Script Tip Friday- Adding contact tools to the solution branch for all contacts
Ansys Structures
Structural analysis for every application and experience level
Welcome back to another week and another great Script Tip. This one was presented to us by Mark Lytell, a Staff Engineer 2, Mechanical from Chamberlain Group, LLC. Thanks Mark!
"Below is a demonstration on how you can add contact tools to the solution brand for all contacts:
-Create a contact tool for a single contact containing Pressure, Frictional Stress, Sliding Distance, Penetration and Gap for a list of times
import time
StartTime = time.time()
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
analysis = model.Analyses[0]
analysis_settings = analysis.AnalysisSettings
n = analysis_settings.NumberOfSteps # number of time steps
DISP_TIMES = [analysis_settings.GetStepEndTime(i) for i in range(1, n+1, 1)]
Get all nonliner connections and contacts
conns = model.Connections
contacts = conns.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.ContactRegion, True)
linear_contacts = [ContactType.Bonded, ContactType.NoSeparation]
#contacts = [c for c in contacts if c.ContactType not in linear_contacts]
#supp_conts = [c for c in contacts if c.Suppressed]
Contact names and IDs:
contNames = [i.Name for i in contacts
contIDs = [i.ObjectId for i in contacts]]
Create contact tool for each contact:
def createContactTool(contactID, lstContID, contName, dispTimes):
-Create a contact tool for a single contact containing Pressure, Frictional Stress, Sliding Distance, Penetration and Gap for a list of times
contactID : int (the ID of the contact for which to create the tool)
lstContID : list of ints (list of contact IDs for all contacts in the model)
contName : string (the name of the contact for which the tool is created)
dispTimes : list of Quantities (list of analysis times for which to display contact tools)
Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.PostContactTool (The newly created post processing contact tool)
Add contact tool:
contact_tool = analysis.Solution.AddContactTool()
Scope only to single contact ID (These lines are unsupported beta features contact_tool.InternalObject.AddScopedContact(contIDs[130])):
[contact_tool.InternalObject.RemoveScopedContact(i) for i in lstContID if i != contactID]
Rename the contact tool:
contact_tool.Name = "Contact Tool - " + contName
print("Contact tool name: " + contact_tool.Name)
Create contact Status, Pressure, Frictional Stress, Penetration and Gap for each time in dispTimes for idx, time in enumerate(dispTimes):
# Status
if idx == 0:
status = contact_tool.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.ContactStatus, True)[0]
status = contact_tool.AddStatus()
status.DisplayTime = time
status.Name = "Status - " + str(time)
# Pressure
pressure = contact_tool.AddPressure()
pressure.DisplayTime = time
pressure.Name = "Pressure - " + str(time)
# Frictional Stress
fric_stress = contact_tool.AddFrictionalStress()
fric_stress.DisplayTime = time
fric_stress.Name = "Frictional Stress - " + str(time)
# Penetration
pene = contact_tool.AddPenetration()
pene.DisplayTime = time
pene.Name = "Penetration - " + str(time)
# Gap
gap = contact_tool.AddGap()
gap.DisplayTime = time
gap.Name = "Gap - " + str(time)
# Sliding Distance
slide_dist = contact_tool.AddSlidingDistance()
slide_dist.DisplayTime = time
slide_dist.Name = "Sliding Distance - " + str(time)
return contact_tool
with Transaction(): # Suppress GUI update until complete to speed the process
# Create contact tools and collect in a list
contact_tools = [createContactTool(id, contIDs, name, DISP_TIMES) for id, name in zip(contIDs, contNames)]
# contact_tools = [createContactTool(id, contIDs, name, DISP_TIMES) for id, name,c in zip(contIDs, contNames, contacts) if not c.Suppressed]
Put all contact tools into a group folder:
group = Tree.Group(contact_tools)
group.Name = "Contact Tools"
#print(str(time.time() - StartTime))