The Science of Spiritual Medicine
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, Chaplain., Noetic Healing Orthodox Psychotherapist.
St. John’s Management Group AOCCA. An Orthodox Catholic Chaplaincy. Members: The International Conference of Police Chaplains, American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts and The Christian Legal Society.
The Science of Spiritual Medicine
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, St. John’s Management Group. A Law Enforcement Chaplaincy
Frequently Asked Questions?
Does Noetic Healing work for all problems in which stress plays a role. Do you have any Passions or emotions limiting beliefs? For instance:
I am not worthy. I do not count. I am not good enough.
I am not attractive. I am too fat. I am too thin.
I am too shy about that. I am easily intimidated.
I cannot control my emotions. I am easily irritated. I am impatient.
I am too stupid for that. I cannot do that; I would not dare do that.
Or do you suffer from subconscious memories or unpleasant events, such as:
Child abuse, (physical or emotional) sexual abuse,
Domestic violence, quarreling, fights, divorce,
Accidents, operations, war traumas,
Labor or employment disputes,
Witnessing or experiencing violence.
Or are you suffering (chronic) symptoms, illnesses, or problematic behaviors, such as:
Headaches, migraines,
chronic fatigue, burnout,
depressive symptoms,
anxiety disorders, PTSD, phobias,
back pain, rheumatism, neck, pain, or other skeletal pains,
addictions (smoking alcohol, other drugs, food, addictions, or any out-of-control behavior).
If you were dealing with any of the issues above, then it would definitely be beneficial for you to start using Noetic Healing. These are all benefits that The Passions (spiritual roots) and emotional issues can block you from being your true self and being able to respond to situations in a calm and appropriate manner.
Perhaps you feel limited inhibited or unable to change certain behaviors maybe you cannot stop smoking, or you were eating too much, or you were too scared to speak in public. You may be stuck in a vicious cycle of limiting beliefs and physical issues in pain. These are all very good reasons to learn Noetic Healing so you can overcome them. Ref: Gabrielle Rutten M.D., and Gary
What are The Passions? Passions are no more than forces that dominate your soul and are etched into your brain and its neural structure, programing your automatic responses. They need to be rooted out or overlaid with new programs. You can assume that some of this programing is hereditary. We know we inherit ancestral sin from Adam and Eve. This means this task is not a simple one. It requires God’s help along with a committed effort on your part. About 80% of all diseases have Spiritual Roots and no known medical cure. They are psychosomatic, including both psychological and biological diseases
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PhD. Specializing in PTSD, Anxiety, Physical Issues, Emotional Issues, Performance Issues and Noetic Energy Mediation. Therapeutic Orthodox Psychotherapist, (Board-Certified American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts), The right practice of medicine requires a good physician, a professional physician, and this applies to spiritual healing as well. The Church is the Hospital, and the medicine is the Sacraments... and asceticism, The priest is the physician's assistant (PA) and Jesus is THE physician!
St. John’s Management Group. A Therapeutic Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Offers a Sliding Scale"($Zero to $250)” per therapeutic hour which means that?the cost of therapy is adjusted based on a client's income level, allowing individuals with lower incomes to pay less for therapy compared to those with higher incomes;?essentially, the more they pay per session, makes therapy more accessible to people with varying financial situations. Appointments can be in my office, by zoom, telephone or e-mail. All questions are welcomed. Drop me an email:’ [email protected] ,or Call: 916-812-9706 or 530-644-4588.