Screams The Loudest And Lies The Most
It was definitely a drizzly day with our weather, but at least it was coming down in that 'million dollar' fashion where there was likely little or no runoff. Yes, a day such as this carried me back in memory when I used to travel Northern and Central Europe in the Fall and early winter months. It seemed such prolonged light rain was common, along with seemingly endless overcast days. Being such a lover of sunlight, I dare say I'd be ready for the nut house if I had to endure months of such weather, which is likely the reason I've never had even the slightest inkling to visit the Pacific Northwest, because they have similarly long periods of overcast skies.
One of the first things I had on my plate this morning, was to do some extended research on one of the properties I showed yesterday which my buyer was wanting me to write an offer on, so once I had all the information gathered, I placed a call to him and relayed what I'd found. He finally came up with an amount he wanted to offer, so I went ahead and filled out the purchase agreement, and then ran over to his home to get everything signed. Well, after waiting about three hours, I received a message back from the listing agent saying the seller wasn't even going to respond to the offer because of how much lower it was than the asking price. I then placed a call to my buyer and relayed the information. It didn't take even a minute for him to say, “Forget it. I'll keep looking.”? Oh well, it looks like we're back to the drawing board again.
I did manage to have time to get plugged-into a Zoom meeting with our MLS, just so I could get myself more acquainted with these new real estate sales rules that are coming into effect starting July 1st. That class action lawsuit that was started many months ago, is definitely causing a rippling effect on the way in which we'll be listing, marketing and selling real estate. Besides there being a new protocol, there's now two or three more documents that'll be coming into play. Oh my goodness! I still remember back in the stone age of real estate when there was one piece of paper to list a home, and one piece of paper to sell it. Yes, times have definitely changed.
We received an offer on my new listing at 814 N. Polk today, but unfortunately the seller rejected it because it had a 'subject-to sale' clause in it, and my seller was definitely not interested in having that home tied-up for well over a month, and especially since it has not yet been listed on the open market. Now if the offer was a 'subject-to the closing of the sale of the buyer's home', that would be an entirely different story. Personally, I deeply dislike 'subject-to sale' clauses, because word almost always gets out that the home is actually sold when it isn't, which has a negative effect on getting it under contract. Like I've always said, we don't live in a city, but rather a bloated village where everyone talks.
Thank goodness I was able to get an appointment squeezed-in where I normally get my hair cut, and believe me, I was long-overdue for a good clipping. My 'favorite' always seems to go above and beyond in getting it looking presentable, and since I'm scheduled to play over at First Baptist Church this coming Sunday, at least I'll be looking my best.
I now have an early afternoon appointment to show my listing in Nora Springs tomorrow, and as chance would have it, it'll be the first time I'll be personally showing it to a buyer, so perhaps I'll be able to sell it myself, and since I'm already in 'in like' with the home's layout, I'll be able to freely point out all of its positive features.
My dear friend who recently moved out of town, just happened to be here for an appointment, so she stopped by for a visit, and since she's one of the most intelligent people I personally know, I truly enjoy our conversations where we usually end up having touched on a number of subjects.
Of course last night's Presidential debate was at the top of our list, and after we both shared our thoughts and concerns regarding the dark path many of our citizens are embarking on, I couldn't help saying, “Well, just like what happened when Hitler came to power, the guy who screams the loudest and lies the most, is the one the general public blindly follows.” What frightens me the most, are the similarities between our alt-right mentalities and the beginnings of the 'brown shirts' who helped the Nazis come to power, and we all know the rest of that story. I reminded my friend that Hitler played on the general public's fears in Germany, just as D.T. and his MAGA followers are doing in America. Please, let's not allow history to repeat itself.
Tonight's One-liner is: You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.