The Scoop on Women and Self-Sabotage
Marla Skibbins MCC, CPCC
Founder of Level Up EQ, Providing Senior Leadership Development & Team Effectiveness Coaching for Organizations
We all struggle with our inner “Shitty Committee”....? You know the voices saying:
“You’re not enough.”
“Who are you to do….”
“You are too…”
The voices tell you that you should not be where you are or doing what you are doing because inherently, for some reason, you are just lacking.
Most particularly, I find women are preyed upon by this voice.
The groundbreaking book The Confidence Code uncovers that as women, our lack of confidence is not only learned but epigenetic. It is fostered by our culture in how they approach girls and women. One of the real takeaways from their book was the authors' summation of the book, which was “Stop thinking so much, Act, and Be authentic”.
I know for myself that remembering to “Stop thinking so much, Act, and Be authentic” is a mantra as I run my startup. I have to keep flinging myself out there, acting, making things up, and flinging my ideas out again and again. Failing, learning, and continuing to dare to not get caught in the “what ifs” and keep acting. In the face of it being hard and the results not always being what I want, my saboteur can start to harp at me.? None of us are completely immune from that voice. There is a big voice that says “Who are YOU!”?
Often when that voice starts to wear on me I need to deploy one of my favorite three defenses. I either go for a long walk with my dog, go to the gym, or read something about intrinsic motivation. When I do that it allows my saboteur brain pattern to calm down and fade and my more resourceful pattern to come back online.?
As I write this I think of you, dear reader…I would love to know what you do to help you disconnect from the inner mean voice that zaps your energy.? What helps you be free?? What do you do or say to yourself?? I know commenting so that others can learn would be super helpful.
In my life, if I could simply help others be free of that voice, I would count that as a life well used.
Peace! Out!