Scotland - The National Code of Practice for GP Premises
We are aware that the Scottish Government and Health Boards plan to facilitate a shift where GP contractors no longer own their premises. This transition is planned over a 25-year period, from April 2018. The principle objective is to transfer the premises risk away from GP’s, removing the responsibility for owning premises.
Under the new Scottish GP contract, GP partners who own their premises will be offered an interest free ‘sustainability loan’ worth up to 20% of the ‘existing use value’ of the property.
For practices in leased premises, the Government and regional Health Boards will endeavor to take over responsibility for those leases.
How can GP Surveyors help you?
It is advised that you seek independent, specialist property advice before you enter any discussions ensuring you are aware of the accurate value of your GP premises and your rental reimbursement is correct.
GP Surveyors are a leading firm of chartered surveyors, supporting GP surgeries across the UK. We have over 17 years of experience focused on the primary care sector and work extensively across Scotland.
We would be delighted to support you in undertaking a specialist market valuation and free review of your notional rent.
Market Valuation – Want to know what your surgery is worth?
A specialist valuation of your GP premises may be required if there is a partnership change, acquisition or disposal, setting up a new lease or raising additional finance.
Notional Rent – ensure your reimbursement is correct
Every three years it is important that your surgery obtains independent advice to check your Notional Rent. GP Surveyors operate a success-based fee structure (no increase = no fee)
Rent Review and Lease Renewals- Is it time for a rent review or has your lease expired?
We offer bespoke advice to both GP tenants and landlords on rent reviews, lease renewals and new lease negotiations.
Contact us now for a free initial consultation.