They don't know you.
Not your name, not your face (Unless they actually take the time to google you, which between me and you Buddy, ain't happening)
And there you are, trying to wangle a 50k out of them. Just because they found the time to register themselves on Charity Commission.
So you scribble and edit, jotting down emotive phrases as you floss and blend your smoothie, until you know it's perfect ( or you think so - with some minor hesitations which are just too bad because you are NOT flossing again...) and off it goes, swooshing through cyberspace.
A piece of your heart now out there - but remember, they don't know.
Trustees convene in June. So you sit there. Just waiting, Checking your email every two hours even though June is a hell of a long time away.
Then you sit and spend a little time venting to your LinkedIn Cohorts.
Happy waiting:)