The Scripted Verse
Chukwuebuka Abazie
Entrepreneur & Research Expert | Author & Life Coach | Transformative Leadership Strategist | Product Designer
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. - Jeremiah 1:5
Imagine everything we see and experience in our physical world today, in recent or times past was all put in place, scripted and encoded long enough before creation itself. The universe was made from numerical sequence just like a programming language, but I call this the universal language itself because once you tap into that consciousness and having that awareness of the interconnectedness of the universe, you’d literally become a master in the life game. However, I’m not here to give you a theology to manoeuvre or manipulate your way into cheating the universe in order to get what you want as this page doesn’t support cosmic theft, the goal is to help one another with the truth and knowledge of christ.
So let’s get back to the message…
Our world, the universe or the multiverse was programmed by an intelligent mind using a high level technology. The cosmic laboratory has these elements and sequences of high powered systems governed by equation of laws and numbers that has been seen from the beginning of time, when we think of numbers when analysing cosmic creations then think of the first hybrid-mammals Adam & Eve. The book of genesis referenced that Adam was first created before Eve. We can see the multiplicative dynamics of the creator using one and making it two. Also if we’re to dig further, we’d not only notice numbers but also the crucial part of addition, division, subtraction, multiplication. Could it be that the creator of the universe wrote the universal scripts which includes you and I, and we’re only having a ramification of a cosmic play-out?
Let’s have it this way..
When Adam was created, God put him to sleep and took a rib out of him to create Eve. 1+1=2 (addition)
When Adam and Eve rebelled against God and was thrown out of the garden of eden. I believe that was the first beings that chose the part of (division). When God created Adam and Eve, they both had sons Cain and Abel (multiplication). The human mind was created by Yahweh who happens to be an extraordinary intelligent mind, creatively intellectual by default and everything physically visible around us is a manifestation of this God in different bodies, different skin colour and archetypes as mortal tapped into this higher power or higher source to bring a portion of what’s already written or scripted right from the beginning of time. The advancement in technology, infrastructures and communities all over the world that has positive impact of humanity was only a portion of manifestation of Yahweh’s glory. We call agree to that right? However, that’s not all that in stock.
The bible referenced Matthew 6, which happens to be a powerful verse because it is our lord’s prayer. Jesus taught us how pray and in verse 10, he said; Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When we logically emphasise on this verse, one thing comes to my mind which is every being on earth has a mission to bring a portion of this kingdom here on earth. A portion of God’s kingdom manifested in variety of ways regardless of one’s beliefs, ethics or culture is a testament of the creator’s magnificent nature and the implementation of his creative plan in cooperation with you and I, whether you’re a christian believer or not or whether you’re aware of it or not, the moment you believe that you’re meant for something better, therefore believing in the divine spirit for guidance, believe me, this power has the ability to not just design and redesign you, but also it designs through you. Hence in such words we can only see how much this power manifests itself in us and through us if we submit ourselves and rely on it wholesomely. The tapestry of a God-man or a God manifested in a man is simply a collision of an invisible body known as the divine that’s integrated into our spirit, in addition to such substance this intelligent mind created a relationship between the body and the spirit, in order words the physical and spiritual bodies. One of the occulted knowledge that only but a few knows is that every being on earth lives on three dimension, and for every dimension of existence adds up to our physical reality.
There are two dimensions to God’s nature, the essential nature which is what makes him and his moral nature’s expresses his purpose and his will in generality. The essential nature of God is exclusively his and by default the essentiality of God or the divine remains undisclosed to his creations. However the moral nature of God is communicable and a portion of such perplexity can be revealed even to man, and for every creation or creations of God he impacts his moral nature into them. This means every being on earth has a portion of God’s nature in them, that serves as a channel for divine guidance, intervention, revelation, illumination and awareness. The essential attitude of God carries his eternalnesses, meaning he has no beginning and he has no end. Such magnitude explains that God has always been and will always be, he is before the beginning and after the end making him eternal in nature.
An intriguing tapestry of this journey is that we all possess the eternal quality of God, therefore we are here to co-create in partnership with God in bringing such fortitude into existence for the purpose of aiding the evolution of humanity in consciousness and otherwise. Fast track to a very strong statement that I’ve found to be my personal truth, and it says that before Abraham, you and I was. This means we all existed in many star forms, belonging to different star civilisations and federations that already was. Some cultural contexts refers this as the 12 tribes of Isreal, some refers it as being part of the 144,000 chosen ones. However, it all refers to one thing which was, is and is to come. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
This contexts directly aims our attention back to the roots of creation, including you and I. Regardless if you feel or don’t feel, believe or not there’s a purpose for each and every being here on earth. Part of this purpose brings a portion of God’s glory find expression within us and through us. Meaning we allow ourselves to be used by the creator to co-create through us, this leaves us with a profound choice to decide which way to go, to accept or ignore. For each being who’s a co-creationist we learn, grow, heal, evolve and contribute back in a way that’s beneficial to another being, individually, societally, culturally, ethnically, institutionally, or globally depending on your scale and field of experiences that has contributed and added values to your life in someway and has transpired to a significant event that enabled you extract knowledge, wisdom and more importantly understanding. To know and not understand is just a different route to fail, but to know and understand properly becomes one’s life’s currency known as wisdom. And when a man has wisdom and keeps it, it therefore becomes profitable to such wise man.