our Lord's crucifixion. Christ our Lord revealed Himself to the Apostles after the Crucifixion once. He did not reveal Himself a second time as Chapter 21 describes.

As Vatican librarians can attest, the testimonies of the 5 of the other 6 Apostles whose testimonies were not included within the New Testament were either sold by those Apostles to Roman prefects or confiscated by Roman Centurians. Each of the 5 Apostles whose testimonies were not included were written in shorthand. Judas Iscariot's testimony was delivered to his mother in Kyoto and destroyed in a fire.

Acts, Romans, Corinthians 1, Corinthians 2, Timothy 1, and Timothy 2 are compilations of letters Paul the Apostle wrote to Timothy the Apostle after Paul was captured and imprisoned by Roman Centurions. The letters contained within Acts, Romans, Timothy 1, Timothy 2 were included with few redactions. The letters contained within Corinthians 1 and Corinthians 2 were altered, modified, and greatly redacted.

The letters attributed to Paul the Apostle within Galatians,, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thesalonians 1, Thesalonians 2, Titus, Philemon, were not written by Paul. As Vatican librarians can attest, Roman scribes drafted those forgeries and attributed those letters to Paul in an attempt to draw his disciples and the persons they were written to out in to the open. The messaging was written to serve the interests of the Roman Empire and some of the messages contained within those forgeries are contradictory to Christ's teachings.

Hebrews was written by Roman scribes with the same purpose. As Vatican librarians can attest, that unattributed forgery was delivered by Roman prefects to meeting houses throughout Macedonia after the first Holy Bibles were printed and appended to The New Testament during the second printing.

Titus the Apostle wrote the letters contained within James. As Vatican librarians can attest, Titus' name was redacted and replaced with the name James before the first Holy Bibles were printed. James was a common European name, and Roman Centurions would claim they were "James the Apostle (son of Alpheaus)" to infiltrate village enclaves. During the 2nd Century AD, Titus accepted a bribe offered by Roman prefects, revealed the names of his disciples to those prefects, and betrayed his church.

As Vatican librarians can attest, the letters attributed to John the Apostle (John 1, John 2, and John 3) were written by Roman scribes. Each forgery was written with European peasantry in mind and each was composed to serve the interests of the Roman Empire.

Jude was written by Thaddeus the Apostle. Roman scribes replaced John's name withe the name Jude during the second printing of the Holy Bible after Thaddeus was canonized. Thaddeus' letter was heretical and supported tenants espoused by the Roman Catholic Church during the 1st and 2nd Centuries AD. As Vatican librarians can attest, Thaddeus accepted bribes from Roman prefects, revealed the names of his disciples to those prefects, and revealed disciples traveling through the region of Enomani to Roman prefects.

Although nothing he wrote was printed by the Church, Mathias the Apostle's name was redacted and replaced with the name James (James of Zebedee) before the first Holy Bibles were printed. As Vatican librarian can attest, Mathias revealed Paul the Apostle's whereabouts to Roman Centurions, accepted bribes from Roman prefects, revealed the names of his disciples to those prefects, and revealed Luke the Apostle's whereabouts to Roman Centurions.


The Book of Revelations was original titled A Pact. In 433AD angels visited John the Apostle and gifted John with visions. Christ our Lord spoke to John during those visions.

The visions gifted to John were presented over a three day period a following a stomach poisoning. John died of consumption after completing what he was asked to reveal. John lived near Pure at the time (modern day Korea and modern day Eastern Siberia).

The visions gifted to John describe the events that would occur before Christ our Lord returns to claim His kingdom. The words Christ our Lord spoke during those vision affirm His promises.

John's belongings were collected by his disciples after his death and passed along to a Puritan meeting house near the modern day city of Saigon. His logbooks were read, and the A Pact was uncovered. Copies were made and distributed throughout Europe.

As Vatican librarians can attest, A daughter of Christendom whom had made copies of A Pact presented one of those copies to a Jesuit monastery within the Dutch Rhineland. She titled the copies Apocalypse and transcribed John the Apostle's manuscript word for word. She used red lettering to highlight the words Christ our Lord spoke to John. The copy she offered the monastery's monks eventually made its way to the Vatican.

In 777AD, Pope Proud (Adrian I) issued an edict calling for the inclusion of Apocalypse within the New Testament and re-titled John the Apostle's manuscript Revelation. John the Apostle's manuscript was included within the New Testament for the first time during the Roman Catholic Church's 7th printing of the Holy Bible.

During the later part of the 20th Century, the name of John the Apostle's manuscript was changed for a 4th by publishers upon Lucifer's orders. Puritan publication remain intact. Throughout the world, the visions angels gifted to John the Apostle and the words Christ our Lord spoke during those visions are known as Revelations.

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Interesting perspective. Different interpretations lead to diverse beliefs and teachings. What's your take? Erik Gagnon



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