Scottish HGV Driver develops Direct Vizion System to eradicate the Blind Spots that are the major factor in "Failed to See" Collisions.
Jock Boyle
Founder / Inventor "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” An Albert Einstein quote that best describes me,
As a Truck driver for 30 years and a keen cyclist for many more,? I've experienced these exact circumstances on a daily basis, reading headlines like these has had a life changing impact on me, I'm driven to take action to prevent this type of collision or news story from happening ever again.
The News Story - Cyclist Run Over By HGV - one that we read far too often.
A lorry driver has told of the horrifying moment he realised he had run over a 'much loved' worker at Southampton docks.
(Our heartfelt condolences to Mr Early's family)
The driver, Richard Hill, only realised the tragedy when the noise of Mr Early's bicycle caught under the lorry caused him to stop and inspect his vehicle.
“I was horrified. If I saw him I would have stopped. I would have done something about it."
Area coroner, Jason Pegg, described the incident as 'dreadful'.He said: "This was something which was an awful meeting of various circumstances.
Addressing?Mr Hill, a qualified HGV driver, the coroner added: “In no way are you in any sort of fault or blame.” he concluded that Mr Early's death was due to a road traffic collision.
As a Truck driver for 30 years and a keen cyclist for many more,? I've experienced these exact circumstances on a daily basis, reading headlines like these has had a life changing impact on me, I'm driven to take action to prevent this type of collision from happening ever again.
It's taken me 8 years of research and development and my life savings to achieve my Vizion -A retrofittable Blind Spot Sensor solution, that alerts the driver to the previously obscured pedestrians, cyclists and vulnerable road users, hidden by the pillars mirrors and vehicle body blind spots.
The Problem the Viz-Ovalz? Direct Vizion System Blind Spot Sensor solution solves is -
Drivers are challenged to consistently check the blind spots, making it difficult to prioritise, avoid, or respond to individuals they cannot see.
The same problem as 英国拉夫堡大学 researched for Transport for London s' Direct Vision Standard permit scheme that since its introduction has reduced fatalities and serious injuries by 60% in London whilst the rest of the UK the reduction is only 12%,
My Vizion aligns to TfLs DVS that is Vision Zero,
“I'm not prepared to stand by and let dangerous HGVs continue to cause further heartbreak and tragedy on our roads. Improving Drivers field of view will dramatically reduce danger for both cyclists and pedestrians.
“Taking action against dangerous HGVs will help a lot more people feel safe walking and cycling as part of their everyday routine",
Like all new innovations they have to be manufactured and with this innovative sensor technology, we can reduce the risk of collisions, serious injuries and save lives, making our streets, roads, villages, towns and cities a safer environment for everybody to use and live in.
I'm a HGV driver that has developed a retrofittable solution to the major cause of collisions, everything is in place but we just need help with the funding. we are seeking pre-seed funding, taking advance orders and any offers of financial assistance, would be greatly appreciated. ?I
Invest in our vision of a better safer environment to live in and a collision free future and you'll be Investing in saving the lives of someones son, daughter, mother, father, uncle or aunt,
Interested in learning how you can help or be involved with this world changing innovation - Viz-Ovalz? Direct Vizion System ?- Blind Spot Sensors
Get in touch with us at [email protected] or call us at?
Mobile++44 (0) 7708091511, Office 0300 180 0427.
Viz-Ovalz? Direct Vizion System. designed by a driver for drivers,
#visionzero #roadsafety #fleetsafety #blindspots #cyclists #collisionavoidance #investmentopportunities #innovation #insuranceinnovation #insuranceclaim
RoadPeace, Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, Brake, the road safety charity Rees Jeffreys Road Fund The Road Safety Trust