Screening The Feasibility of Microalgae Based Wastewater Treatment for Water Bodies (Part 1)
Screening the feasibility of microalgae based wastewater treatment for water bodies (Credits : wallpaperflare)

Screening The Feasibility of Microalgae Based Wastewater Treatment for Water Bodies (Part 1)

Part 1: List of tools, software, and resources required to screen the feasibility of microalgae based wastewater treatment for water bodies(Lakes, Ponds, River, Estuary, etc.)

Screening the feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment for water bodies involves a range of tools, software, and resources to assess the suitability and potential success of the project. Here's a list of essential tools, software, and resources that can be utilized:

  • Water Quality Analysis Tools & Laboratory Equipment
  • Geographic Information Systems(GIS)
  • Environmental Databases & Sources
  • Water Body Characterization
  • Microalgae Identification Guides
  • Nutrient Dosage Calculations
  • Remote Sensing Tools
  • Water Flow Measurement Tools
  • Financial Analysis
  • Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) Guidelines
  • Stakeholder Engagement Resources
  • Microalgae Cultivation Modeling
  • Environmental Regulations and Guidelines
  • Educational Resources
  • Expert Consultation

Water Quality Analysis Tools & Laboratory Equipment:

Water quality analysis tools are essential for assessing the suitability of water bodies for microalgae-based wastewater treatment. These tools help measure various parameters that determine the health and condition of the water, providing critical information for feasibility assessments.

Here are common water quality analysis tools:

Portable Multi-Parameter Water Quality Meters:

These handheld devices can measure multiple parameters simultaneously, including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, and more. There are many manufacturers and suppliers of portable multimeters i.e Hanna Instruments , Labtron Equipment ltd , Hach , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , In-Situ Environmental , Thomas Scientific , etc.


Spectrophotometers measure the absorbance or transmittance of light through a sample to determine concentrations of specific compounds like nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus), chlorophyll-a, and pollutants. For more details, You can refer to 赛默飞世尔科技 , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , Malvern Panalytical , Hach , Panomex Inc. , Aimil Ltd. , and many other reputed organizations.

Nutrient Analyzers:

Nutrient analyzers are specialized instruments that automatically measure nutrient concentrations in water samples, including ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate. For More Details, You can refer to Panomex Inc. , Endress+Hauser Group , PerkinElmer Analytical Solutions B.V. , Observator Group , Hach , etc.

Dissolved Oxygen Meters:

These meters measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water, which is crucial for assessing the water's ability to support aquatic life. For more details, You can refer to Hanna Instruments , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , Anton Paar , etc.

Turbidity Meters:

Turbidity meters measure the cloudiness or haziness of water caused by particles suspended in it. Turbidity is an indicator of water clarity. For more details, you can refer to Hach , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , Hanna Instruments , etc.

Chlorophyll Fluorometers:

Chlorophyll fluorometers measure the fluorescence of chlorophyll-a in water, providing insights into the presence of microalgae and their growth. For more details, You can refer to Hansatech Instruments Ltd , bbe Moldaenke GmbH , Heinz Walz GmbH , etc.

Microbial Testing Kits:

Kits that allow for rapid assessment of microbial contamination through tests like coliform or E. coli presence. For more details, you can refer to 赛默飞世尔科技 , Cole-Parmer , ECHA Microbiology Ltd , etc.

pH Meters:

pH meters measure the acidity or alkalinity of water, which can influence the growth of microalgae and overall water quality. For More Details, You can refer to Hanna Instruments , Cole-Parmer , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , etc.

Conductivity Meters:

Conductivity meters determine the electrical conductivity of water, which can indicate the presence of dissolved ions and salinity levels. For more details, You can refer to Contech Instruments Limited , Hanna Instruments , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , etc.

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) Measurement Kits:

These kits measure the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms as they break down organic matter in water. BOD reflects the organic pollution level. For more details, you can refer to rxchemicals , Envitech, Inc. , Hach , etc.

Ammonia Testing Kits:

Kits detect the concentration of ammonia in water, which is an important parameter for assessing nutrient levels and potential toxicity. For more details, You can refer to Hanna Instruments , 梅特勒 - 托利多 , etc.

Nitrate and Nitrite Testing Kits:

Kits for measuring the concentrations of nitrate and nitrite, which are essential nutrients but can also contribute to water pollution at high levels. For more details, You can refer to Hach , Cole-Parmer , etc.

Phosphate Testing Kits:

Kits to measure phosphate concentrations in water, providing insights into nutrient loading and potential eutrophication. For more details, you can refer to Hanna Instruments , CHEMetrics , Vecom Marine , etc.

Sampling Equipment:

Sampling bottles, nets, and other equipment for collecting representative water samples for laboratory analysis. For more details, you can refer to Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. , In-Situ Environmental , 赛默飞世尔科技


Microscopes for visual identification of microalgae species present in water samples. For more details, You can refer to Nikon , Leica Microsystems , ZEISS Group , Olympus Life Science , etc.

Incubators and Growth Chambers:

Provide controlled environmental conditions for cultivating and studying microalgae under controlled light, temperature, and nutrient conditions. For more info, visit 赛默飞世尔科技 Sheldon Manufacturing, Inc. , Benchmark Scientific

Water Baths:

Maintain water samples at specific temperatures for various analyses and experiments. Fore more info, visit Cole-Parmer , 赛默飞世尔科技


Used to separate particles from water samples by applying centrifugal force, enabling concentration and purification of microalgae samples. For more info, please visit Laboratory Centrifuges Plus - Remi Lab World


Used to sterilize equipment and media, preventing contamination in laboratory experiments. For more info, kindly refer to BMM Weston , Belimed , Tuttnauer

Analytical Balances:

Provide accurate measurements of sample weights for preparing solutions and conducting precise experiments. For more info, you can refer to Fisher Scientific

Microplate Readers:

Used for high-throughput analysis of microalgae growth, nutrient uptake, and other parameters. For more info, you can refer to Biocompare

Freeze Dryers:

Used to remove moisture from samples, preserving them for further analysis.For more info, you can visit HealthStar Inc. , Labstac LLC , Cuddon Freeze Dry

Water Quality Test Kits:

Kits with pre-packaged reagents for field and lab-based testing of parameters like pH, turbidity, and specific nutrients. For more info, you can visit Best Water Testing Kits of 2023 (

Environmental Chambers:

Provide controlled environments for simulating different conditions and studying microalgae responses. For more info, you can refer to ESPEC North America , Weiss Technik North America

Water Sampling Equipment:

Collects representative water samples from different depths and locations for laboratory analysis. For more info, Kindly read the Chapter2_V2.pdf (

Safety Equipment:

Essential safety gear, such as lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles, to ensure safe experimentation.

Properly calibrated and maintained laboratory equipment ensures accurate and reliable results, which are essential for making informed decisions during the feasibility assessment and subsequent project stages.

Geographic Information Systems(GIS) Software

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software is a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing spatial data, making it an essential resource for assessing the feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment in water bodies.

Here are some GIS software options commonly used for this purpose:


Developed by Esri , ArcGIS is a comprehensive GIS software suite that offers advanced mapping, spatial analysis, and data visualization capabilities. It includes various tools for analyzing site suitability, water quality, land use, and more. For more information, please visit Esri ArcGIS Online , ArcGIS Earth

QGIS (Quantum GIS):

QGIS is an open-source GIS software that provides a range of mapping and analysis functions. It's suitable for creating maps, conducting spatial analysis, and integrating various data sources. For more information, please visit Oslandia , QGIS Eesti


Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS) is another open-source GIS software with a focus on spatial analysis, image processing, and raster-based modeling. For more information, please visit OSGeo

MapInfo Pro:

MapInfo Pro is a desktop GIS software that offers mapping, geospatial analysis, and data visualization tools. It's commonly used for site selection and spatial analysis tasks. For more information, please visit Precisely


GeoServer is an open-source server software that allows you to publish, share, and manage geospatial data on the web. It's useful for creating web-based maps and applications. For more info, please visit GeoServer

Google Earth Pro:

Google Earth Pro provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing geographic data and creating interactive maps. It's particularly useful for presenting project findings to stakeholders. For more info, please visit Google Earth Community , Google Earth Projects , Google Earth Engine (GEE)

Global Mapper:

Global Mapper is a GIS software that offers a broad range of spatial data processing, analysis, and visualization tools. It's suitable for both beginners and experienced GIS users. For more information, please visit Blue Marble Geographics , Global Mapper - Blue Marble Geographics


Carto is a cloud-based platform for creating interactive maps and performing spatial analysis. It's known for its user-friendly interface and accessibility. For more info, please visit CARTO


System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA GIS) is an open-source GIS software designed for spatial data analysis and modeling. For more info, please visit SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (


gvSIG is an open-source GIS software with a focus on providing a wide range of geospatial analysis and data management capabilities. For more info, please visit gvSIG Association

Whitebox GAT:

Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools (GAT) is an open-source GIS software focused on advanced geospatial analysis and modeling. For more info, please visit John Lindsay , Whitebox Geospatial

Remote Sensing Software Integration:

Many GIS software platforms allow for integration with remote sensing data, which can be valuable for assessing water quality and land characteristics. You can find the additional info from Home - GIS Geography

These GIS software options provide tools for creating maps, analyzing spatial relationships, conducting site suitability analyses, and assessing the feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment in specific water bodies. The choice of software may depend on factors such as your familiarity with the software, the complexity of your analysis, and the specific features you require.

Environmental Databases & Sources :

Environmental data sources are crucial for assessing the feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment in water bodies. These sources provide valuable information about water quality, ecological conditions, and environmental factors that can influence the success of the project.

Here are some key environmental data sources to consider:

Environmental Protection Agencies:

National and regional environmental protection agencies often collect and provide data on water quality, pollution levels, and ecological health of water bodies.

Here are some environmental protection agencies are :

Water Quality Monitoring Programs:

Local or regional water quality monitoring programs conducted by government agencies or research institutions can provide historical data on parameters like nutrient concentrations, pH, and dissolved oxygen.

Here are some notable Water Quality Monitoring Programs :

Hydrological Data Sources:

Hydrological data sources provide information about water flow, discharge rates, and water level fluctuations in the water body.

Here are some sources for hydrological data that researchers and professionals often use :

  • United States Geological Survey (USGS): Provides a vast amount of hydrological data, including streamflow, groundwater levels, water quality, and more, for locations within the United States. For more info, click on UNITED STATES DEPT OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, | Science for a changing world
  • European Space Agency (ESA) - Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Soil Moisture: Provides global soil moisture data derived from satellite observations. For more info, visit at European Space Agency - ESA ESA Climate Change Initiative
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Earthdata: Offers a wide range of hydrological data, including precipitation, soil moisture, snow cover, and more, collected from various satellite missions. For more info, click on Earthdata | Earthdata (
  • Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC): Maintains a global database of river discharge data, offering information on river flow at various monitoring stations around the world. For more info, click on BfG - The GRDC (
  • Flood Information System (EFAS): Operated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), this system provides early flood warnings and hydrological forecasts for European rivers. For more info, click on Home | Copernicus EMS - European Flood Awareness System (
  • Integrated Data and Information Services (IDIS) - World Meteorological Organization (WMO): Provides access to various meteorological and hydrological datasets from around the world. For more info, connect to World Meteorological Organization
  • HydroSHEDS: A project led by the World Wildlife Fund ( WWF ) that offers high-resolution hydrological data, including river networks, watershed boundaries, and more.
  • Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission: A collaborative effort between NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration and JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency that provides global precipitation data.
  • National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Community Earth System Model (CESM): Offers climate and hydrological model outputs that can be used for various research purposes. For more info click on Home | Community Earth System Model (
  • International Water Management Institute (IWMI) - Water Data Portal: Provides access to various hydrological data, including groundwater, river basins, and more, with a focus on water management in developing countries. For more info, connect to International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
  • Hydrological and Meteorological Service of Croatia (DHMZ) - River Flow Database: Offers river flow data for rivers in Croatia. For more info, click on DHMZ - Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service
  • International Data Centre for Hydrology (ICDH): Provides access to hydrological data and information, especially focused on the Danube River Basin. For more information, click on HYDROLARE
  • Hydrological and Meteorological Service of Montenegro (HMZCG) - Hydrological Data: Offers hydrological data for rivers and watersheds in Montenegro.
  • World Resources Institute (WRI) - Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas: Offers maps and data on water-related risks and stressors around the world. For more info, connect to World Resources Institute

Water Testing Laboratories:

Private or public water testing laboratories offer data on various water quality parameters through routine testing and analysis.

Here are some globally notable water testing laboratories :

  • SGS : SGS offers extensive water testing and analysis services for various industries, focusing on environmental compliance, quality control, and safety.
  • 欧陆 : With locations worldwide, Eurofins offers a wide range of environmental testing services, including water quality analysis, to industries, governments, and organizations.
  • ALS Environmental - ANZ :ALS operates a global network of laboratories that provide water testing services for various sectors, including environmental monitoring, industrial, and public health.
  • Intertek : Intertek provides water quality testing and analysis services to help industries and organizations meet regulatory requirements and ensure water safety.
  • Wagtech Projects (a division of Palintest ): Wagtech is known for its portable water testing equipment and laboratory services for assessing water quality in challenging environments and remote areas.
  • Cawthron Institute : Cawthron is a research institute that conducts water quality analysis, research, and testing services for marine and freshwater environments.
  • Wadsworth Center, NYS Department of Health : Known for its expertise in water quality and public health, Wadsworth Center provides water testing services and research.
  • Public Health England : PHE offers water testing and microbiological analysis services to ensure the safety of drinking water and environmental waters.
  • WRC South Africa : WRC conducts research and provides water testing and analysis services to support sustainable water management in South Africa.
  • Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) : CPCB operates a central laboratory and regional laboratories across India for water quality monitoring and analysis.
  • SeaDataNet - SeaDataNet : Centre d'études Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales (CETMEF), France: CETMEF provides water quality testing and analysis services for marine and inland water environments.
  • Environmental & Laboratory Solutions Pty Ltd :ELS offers a wide range of water testing and environmental analysis services for industries and regulatory agencies.
  • National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) : NEERI is a research institute that conducts water quality analysis, research, and testing to address environmental challenges in India.

Remote Sensing Data:

Satellite imagery and remote sensing data can provide insights into water body characteristics, including water temperature, clarity, and the presence of algal blooms.

Here are some notable remote sensing data sources and platforms that provide information about water bodies(Lakes, Rivers, Estuaries, Ponds, Oceans, etc.) :

  • Landsat Program ( NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ): Landsat satellites provide multispectral and thermal imagery, which can be used to monitor changes in water bodies, including water quality, extent, and temperature.
  • Sentinel Missions ( European Space Agency - ESA ): Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellites offer high-resolution optical and thermal imagery for monitoring water bodies, including coastal areas, inland waters, and oceans.
  • MODIS (NASA): The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer provides daily global imagery at various spatial resolutions, which can be used to monitor water bodies, including water temperature and turbidity.
  • Aqua and Terra Satellites (NASA): These satellites carry instruments like MODIS and MISR, which provide valuable data for monitoring water bodies and related parameters.
  • Copernicus Marine Service : Provides data on ocean and coastal waters, including sea surface temperature, sea level, and ocean color, to monitor water bodies and their dynamics. Copernicus EEA -Copernicus Global Land Service: Offers information on land cover, vegetation, and water bodies, aiding in the monitoring of changes in water resources and ecosystems.HYDRO1k Elevation Derivative Database: A global database that provides elevation data useful for hydrological and water-related studies. For more info, click on USGS EROS Archive - Digital Elevation - HYDRO1K | U.S. Geological SurveyICESat-2 (NASA): This satellite uses laser altimetry to measure changes in ice sheets, glaciers, and water bodies, helping monitor variations in water surface heights.WorldView Series ( Maxar Technologies ): High-resolution commercial satellite imagery from the WorldView series can be used to monitor water bodies, shoreline changes, and coastal development.Copernicus Sentinel-1 (ESA): Provides synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery that can penetrate clouds and work day and night, useful for monitoring water bodies and surface deformation.
  • Copernicus Sentinel-2 (ESA): Offers high-resolution optical imagery that is valuable for monitoring inland water bodies, lakes, reservoirs, and coastal waters.
  • Google Earth Engine (GEE) : A platform that provides access to a wide range of satellite imagery and geospatial data, including water body monitoring applications.
  • NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS): Provides access to various remote sensing data products, including those related to water bodies. For more info, click on Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) | Earthdata (
  • USGS Earth Explorer: Offers access to a variety of satellite and aerial imagery datasets, including Landsat and Sentinel data.
  • JAXA G-Portal: Provides access to Japanese satellite data, including Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) imagery, which can be useful for water body monitoring. For more info, click on G-PortalTop (

Online Databases:

Online platforms such as Water Quality Data | US EPA, Waterbase - Water Quality ICM (, GEMStat - The global water quality database, Water Quality Portal | U.S. Geological Survey (, Knowledge Hub for Water (, India Water Portal | All things water, Water Quality |Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India, India-WRIS (,OURCOAST_062_BalticSea_Doc_InternationalRiverBasinManegement.pdf ( provide access to water quality data from various sources.

Academic and Research Institutions:

Universities and research institutions often conduct studies and research related to water quality, ecology, and environmental conditions in water bodies.

Here is a list of globally notable academic and research institutions that focus on water bodies, water resources management, hydrology, aquatic ecosystems, and related fields:

Environmental NGOs and Advocacy Groups:

Non-governmental organizations focused on environmental protection may have collected data or reports related to water quality and aquatic ecosystems.

Here is a list of globally notable environmental NGOs and advocacy groups that focus on water bodies, water conservation, and related issues:

  • International Rivers : Works to protect rivers and promote sustainable water management through advocacy and campaigns against harmful dam projects.
  • Waterkeeper Alliance : A network of community-based organizations focused on protecting local water bodies through grassroots activism and legal action.
  • The Surfrider Foundation : Advocates for the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves, and beaches, addressing water quality and coastal conservation.
  • Blue Planet Foundation : Aims to accelerate the transition to clean, renewable energy sources to protect oceans and water resources.
  • Pacific Institute : Conducts research and advocates for solutions to global water challenges, including water scarcity, water management, and environmental justice.
  • : Focuses on providing access to safe water and sanitation in underserved communities, addressing the global water crisis.
  • The Nature Conservancy : Works to protect and restore natural habitats, including freshwater ecosystems, and supports sustainable water management.
  • Environmental Defense Fund : Addresses various environmental challenges, including water quality and fisheries management.
  • Greenpeace : A global environmental organization that campaigns on issues related to water pollution, oceans, and climate change.
  • The Freshwater Trust : Focuses on restoring and protecting freshwater ecosystems through innovative solutions and partnerships.
  • World Wildlife Fund : Works on freshwater conservation and sustainable water resource management as part of its broader environmental initiatives.
  • Clean Ocean Action : Dedicated to protecting the marine waters off the coast of the United States from pollution.
  • River Network : Supports local watershed protection efforts, providing resources and tools to community-based water organizations.
  • Sierra Club Foundation : Advocates for environmental protection and conservation, including efforts to safeguard water resources.
  • Earthjustice : Uses legal strategies to protect water bodies and advocate for environmental justice.
  • WaterAid : Works to provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene education in communities around the world.
  • Friends of the Earth : Engages in campaigns and advocacy efforts related to water pollution, climate change, and environmental justice.

Local Authorities and Municipalities:

Local governments and municipalities might have data related to water quality, land use, and wastewater discharge in the area.

Citizen Science Projects:

Citizen science initiatives and volunteer monitoring programs may provide additional data points and community engagement opportunities.

Here is a list of some globally notable citizen science projects focused on water bodies and water quality monitoring:

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Reports:

Reports from previous environmental impact assessments, conducted for other projects in the area, might contain valuable data.

Weather and Climate Data:

Meteorological and climate data sources provide information on temperature, precipitation, and other weather-related factors that can impact water quality.

Here is a list of globally notable weather and climate data resources that are useful for monitoring and analyzing conditions related to water bodies:

Academic Journals and Publications:

Scientific journals and publications related to environmental science often present research findings and data related to water bodies and aquatic ecosystems.

Here is a list of globally notable academic journals and publications that cover topics related to water bodies, water resources, hydrology, aquatic ecosystems, and environmental science:

Environmental Monitoring Networks:

Some regions have established environmental monitoring networks that offer real-time data on various environmental parameters. i.e World Meteorological Organization , Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) , ICOS - Integrated Carbon Observation System , FLUXNET ,etc.

Global Environmental Observatories:

International organizations and observatories, like the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), provide global environmental data and information.

Accessing reliable and up-to-date environmental data sources helps ensure that your feasibility assessment is based on accurate information. It's important to verify the credibility of the sources and consider both historical and recent data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the water body's conditions.

Water body characterization

Water body characterization software plays a vital role in assessing the feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment projects. These tools help analyze and model various aspects of water bodies, enabling a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics. Here are some types of water body characterization software that can be useful:

Hydrodynamic Modeling Software:

Software like MIKE 21( DHI ) , MIKE 3D( DHI ) , and Delft3D( Deltares ) are used for hydrodynamic modeling, simulating water flow patterns, currents, and mixing in lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal areas.

Water Quality Modeling Software:

Tools like WASP (Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program)-Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) | US EPA and QUAL2K(QUAL2K Homepage) are used to model water quality parameters, nutrient dynamics, and pollutant transport within water bodies.

Eutrophication Modeling Software:

Eutrophication modeling tools like EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code)- Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) | US EPA are designed to predict nutrient loading, algal growth, and oxygen depletion in water bodies.

Sediment Transport Modeling Software:

Software such as HEC-RAS (HEC-RAS ( and SedNet can simulate sediment transport, erosion, and deposition processes in rivers and lakes.

GIS Software with Hydrological Capabilities:

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software like ArcGIS with hydrological extensions can model watershed characteristics and analyze runoff patterns.

Bathymetric Mapping Software:

Software like HYPACK( HYPACK, a Xylem Brand ) and CARIS( Teledyne Geospatial ) can process bathymetric survey data to create detailed underwater topography maps.

Aquatic Ecological Modeling Software:

Tools like AQUATOX(AQUATOX | US EPA) and PCLake enable the modeling of aquatic ecosystems, considering interactions between water quality, nutrients, and biota.

Remote Sensing Software:

Remote sensing software like ENVI( NV5 Geospatial Software ) and ERDAS( Hexagon AB ) Imagine can analyze satellite or drone imagery to assess water body characteristics and changes over time.

Wave and Current Modeling Software:

Software like SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore)- TU Delft | Global Initiative and ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation Model)-- ADCIRC are used to model wave and current patterns in coastal waters.

Morphological Change Modeling Software:

Tools like XBeach( Deltares ) and LITPACK( DHI ) are used to model shoreline erosion, sediment transport, and morphological changes in coastal environments.

Lake and Reservoir Modeling Software:

Tools like CE-QUAL-W2( and RES1D (Geotomo Software - Download) can model the physical, chemical, and biological processes in lakes and reservoirs.

Tidal and Estuarine Modeling:

- SELFE (Semi-implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian Finite Element)- SELFE (a Semi-implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian Finite-Element model) | Model Item | OpenGMS ( is used to model tidal and estuarine circulation patterns.

Coastal Zone Management :

Resources focused on coastal zone management, such as the Coastal Management Information System (CMIS), help assess the overall health and dynamics of coastal areas.

Sedimentation Analysis Software:

Software like SedNet | European Sediment Network can be used to assess sedimentation patterns, sediment transport, and potential accumulation areas.

Selecting the appropriate water body characterization software depends on the specific characteristics of the water body, the level of detail required, and the goals of the feasibility assessment. Integration with other data sources and tools, such as GIS and environmental data sources, can enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the analysis.

Microalgae Identification Guides

Microalgae identification guides are valuable resources for accurately identifying different species of microalgae. These guides provide descriptions, images, and other characteristics that help researchers, scientists, and enthusiasts determine the specific types of microalgae present in a given environment. Here are some sources where you can find microalgae identification guides:

Algal Images Database:

There are many online platform provides a collection of images and information on various algae, including microalgae. For more info, click on Welcome to AIN – The Algal Information Network! | Connecting the Algae sector (

Phytoplankton Identification Guide:

Phytoplankton Identification Guide by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission offers images and descriptions of phytoplankton, including microalgae. For more info, click on Florida Red Tide Mitigation & Technology Development Initiative | Research Programs | Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium


AlgaeBase is an online database that provides comprehensive information about different types of algae, including microalgae. For more info, click on AlgaeBase :: Listing the World’s Algae


Microscope is an online platform that offers information, images, and resources for identifying microorganisms, including microalgae. you can find the more info from MicroScope Home - MaGe: Microbial Genome Annotation & Analysis Platform - MicroScope - Web Interface System & Specialized Databases for (re)Annotation and Analysis of Microbial Genomes (

Freshwater Algae Identification and Use as Bioindicators:

This book by Edward G. Bellinger and David C. Sigee provides guidance on identifying freshwater algae and their use as indicators of environmental conditions.

Algae: An Introduction to Phycology:

This book by C. Van den Hoek, D. G. Mann, and H. M. Jahns provides a comprehensive introduction to algae, including microalgae identification.

Online Algae Identification Courses:

Some organizations and institutions offer online courses that cover microalgae identification. These courses may include visual guides, interactive modules, and quizzes. For more info, click on Introduction to Algae Online Course (

University and Research Institution Websites:

Universities and research institutions often provide identification resources as part of their educational materials. Check the websites of institutions specializing in phycology or related fields.

Here is a list of notable universities and research institutions around the world that are known for their expertise and research in the field of algae and phycology :

  • University of California, Berkeley (USA): Home to the Phycology Collection and the Jepson Herbarium, UC Berkeley has a strong focus on plant biology, including algae.
  • University of Texas at Austin (USA): Known for its Center for Coastal Studies and Marine Science Institute, which conduct research on marine and freshwater algae.
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego (USA): A leading center for oceanography and marine biology research, including algae studies.
  • University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA): Offers a strong program in algae research, particularly focused on marine algae.
  • University of Washington (USA): Known for its School of Oceanography, which conducts research on marine algae and phytoplankton.
  • University of Oslo (Norway): Home to the Department of Biosciences, which conducts research on algae ecology and evolution.
  • University of Tokyo (Japan): Conducts research on various aspects of algae, including marine and freshwater species.
  • University of Strathclyde (UK): Offers a renowned Algal Biotechnology MSc program and conducts research on algal biotechnology.
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK): A research organization focused on marine science, including studies on phytoplankton and algae.
  • Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany): A renowned center for polar and marine research, studying algal ecology and adaptations in extreme environments.
  • Station Biologique de Roscoff (France): A marine research station with expertise in phycology and marine algae research.
  • University of Western Australia (Australia): Conducts research on marine and freshwater algae and offers programs in marine biology.
  • Ocean University of China (China): Conducts research on marine biology, including studies on algae and marine ecosystems.
  • University of Sao Paulo (Brazil): Known for its Phycology Laboratory and research on diverse aspects of algae.
  • University of Lund (Sweden): Offers research and education in phycology and algal ecology.
  • National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan): Conducts research on environmental science, including studies on harmful algal blooms.
  • University of Jena (Germany): Offers research in algal physiology, biochemistry, and biotechnology.
  • University of Otago (New Zealand): Conducts research on marine biology and algal ecology.
  • Swansea University (UK): Known for its expertise in algal biotechnology and marine science.
  • Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China): Conducts research on marine algae and phytoplankton ecology.
  • Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar: Known for its research on marine algae, seaweed cultivation, and algal biotechnology.
  • Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi: Offers research and programs in botany and plant sciences, including algal research.
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee: Conducts research on algal biotechnology and its applications.
  • University of Madras, Chennai: Offers programs and research opportunities in botany, plant sciences, and algal biodiversity.
  • National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa: Conducts research on marine sciences, including studies on marine algae and phytoplankton.

Microscopy Resources:

- Microscopy resources often include guides for identifying microorganisms, including microalgae, under a microscope.

When using microalgae identification guides, ensure that you cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to achieve accurate identification. Microalgae can vary significantly in appearance, and expert guidance may be necessary for precise identification, especially for less common species.

Nutrient Dosage Calculations

Nutrient dosage calculations are crucial for optimizing microalgae growth in wastewater treatment. These tools ensure precise nutrient supply, enhancing biomass production and treatment efficiency. Varieties of calculators exist:

  1. Nutrient Ratio Calculations: Determine optimal nutrient ratios (e.g., nitrogen to phosphorus) tailored to microalgae species and wastewater.
  2. Nutrient Concentration Calculations: Compute nutrient amounts (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus) for desired concentrations by accounting for initial levels.
  3. Nutrient Dosing Rate Calculations: Establish nutrient solution addition rates to maintain steady concentrations.
  4. Nutrient Stoichiometry Calculations: Balance nutrient doses based on stoichiometric ratios required for microalgae growth.
  5. Interactive Nutrient Models: Allow users to input microalgae type, wastewater specifics, and growth targets for dosage calculations.
  6. Excel Spreadsheets and Machine Learning: Create personalized Excel sheets or algorithms for dosage predictions using inputs and predefined needs.

Remote Sensing tools

Remote sensing tools play a crucial role in assessing water bodies and their surrounding environments for the feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment projects. These tools allow you to gather valuable information about water quality, algal blooms, and other environmental factors from a distance using satellite imagery and aerial photography. Here are some common remote sensing tools:

Satellite Imagery:

Satellite images provide a detailed view of water bodies and their surroundings. Data from satellites like Landsat, Sentinel, and MODIS can be used to monitor water quality, algal blooms, and changes over time.

Aerial Photography:

Aerial photographs captured from aircraft or drones offer high-resolution imagery for detailed analysis of water bodies, shoreline conditions, and potential sources of pollution.

Hyperspectral Imaging:

Hyperspectral sensors measure light in many narrow, contiguous bands across the electromagnetic spectrum. This allows for detailed analysis of water quality and the identification of specific materials and substances in water bodies.

Multispectral Imaging:

Multispectral sensors capture light in specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. They're commonly used for land cover classification, vegetation mapping, and water quality assessment.


Radiometers measure the intensity of light in specific wavelengths, helping to assess water color, clarity, and the presence of suspended particles.

Chlorophyll Fluorescence Sensors:

These sensors measure the fluorescence of chlorophyll-a, which can indicate the presence and abundance of microalgae in water bodies.

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging):

LiDAR uses laser beams to create detailed three-dimensional maps of the water surface and surrounding terrain, aiding in shoreline analysis and bathymetric mapping.

Remote Sensing Software:

Software like ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, and QGIS with remote sensing extensions enable the processing, analysis, and interpretation of remote sensing data.

Water Quality Indices Calculation:

Remote sensing data can be used to calculate water quality indices like the Trophic State Index (TSI) to assess the overall health of water bodies.

Satellite Data Providers:

Organizations like NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration , ESA (European Space Agency), and USGS provide access to remote sensing data through their online platforms.

Drone/UAV Technology:

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, equipped with remote sensing sensors can provide high-resolution imagery for localized assessments.

Remote sensing tools allow you to monitor large areas, detect changes, and identify potential issues in water bodies without the need for physical presence. Integrating remote sensing data with other environmental data sources and analytical tool.

......Continue in part 2.

Yernar Sailybayev

Chief Executive Officer в компании Caspian Environmental Consortium Ltd.

1 年

Thank you sir! Wonderful job!


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