A Scottish adventure
Retain Automotive
Bridging the gap between you and your customers. Increasing customer retention within dealerships across the UK.
Retain has deep connections to Scotland, and was in fact, created in Scotland back in 2017.
This week, Emily Aves, Director of Retain, returned to the Highlands in the new Jaguar F-Pace Company car. The trip was part of our exciting new re-branding and, due to the growth of the company, the new Jaguar is part of our growing fleet of company cars.
Driving from Norfolk to Scotland is no mean feat, so the journey deserved one of comfort, and needless to say, a little style!
The F-Pace has stunning specs including a fuel consumption of 176.6 mpg, a top speed of 130mph and boasts sports seats for an ultra-relaxing drive.
The journey included the famous North Coast 500, classed as Scotland’s ultimate road trip, and featured stunning views, history and heritage along the way.
One of those views was Ardveck Castle, which dates back to 1490. The castle was attacked and captured in 1672 and a manor house was added in 1726. In 1737 a fire destroyed the house, and now the house, and castle stand as ruins today.
A breath-taking break was made at the serene shores of Lochaline.
Lochaline is a sea loch off the Sound of Mull, on the southern coast of the Morvern peninsula, within the Ardtornish Estate.
Driving along the famous coastal route was effortless for the Jaguar, it almost begged to repeat the journey, like a dog bringing back a ball.
It is one of beauty, and one of stunning scenery which simply must be explored, and Emily is certainly glad she had the opportunity to do so in such a luxurious and stunning car.