The Science of why 5G is safe for humans
Quickly coming is the newest wave of technology and infrastructure in the US. 5G technology is about to hit the population like a tidal wave, encompassing all our devices. 4G provided mobile network speeds that are hundreds of times faster than 3G ever hoped it could be, and now 5G is set to do the same to 4G. Users worldwide will soon stream HD TV, browse webpages that load lightning fast, and make video calls that don’t stutter, all through the coming of 5G. 5G will include speeds up to 100 Gigabits per second, which is up to 100 times faster than 4G.
As great as 5G sounds on paper, with every new iteration of the internet comes new fears of health problems linked to the technology. Most of these claims are linked to the same old arguments. In essence, humans have never experienced this particular brand of radiation; there were no tests on the technology to see whether it’s safe, and some agencies have declared that radiofrequency (Wi-Fi) radiation is potentially cancerous. Many fear-mongers in the “unhealthy” camp believe we need a moratorium on 5G until it is proven safe.
Thankfully, scientists have already shown that 5G technology is almost certainly safe, or that it poses no danger to humans. The people who know this and still believe it is unhealthy are likely falling prey to conspiracy theories with no basis in hard facts and science. That said, here’s what you need to know about 5G and your health.
On the electromagnetic spectrum, there are optical (visible) and infrared (heat) radiation types, as well as other types that are continually in our lives but lesser known. The low-energy signals like microwaves are continually interacting with us. Microwave radiation involves natural signals, including atmospheric molecules, astronomical signals, and a little bit of the glow from the controversial Big Bang. These signals are coupled with human-made signals like radios, radars, Bluetooth, GPS, satellite, and broadband. Let’s not forget Wi-Fi signals! Human-made 3G, 4G, and now 5G are a part of the Earth now.
Other signals we can’t see that are higher energy include X-ray, ultraviolet, and gamma-ray light. Large doses of higher-energy signals are usually dangerous to life, but we do use low doses in everyday life, like when you get an X-ray of a broken arm.
Why do high-energy signals matter? It has to do with the quantum nature of energy and matter. Light interacts with matter producing three possible outcomes:
- Light that is the wrong wavelength is not absorbed by the matter but is reflected.
- Light that is the correct wavelength is absorbed by the matter but doesn’t have enough energy to move electrons off parent atoms or molecules.
- Light is absorbed, and the photons have enough energy to ionize electrons.
Why are plants green? Because they can’t absorb green light and instead reflect it. Why does food cook in the microwave? Because liquid water and other molecules readily absorb microwave radiation, allowing the food to heat.
In the third possible outcome where there is ionization, the radiation is extremely damaging at the cellular level, which is why it is strongly recommended to wear sunscreen in direct sunlight. The ultraviolet light can ionize your skin and develop burns.
This is also why you need to wear a lead shield during X-rays. Higher-energy radiation like X-rays can cause similar damage to your body like the sun. When workers go into nuclear reactors, they need an excessive amount of shielding, and when there are nuclear detonations, living organisms suffer. Gamma-rays, which are the highest energy radiation of them all, cause cellular damage at an extreme level. It is typically fatal to humans at even small doses.
Ionizing radiation causes the most damage to humans and all other living organisms, which is why there are heavy regulations on its use and the amount that entities can emit.
While the use and effects of ionizing radiation is a serious issue, non-ionizing radiation can cause problems, too. If enough non-ionizing radiation is absorbed, the resulting damage can still be severe. Non-ionizing radiation doesn’t ionize individual electrons. Instead, the radiation is absorbed and converted to thermal, heat energy. Too much heat can permanently damage living tissue.
With all of this information, maybe it makes sense that some people are concerned about the potential health issues 5G poses. Could 5G technology and ambient radiation be damaging to humans?
Some people will always insist that it is. They will tell you to their last breath that Wi-Fi is already harming us and is the cause of numerous health issues already present in the population. The same people also believe there is a conspiracy to cover the information and research behind the effects. Now that the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified Wi-Fi as a possible carcinogenic, believers have more ammunition and feel that we need to delay the use of 5G until it is proven safe.
Fortunately, for most of society, this doesn’t seem likely. “Possibly carcinogenic” is the lowest danger level something can get as a risk factor. Any study that finds a dose of a substance causes any size spike in cancer in creatures, even with little significance, is classified as possibly carcinogenic. What else has the same label? Coffee, thyme, and nickel (like in coins) are all classified as possibly carcinogenic. If you’re okay with having those in your life, you should be okay with W-Fi radiation like 5G.
The only way this type of radiation can hurt you is if your body or parts of your body absorb a significant amount. When your mobile device sends or receives a wireless signal, it emits radiation at the right frequency to do so. But if you ever put a portable radio or old-school boombox close to your head, you experienced more radiation than a 5G device gives you. Even with dozens of devices around you that are sending and receiving, Wi-Fi signals pose no danger.
The science behind 5G safety is sound and backed by enough studies to make any “danger believer” go quiet — though they usually don’t. Without sufficient evidence to the contrary, we do not need to enact a moratorium on 5G for further testing. Based on numerous studies, there is no theoretical reason to fear Wi-Fi radiation.
If you’re curious about any potential health hazards, look to the people with the highest levels of 5G radiation exposure. Electrical and construction workers construct countless wireless communication towers across the world — towers we need for 5G capabilities. Research into these workers has shown that dangerous doses of 5G happen when you’re four inches or about 10 centimeters away from a tower. When you move to 33 feet or 10 meters from the tower, the damage goes down by a factor of 10,000.
In the UK, there are about 4,500 people who work closely with radiofrequency radiation, and the exposure they’re allowed to experience is five times greater than the general public. With that increase, there is no evidence that they have higher rates of cancer or other health issues one might attribute to Wi-Fi radiation.
Even so, the best protection for the public is including an exclusion zone around radio towers that are known to emit powerful Wi-Fi signals and radiation. An exclusion zone of 33 feet or 10 meters in all directions is enough to keep humans in the area safe. A radio transmitter and receiver placed high above the ground or on a building is also safe for surrounding humans as long as they’re at or more than 33 feet below the device.
The safeness of Wi-Fi radiation, which is backed by science, is clear, and the benefits of 5G connectivity are too. 4G was introduced in most places around 2009, so 5G is long overdue. 5G will bring faster speeds across the board, but we first need to build the infrastructure to support it. With 5G, we can expect even more technologies that require fast connections, including self-driving cars, better cameras, smart thermostats, and even Wi-Fi-connected toothbrushes.
There are countless dangers and health hazards in the world, but 5G is not one of them. Instead of listening to fear-mongers, listen to science, and get behind the latest and greatest advancements, 5G will usher into mainstream society.