Scorecarding with Na?ve Bayes

Scorecarding with Na?ve Bayes

In the consumer lending domain, credit scorecards serve as the fundamental pillars for decision-making processes in determining who qualifies for a loan. Lenders rely on these scorecards as benchmarks, collecting evidence of a customer's creditworthiness. Traditionally, credit scorecards are constructed through well-established methods, namely Logistic Regression and a combination of Weight of Evidence (WOE) + Logistic Regression. This text explores an alternative approach: a non-parametric method employing WOE as a Na?ve Bayes estimator to build a logarithmic scoring system, providing an alternative and simpler methodology for credit risk modeling. ??

Common Ways to Build Credit Scorecards

There are two commonly accepted ways to build credit scorecards for decision-making in the lending industry.

1?? Logistic Regression

When we build credit scorecards using logistic regression, we first standardize input variables to some desired range (e.g., using z-scores) and convert resulting values to credit scores using a technique like Points to Double Odds (PDO).

2?? Weight of Evidence (WOE) + Logistic Regression

With this “semi-Na?ve” approach, we create distinct risk groups for each input feature and calculate WOE scores. As a next step, we fit a logistic regression to "fine-tune" and dampen the weights of features. Finally, we can derive credit scores from WOE-transformed features and logistic regression weights, for example, using the PDO method.

Yet, building scorecards using WOE without logistic regression is not so common due to an excessive focus of practitioners on the importance of logistic regression in this process. This text aims to show an alternative way how to build credit scorecards with a non-parametric approach in mind: leveraging WOE as a Na?ve Bayesian estimator??.

WOE-Na?ve Bayes Scorecard Ingredients

The following diagram describes the modeling approach to building a scorecard with the Na?ve Bayes approach:

To understand the modeling workflow we need to introduce some definitions.

?? Binning: Binning is the process of grouping or discretizing numerical data into intervals or "bins." For example, numerical features can be divided into bins with an equal number of points or using a clustering technique like k-means.

?? Target encoding: Target encoding involves calculating the average value of the target variable (default or bad rate in the credit scoring case) for a given bin or group.

?? Log-odds: Log-odds (used interchangeably with "logit" or "logits") represent the natural logarithm of the odds of belonging to class 1 (default) or class 0 (no default), odds are p / (1-p).

?? Weight of Evidence (WOE): WOE in the Na?ve Bayes scorecarding process can be seen as a "distance" in log-odds between a particular risk group's log-odds of default and the average log-odds of the entire sample.

Weight of Evidence formula

The Origins of WOE Theory

The Weight of Evidence (WOE) concept, which found its wide application in credit scoring, has its roots in the 19th century England. For example, C.S. Peirce, a well-known thinker, used the term to talk about how strong the evidence supports a hypothesis, also introducing the term log-odds. Jumping to the 20th century, Irving John Good, who was the main statistical assistant to Alan Turing, among his other contributions to the field of Bayesian analysis and statistics, developed the theory of Weight of Evidence for hypothesis testing.

In his brief survey on Weight of Evidence published in 1985, Good provided an extensive overview of the concept. Most notably, he wrote:

"The final probability of H, should depend only on the weight of evidence and on the initial probability, say

P(H E) = g[W(H:E), P(H)]

If H and ?H are simple statistical hypotheses, and if E is one of the possible experimental outcomes occurring in the definitions of H and ?H, then P(E H) / P(E ∣?H) is a simple likelihood ratio, but this is a very special case. In general, this ratio is regarded as meaningful only to a Bayesian. It could be called a ratio of Bayesian likelihoods."

He provides the formula for WOE (left-hand side), which is more commonly represented in modern terms on the right-hand side

Further in his summary, Good provides the formula for the Bayes Factor (likelihood ratio), which he also refers to as the Bayes-Jeffreys-Turing factor, summarizing its contributors:

Bayes factor
Bayes factor

"The right side of equation can be described in words as the ratio of the final odds of H to its initial odds, or the ratio of the posterior to the prior odds, or the factor by which the initial odds of H are multiplied to give the final odds.

In current Bayesian literature it is usually called the Bayes factor in favour of H provided by E. Thus weight of evidence is equal to the logarithm of the Bayes factor."

Going back to the WOE definition described in the beginning of this text we can see that:

Because of the independence conditions ("na?ve"), factors are multiplicative and weights of evidence (WOE) are additive.

When comparing this WOE calculation to the traditional credit risk definition, one may observe that the signs are "flipped." This is because in credit risk we normally define the same entity using the log-odds of goods (class 0) to bads (class 1), known as the good-to-bad ratio. The sign may be more intuitive that a negative score drives the credit score down.

How It Works

We can visualize the process step-by-step on a small data subset with 10 samples (the model is pre-trained on the full sample).

Step 1: Raw features ??

Step 2: Binning ??

Step 3: Target encoding ??

Step 4: Target encoding to log-odds ??

Step 5: Average default rate ??

Step 6: Log-odds of average default rate ??

Step 7: Calculating WOE scores (4-6) ??

In this step we subtract the constant of sample log-odds (-2.1972) from Step 6 from each target-encoded log-odds value from Step 4.

Step 8: Inference: calculating a sum of WOE scores ??

Step 9: Inference: adding bias ??

In this step we add the bias (sample log-odds) from Step 6 to the prediction column from Step 8 to get the final prediction (other columns not affected).

Step 10: Obtaining a probability of default (PD) ??

We can convert the final log-odds score to a probability using sigmoid.

Step 11: Calculating credit scores from WOE scores ??

We convert WOE scores to credit scores by using the PDO method.

In this process, we define PDO, target score, and target odds parameters to calculate the factor and offset parameters. Each factor i has an equal weight (since we are adding evidences), and bias is the sample log-odds.

The following parameters were used for the transformation of WOE scores into credit scores: PDO = 30, Target Score = 500, and Odds = 20.

Step 12: Calculating the final credit score ??

The final score is the sum of individual scores across 6 features.

Below we can visualize the distribution of credit scores on the hold-out set of data points, which were not used in estimating the model:

Credit score distribution

To test the performance of the WOE Na?ve Bayes model, we can benchmark the discriminatory power and calibration accuracy of WOE Na?ve Bayes score against logistic regression.

Both discrimination and calibration metrics indicate that the WOE Na?ve Bayes model surpasses its linear challenger, boasting better Gini and Brier scores. This indicates superior performance in discriminating good and bad credit risk and achieving more accurate probability of default (PD) estimates.

The WOE-Na?ve Bayes scorecard introduces a novel and simplified approach to credit risk assessment in consumer lending. It harmonizes with traditional scoring methods while offering a fresh perspective with its minimal reliance on assumptions, aside from independence (still a bold one). This approach suggests that a simpler model can effectively support credit risk assessment, maintaining clarity without compromising on insight. ??


Below is a scikit-learn pipeline implementing the WOE Na?ve Bayes estimator:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import (
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from scipy.special import logit

base_log_odds = np.log(np.mean(y_train) / (1 - np.mean(y_train)))
def convert_to_woe(X: np.ndarray):
    eps = 1e-8
    X = logit(X + eps)
    X = X - base_log_odds
    if X.ndim == 1:
        X = X.reshape(-1, 1)
    return X = make_pipeline(
    KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=10, encode="ordinal", strategy="kmeans"),
    TargetEncoder(smooth=0.0001, cv=2),
    FunctionTransformer(convert_to_woe, validate=False)
), y_train)        

Credit score

This code snippet below illustrates how to create credit scores from the WOE Na?ve Bayes estimator:

import numpy as np

pdo = 30.0
TargetScore = 500
Odds = 20.0

factor = pdo / np.log(2)
offset = TargetScore - (factor * np.log(Odds))

bias_ind = base_log_odds / 6
woe_df['score'] = np.sum(-(woe_df + bias_ind) * factor + (offset / 6), axis=1)        


I hope you have enjoyed reading this post!???

I would like to thank Joachim Nsofini, PhD , Guillermo Navas Palencia, PhD , and Paul Edwards for their valuable feedback.

All views expressed are my own.

Explore more on #CreditRiskModeling, #Lending, and #ModelRiskManagement, and stay updated by subscribing here: ??

Mikael Ling maybe of interest?!


Wholesale Credit Risk Model Validation

1 年

Hey Denis. Thanks for explaining how Naive Bayes' can be used with WOE value. Could you please tell me why we introduced BIAS in our calculation. What's the logic?

Roman Matyash

For more than two decades, The Best Rain Gutters Inc. has set the standard for quality and reliability in the gutter installation sector.

1 年

Fascinating insights into leveraging Na?ve Bayes for credit scorecard construction! ??

For those interested in the technicalities between the classical and Good's Bayesian formulas for Weight of Evidence (WOE), I invite you to explore this worked-through example ??


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