A Scientific Approach to Business Improvement....

A Scientific Approach to Business Improvement....

There are those in the world who believe the only approach to anything is "Scientific". For those in this "camp", we submit the following...

A Scientific Approach to Business Improvement...

It is based the principles of going "back to basics", some new elements along the lines of those in the Periodic Table, and a mathematical type formula based on those new elements...


We start with one of the most important Elements, Hu, the Human Element.... It includes the top four elements of the Scientific Periodic Table; Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen..

To this, we introduce 4 new Basic Elements of Business...

Pe (People), Pr (Process), Po (Policy), Pc (Procedure)

Without these four basic elements, one cannot truly achieve Business Improvement...

The formula for which four new elements can be effectively used is referred to as the:

"P4 Formula?"

Below illustrates an equation for the P4 Formula? written out in a scientific and mathematical format:

To improve any aspect in business, Humans have to apply the four new elements to the business areas that are a part of the improvement effort.


As with any scientific approach, an analysis needs to be performed... Each of the business areas needs to be analyzed utilizing the four new Business Elements. The key aspects of each need to documented, much like one documents observations in a Scientific notebook. (A structured approach to documenting them).

Below, we will walk through each of the Business Elements and the key aspects of each that need top be documented.

Pe- The People element relates to organization structures and personnel roles and responsibilities. Almost all business improvement efforts drive a need to confirm and/or restructure an organization. There needs to be organization charts as well table type templates to document the various roles, the responsibilities and leading practice metrics for each role to support their individual and/or organization responsibility .

Pr - The Process element relates to the primary business process models. Depending upon the business needs, At the highest level, it can start by defining a Business Component Model which is a high level conceptual diagram of the various business "systems" that need to interact with each other to support the business. This would be supported by Process Flow Charts for each of the major business components in the model. The process flow chart templates neednto be standardized showing "swimlanes" that ilustratebthe roles performing the individual process steps as well as decision blocks etc.. The method used for the flows need to use a standard or leading practice as well.

NOTE: A "system" can be a mix of human processes, paper processes and IT systems (including those localized on applications such as MS Excel that are used a part of the business.)

Po - The Policy Element is important as conforming/defining organizations and detailed processes often drives the realization that policies need to be put in place in order to support the business at the organization and/or enterprise levels. This is also one to the elements many businesses believe they can address and document at a later time. However, "later" never seems happen. This is why it is an element in P4 Formula?. It needs to be addressed during the overall Business Element Analysis activities. identifying and documenting policies along with processes etc..

Pc - The Procedure Element is often confused with Process (because of Process Flows). Procedures are a more detailed text based description of steps of a process (or a part within a process. In other words, a Process Flow Chart "illustrates" a process from a visual standpoint using graphics. A Procedure "describes" a processs, or part of a process, from a detailed standpoint using text.


To ensure any business improvement effort is accomplished with a sense of "corporate completeness", take the Scientific Approach. It has structure, logic, analytical and documentation principles that can achieve success for any business improvement effort.

While this article was written to add an alternative view (and some humor into your day), it does contain "elements" of reality and a practical approach to Business Improvement that can be applied every day, in every enterprise and/or organizations by Humans(Hu)...

Look for the release of our full Business Table of Periodic Elements which also includes the industry elements Along with the New Elements of Business ...

To learn more about business improvement visit www.Kurkowski-Windecker.com...


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