Script Tip Friday- Filter The Results of a dir Command

Script Tip Friday- Filter The Results of a dir Command

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We have dual forces for today’s Script Tip: Pernelle Marone Hitz , Lead APplications Engineer at Ansys, and Vishnu Venkataraman, Sr. Applications Engineer at Ansys. In this tip we’ll go over how to filter the results of a?dir?command.

Pernelle: To check all available methods and properties of an object we often use the?dir()?command.

For example, to check what’s available for an object referenced by “connect”, we’ll use:


If the returned list is long, it is very useful to filter it by some keywords that we’re interested in. For this, the?filter()?method can be used. For example, to get all methods and properties that have a “Geometry” keyword in their name, use:

filter(lambda x: ("Geometry" in x), dir(connect))        

Vishnu: To create a button using what Pernelle mentioned above could be useful tool too.

All you need to do is import the button in mechanical to use this.

How to use:

  1. Click on an object in mechanical tree
  2. Click on this button
  3. Enter a keyword to search for methods and properties
  4. Returns list of all methods and properties available.

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# Script:
import clr
import Ansys.UI.Toolkit
import Ansys.UI.Toolkit.Base
a = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.ActiveObjects[0]
class Example1Window(Ansys.UI.Toolkit.Window):
aLabel = None
    aButton = None
    aTextBox = None
    mainPanel = None
def __init__(self):
        self.Location = Ansys.UI.Toolkit.Drawing.Point(500,500)
        self.Text = 'search string'
        self.Size = Ansys.UI.Toolkit.Drawing.Size(500,500)
        self.StatusBar.Visible = False
        self.__BuildUI() # this will be defined later
        self.BeforeClose += Ansys.UI.Toolkit.WindowCloseEventDelegate(self.Window_Close)
def __BuildUI(self):
        self.mainPanel = Ansys.UI.Toolkit.TableLayoutPanel()
        self.mainPanel.Columns.Add(Ansys.UI.Toolkit.TableLayoutSizeType.Percent, 100)
        self.mainPanel.Rows.Add(Ansys.UI.Toolkit.TableLayoutSizeType.Percent, 33)
        self.mainPanel.Rows.Add(Ansys.UI.Toolkit.TableLayoutSizeType.Percent, 34)
        self.mainPanel.Rows.Add(Ansys.UI.Toolkit.TableLayoutSizeType.Percent, 33)
        self.aLabel = Ansys.UI.Toolkit.Label('String Below')
        self.mainPanel.Controls.Add(self.aLabel, 0, 0)
        self.aTextBox = Ansys.UI.Toolkit.TextBox()
        self.aTextBox.Text = 'Search string'
        self.mainPanel.Controls.Add(self.aTextBox, 1, 0)
        self.aButton = Ansys.UI.Toolkit.Button('Search')
        self.aButton.Click += Ansys.UI.Toolkit.EventDelegate(self.On_Click)
        self.mainPanel.Controls.Add(self.aButton, 2, 0)
def On_Click(self, sender, args):
          mystring = str(self.aTextBox.Text)
              result = filter(lambda x: mystring in x.lower(), dir(a)+dir(a.InternalObject))
              result = filter(lambda x: mystring in x.lower(), dir(a))
          Ansys.UI.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(self, str(result), 'Attributes found -->', Ansys.UI.Toolkit.MessageBoxType.Info, Ansys.UI.Toolkit.MessageBoxButtons.OK)
          print self.aTextBox.Text
    def Window_Close(self, sender, args):
class ExampleOne:
ex1 = None
    def __init__(self):
        self.ex1 = Example1Window()
    def Run(self):
example = ExampleOne()

Do YOU have a Script Tip you'd like to share? Comment below and someone from Ansys will reach out so we can feature you on next week's Script Tip Friday!

Adrien Vet

Doctorant CIFRE en ingénierie mécanique et numérique Safran / ENSTA - école doctorale de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris

1 年

Hello, do you know some documentation / tutorial to use Ansys.UI.Toolkit ? Thanks.

Pernelle Marone-Hitz

Helping Ansys users get the most out of structural simulation through scripting

2 年

Hi Pavel Urubcik, I'm not sure to understand what do you mean by the unit box. In this example Vishnu used the UI Toolkit but indeed something similar could have been done with Windows Form.

Pavel Urubcik

team lead, leadership, FEA simulation and its automation/programming

2 年

What do you suggest to use for the unit box? Why the UI toolkit as compared for example to windows forms?



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