Scientific Thinking: A General Universal Problem Solving Formula You Can Use in Solving Your Organisational or Economic Problems.

Scientific Thinking: A General Universal Problem Solving Formula You Can Use in Solving Your Organisational or Economic Problems.

Formulas are not for use only in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Formulas are important in any other area of life including in solving company, organisational, business and economic problems. Using formulas is a part of scientific thinking.

There are two key science questions?

  1. What is the problem and
  2. What is the solution?

If you have a problem and I give you a credible formula for solving the problem, you will for sure solve the problem fastest.

If you have a goal that you want to achieve and I give you a formula or formulas to use, you will for sure succeed in achiving the goal. This goal can be;

  1. To become a chief executive officer within 5 years or
  2. To be promoted to my next level within six years from now or
  3. To start my own company within 3 years from now or
  4. To transform the economy into from being a low income into being a high income within twenty years or
  5. To make achieve sustainability in our city within fifteen years from now

Any goal or any problem.

And the good news is that for most problems and most goals formulas already exist. We do not need to create the formulas; only to look for them and then use them plug and play. Like the general problem solving in this article.

So each time you have a problem is important to know that you need solution and the solution may be a formula. If you find the formula for solving a problem you are on your way to solving the problem.

If you want to achieve a goal and you find a formula for achieving the goal then you have overcome the biggest barrier. Use the formula and you will achieve the goal.

Think about formulas and use formulas. It will make a big difference in your problem solving.

[email protected]

?Simon Bere


