Scott Morrisons Promises for Queensland
Prime Minister Scott Morrison was recently on the Gold Coast pitching the Liberal Party’s vision for the future of Australia, as part of the Party’s upcoming election campaign. The focus of the vision is a range of plans to “keep our economy strong and
secure Australia’s future for all generations”. The link below will take you to the full plan, here is a snippet of the infrastructure plans for South-East Queensland.
- $170 million Cunningham Highway – Yamanto to Ebenezer (Amberley Interchange)
- $75 million Townsville Port Expansion Project
- $3.3 billion Bruce Highway - Next Priorities
- Mackay Ring Road Stage 2 ($280m)
- Rockhampton Ring Road ($800m)
- Cooroy to Curra Section D ($800m)
- Pine River to Caloundra ($880m)
- $390 million Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade
- $1 billion M1 Pacific Motorway (Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill and Varsity Lakes to Tugun sections)
- $300 million Brisbane Metro
- $112 million Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3A
- Click here to read the full report Our-Plan_A-Stronger-Economy_A-Secure-Future.pdf