Screaming Children and Musical Knowledge
There is nothing enjoyable about a crying child. A baby cannot talk so they cry to let adults know something is amiss. Even my sister whom I romanticize as a baby cried sometimes.
It sounded regular. Having flown hundreds of thousand of miles (that is not a vanity metric) I have never had a child cry on an airplane more than a minute of two.
Crying out of context reminds of various songs. I hear many Led Zeppelin children. When they go "Ah! Ah! Ah!" it reminds me of Whole Lotta Love. I cannot think of a crying child who sounded like Ozzy Osbourne singing Crazy Train.
"Ai! Ai! Ai! Ai!" That is infinitely superior to the ones who post about nothing except AI in such an impersonal way they could be robots themselves. There are many children who sound like The B-52's.
Imagine my surprise when a baby said "Everybody had matching towels!" The children sound more like Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson harmonizing. "Your child reminds me of Private Idaho." Children's music is mostly garbage so I would introduce them to different bands.
Or let them settle for Taylor Swift because that is all any station plays anymore. the one that blew my mind was a child who reminded me of Crazy Horses. This was the one time The Osmonds rocked. The song is surprisingly good. You'll have to look it up to hear the sound someone's upset child made at the store.
Why have children when you amass an extensive record collection? The ones who berated me for sticking with LP's- how much are your CD's worth? How little are your cassettes worth?
There is enough for all. Some children get so angry and upset that it makes no sense. My sister's daughter was usually nice. Sometimes she cried violently for no apparent reason and thirty seconds later she was alright.
I deal with them enough not to interpret crying out of context musically. Plus those children are older and don't cry as often. I am still accused of having "Tantrums." That's a way to subjugate someone's true feelings. Having extensive music knowledge might ease the pain and aggravation of a crying child. Of course no parent wants to hear that their child sounds like Led Zeppelin era Robert Plant.