In Memory of Scott Dinsmore
I came to know Scott Dinsmore via his Live Your Legend - How to Connect With Anyone course two years ago. It literally changed my entire life.
I'm still in shock to hear the devastating news, but wanted to share some of the things I learned from Scott. He is someone who leaves a legacy so strong and had an impact on hundreds of thousands of people in this world.
- Find and do work you love. This TEDx talk Scott gave was my first introduction to him about three years ago. Life changing.
- Treat everyone as though he is a friend you haven't met yet.
- The magic of life happens in real life - not online connections, but real, raw, in person meetups.
- Surround yourself with people who won't let you fail.
- Make people feel special. Scott used to go to the bank and get $2 bills so he could leave them as tips for people - people love $2 bills, what better way to make someone's day?
- Be grateful. Scott was grateful for his community, grateful for his friends, his family, his wife Chelsea - everyone that crossed his path, he had gratitude towards.
- Add value. Scott was big on adding value to other people's lives, and he did this in so many ways for everyone he met, including myself.
- Share your story. I remember he had us do an exercise where we wrote a short quick sentence for every letter of the alphabet. The goal was so that if we were ever in a situation where the conversation got dull, we would be able to strike up a conversation by simply thinking of a letter and the story associated with it. Believe it or not, this works like a charm.
- "Do the thing you can't not do." Scott often said this when referring to choosing a career or passion project.
- Be genuine. I can't imagine anyone else in this space of personal, professional, and business development, who made such an impact on my life, who is as genuine as Scott. Hands down.
Scott, being part of Live Your Legend and the community you built... it literally changed my life and I am so so grateful that I had the chance to know you. Your compassion, positivity, love for life, joy in bringing people together, and teaching others how to connect and live their passion, will forever live on through the lives of all of those you touched. You are the prime example of someone who truly created his legacy. Until we meet again...