Script Tip Friday- Adding contact tools to the solution branch for all contacts
Welcome back to another week and another great Script Tip. This one was presented to us by Mark Lytell, a Staff Engineer 2, Mechanical from Chamberlain Group, LLC. Thanks Mark!
"Below is a demonstration on how you can add contact tools to the solution brand for all contacts:
-Create a contact tool for a single contact containing Pressure, Frictional Stress, Sliding Distance, Penetration and Gap for a list of times
import time
StartTime = time.time()
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
analysis = model.Analyses[0]
analysis_settings = analysis.AnalysisSettings
n = analysis_settings.NumberOfSteps # number of time steps
DISP_TIMES = [analysis_settings.GetStepEndTime(i) for i in range(1, n+1, 1)]
Get all nonliner connections and contacts
conns = model.Connections
contacts = conns.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.ContactRegion, True)
linear_contacts = [ContactType.Bonded, ContactType.NoSeparation]
#contacts = [c for c in contacts if c.ContactType not in linear_contacts]
#supp_conts = [c for c in contacts if c.Suppressed]
Contact names and IDs:
contNames = [i.Name for i in contacts
contIDs = [i.ObjectId for i in contacts]]
Create contact tool for each contact:
def createContactTool(contactID, lstContID, contName, dispTimes):
-Create a contact tool for a single contact containing Pressure, Frictional Stress, Sliding Distance, Penetration and Gap for a list of times
contactID : int (the ID of the contact for which to create the tool)
lstContID : list of ints (list of contact IDs for all contacts in the model)
contName : string (the name of the contact for which the tool is created)
dispTimes : list of Quantities (list of analysis times for which to display contact tools)
Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.PostContactTool (The newly created post processing contact tool)
Add contact tool:
contact_tool = analysis.Solution.AddContactTool()
Scope only to single contact ID (These lines are unsupported beta features contact_tool.InternalObject.AddScopedContact(contIDs[130])):
[contact_tool.InternalObject.RemoveScopedContact(i) for i in lstContID if i != contactID]
Rename the contact tool:
contact_tool.Name = "Contact Tool - " + contName
print("Contact tool name: " + contact_tool.Name)
Create contact Status, Pressure, Frictional Stress, Penetration and Gap for each time in dispTimes for idx, time in enumerate(dispTimes):
# Status
if idx == 0:
status = contact_tool.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.ContactStatus, True)[0]
status = contact_tool.AddStatus()
status.DisplayTime = time
status.Name = "Status - " + str(time)
# Pressure
pressure = contact_tool.AddPressure()
pressure.DisplayTime = time
pressure.Name = "Pressure - " + str(time)
# Frictional Stress
fric_stress = contact_tool.AddFrictionalStress()
fric_stress.DisplayTime = time
fric_stress.Name = "Frictional Stress - " + str(time)
# Penetration
pene = contact_tool.AddPenetration()
pene.DisplayTime = time
pene.Name = "Penetration - " + str(time)
# Gap
gap = contact_tool.AddGap()
gap.DisplayTime = time
gap.Name = "Gap - " + str(time)
# Sliding Distance
slide_dist = contact_tool.AddSlidingDistance()
slide_dist.DisplayTime = time
slide_dist.Name = "Sliding Distance - " + str(time)
return contact_tool
with Transaction(): # Suppress GUI update until complete to speed the process
# Create contact tools and collect in a list
contact_tools = [createContactTool(id, contIDs, name, DISP_TIMES) for id, name in zip(contIDs, contNames)]
# contact_tools = [createContactTool(id, contIDs, name, DISP_TIMES) for id, name,c in zip(contIDs, contNames, contacts) if not c.Suppressed]
Put all contact tools into a group folder:
group = Tree.Group(contact_tools)
group.Name = "Contact Tools"
#print(str(time.time() - StartTime))