Science and Significance of Gayatri Mantra

Science and Significance of Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra first appeared in the Rig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10), an early Vedic text written between 1100 to 1700 BCE. Rishi Vishwamitra is one of the sages who understood the complete power of Gayatri Mantra. He has given us the version of the Gayatri Mantra which is recited by many and this is why he is called “Vishwa-Mitra”, the friend of the entire universe.

Gayatri mantra is one in all holy prayings which describes whole life. It offers prayers to all deities by meaning- O God; you have always inspired us to walk on the true path of life. By this, we consider God as creator of life and destructor of all evils, pain, and misery. It is a happiness benefactor and prosperity generator and wish to have all incorporated in life. This mantra is chanted to worship Devi Savitri, the creator nature energy. Goddess Gayatri is Veda-Veda Mata" or the Mother of the Vedas. Gaytri mantra is taken from Yajurveda Chapter 36 Mantra No. 3.

Chandogya Upanishad (3.12.1), “Gayantam Trayate iti Gayatri” means that the person, who chants (Gayantam) Gayatri Mantra, is protected (Trayate) by Gayatri. The Gayatri Mantra is designed for divine shield, protection, guidance, and illumination. Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Savitur (Aditya-Surya-Sun) and Savita (Savitri-Gayatri), the dynamic form (Shakti-Savitri-Gayatri) of the Core (Source called Shakta-Aditya). Hence, Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to both, the Shakta (core) and the Shakti (dynamic form).

The Original Rig-Veda Gayatri Mantra (3.62.10) “Tat, Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhio Yonah Prachodayat!”

Gayatri Mantra in Yajurveda Chapter 36 Mantra 3 "Bhūr bhuva? sva? tat savitur vare?ya? bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo na? prachodayāt ||"

There exist a quite longer version of popular Gayatri Mantra in Taitteriya Aranyaka, Yajurveda, 10.35.1.

Our thoughts and actions will take on a new positivity. This is all possible through the sound energy of Gayatri mantra. Our body consists of 7 subtle chakras and 72,000 glands (nadiyas). Each gland (ida, pingla, sushumna etc. ) serves a different function. Each gland opens in the mouth. When reciting the Gayatri mantra, our tongue touches each opening and activates the corresponding gland and function.

Brahma himself designed the Gayatri mantra to activate these glands, which when activated yield amazing subtle capabilities. In fact, the human body is like a treasure chest, with many energy centers that generally remain inactive, dormant. But with the sound energy of the Gayatri mantra, these power centers will be activated and push one toward his greatest potential. In fact, we all can understand the effect of sound energy. It is through speaking a couple of words that you can lighten one’s day. But speaking a different few words could turn a friendship into a lifetime of hatred and enmity. Ultrasound technology is another example of the immense power of sound energy.

The sound associated with the Gayatri mantra will generate a magnetism (made stronger by deep rooted faith) that will attract similar positive thoughts from the environment. The energy obtained from activating the glands associated with the Gayatri mantra is associated with the powers of 24 devatas. If the power/energy of a certain devata is sought, there is a specific Gayatri mantra for each devata.

The Gayatri Mantra has, 24 Syllables, 24 Rishis, 24 Meters, Chandas, though Gayatri itself is a Chandas, and 24 Devatas, Presiding Deities, That is One for Each Syllable. These are personified as female deities (1) Vama Dev?, (2) Priya, (3) Satya, (4) Vis’va, (5) Bhadravilasin?, (6) Prabha Vat?, (7) Jaya, ( 8 ) S’anta, (9) Kanta, (10) Durga, (11) Sarasvat?, (12) Vidruma, (13) Vis’ale’sa, (14) Vyapin?, (15) Bimala, (16) Tamopaharin?, (17) S?ksma, (18) Vis’vayoni, (19) Jaya, (20) Vas’a, (21) Padmalaya, (22) Paras’obha, (23) Bhadra, and (24) Tripada.

As science confirms energy is convertible. Each Syllable of Gayatri is a Vibration and as a whole the Gayatri produces a Vibration in addition to vibration corresponding to Each Syllable. The Vibration of Gayatri produces Hues (colors) for each Syllable. The color of each syllable (1) like Champaka and Atas? flowers, (2) like Vidruma, (3) like crystal, (4) like lotus; (5) like the Rising Sun; (6) white like conchshell; (7) white like Kunda flower; ( 8 ) like Prabala and lotus leaves; (9) like Padmaraga, (10) like Indran?lamani; (11) like pearls; (12) like Saffron; (13) like the black collyrium of the eye; (14) red; (15) like the Vaid?rya mani; (16) like Ksaudra (Champaka tree, honey, water); (17) like turmeric; (18) like Kunda flower; and the milk (19) like the rays of the Sun; (20) like the tail of the bird S’uka; (21) like S’atapatra; (22) like Ketak? flower; (23) like Mallika flower; (24) like Karav?ra flower. (Source: Devi Bhaavatham Book 12, Chapter 2, Slokas 1 to 18)

Gayathri Mantra produces sound vibration frequency of 66 MHz. Since the Mantra can be heard by human ear, the sound frequency is clearly less than 20 KHz. To best of my knowledge, there are no instruments or non-human elements to the sound produced by this chanting, so if this were to be true, the same source (human voice) has to be producing sound at two distinct frequencies at the same time. That is also a scientific impossibility.

Om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yonah prachodayat (???????? ???? ????????????????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ?? ?????????? )

Om- Pranav (sound energy) Bhur- the source of life (vitality)

This means Bhagwan, Ishwar, God or whatever you may say will give you life. Vitality gives you will power, effort, immunity, resistance to diseases, good health, and other benefits. It removes negativity.A sort of aura is created around those with increased vitality, and those around them are inspired in the positive direction.

Bhuvah- that which takes away your pains and sorrows; Swah- that which gives you true and permanent happiness.

Our life moves on according to our destiny. Our destiny may make us happy or sad. There are three reasons for sadness and pain: Ignorance, Lack of resources, Weakness (inferiority in some way). When you do Gayatri Mantra, the problems that you formerly viewed as tragic and large, become small in your eyes. You become balanced, not losing hope in times of grief, but not getting over-excited in times of happiness. We develop the feeling of atmavat sarva bhooteshu (seeing one God in everyone).

Tat- that or he in which you believe. The Gayatri mantra only says tat, not specifically mentioning any devatas name, allowing you to apply it to whomever you believe in whether this may be Laxmi, Durga, Ganesh, or anyone.

Savitu- sun energy. The energy by which the sun continues to shine and serve as a source of life. The thoughts of one who does Gayatri mantra will be illuminated. He will be positively influential, like the sun.

Varenyam- literally means varan karne yogya. Varenyam refers to he who is the best in every regard. He who you consider your God and in whom you have endless faith is no doubt the best. He is pure, honest, respectful, service oriented, and full of good deeds. By doing Gayatri mantra, one begins developing these traits and works towards becoming the best he can be. He will become a role model for those around him and “the best” (Varenyam) in the eyes of others.

Bharg- means to minimize. To burn. Perhaps the most powerful word in the entire Gayatri mantra. Bharg destroys our sins and minimizes the consequences of our bad actions. The man himself is the architect of his destiny. What goes around comes around. Every action has a reaction. That is the way of the universe.

Our destiny is the consequences of our actions. The life we are living today is the result of our actions that have already delivered their consequences (prarabdh). But there are some actions for which the reaction is not yet ready to come into our life (Sanchit karma).

With bharg, these reactions will be minimized. If your actions call for you to face tragedies such as big illnesses or fatal accidents, you may get away with a simple common cold or perhaps something smaller. Your sanchitkarmas may also pass in the form of a tragic nightmare.

Devasya- means that which gives divinity. There lies a soul (atma) inside each and every one of us. But why don’t we feel it? Why cant we experience it? Just as fog blocks our vision on a foggy day, our kuu sanskars (poor habits, tendencies, thoughts, instincts that have accumulated over several lifetimes) do not allow us to experience the atma. It is like a dusty mirror. Until the dust is not cleared, we cannot see our reflection. Similarly, upon removing the kuu sanskars, the divinity within us will no doubt shine through.

Dheemahi- means to imbibe within us. Dheemahi leads to a realization of God, whomever you may believe in, within us.

Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi leads to Gyan Yog. One realizes that he who is the supreme being, he who has the energy of the sun itself (savitur), he who is the best in every respect (varenyam), he who forgives my sins (bhargo), and he who inspires divinity in me (devasya), is in fact inside me! Gyan Yog refers to self-realization, a new righteousness, and the awakening of the divine within you. There are many difficult sadhnas to experience your soul, but the relatively short Gayatrimantra provides an easy path to self-realization.

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat: Dhi means intellect. Yo refers to the righteous path. Nah means “all of ours”. Prachodayat means forcefully. So, we pray to the supreme to bring all of our intellects toward the righteous path forcefully, whether we like it or not.

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The Gayatri mantra will cause one to become a karma yogi, one who does his duty (whether it be duty as a parent, student, teacher, friend, employee etc.). without any expectation of the results of his actions.

In this manner, the Gayatri mantra allows us to attain Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, and Karma Yoga. Gayatri mantra with deep faith gives (among other things): Long life, Vitality, Wealth, Fame, Self-realization. It should be chant 108 times with a Rudraksha mala.

Our roots, tradition, culture, and values will always keep us grounded with faith. No matter how fast life becomes or what level of success we achieve, our culture, heritage and devotion will reflect our Sanatan originality. Hinduism is one of the greatest and finest ancient religions. Hindu spiritual items open doors for happiness and prosperity in life with mythological books, stories, and tales of the Gods / nature.

Before we start any of our daily activities we should pray to the Gods who are responsible for our birth. It shows your reverence to the Almighty / nature and your dedication towards him. It encompasses a feeling of gratitude. The Gayatri Mantra is a prayer dedicated to mother earth. It shows your respect to our beloved mother nature for all her bountiful resources. A spiritual mantra is traditionally a short sound, word, or even phrase spoken in Sanskrit.

This mantra sharpens the intellect and calms the body along with the mind Psychologically if devotion and emotions is there. It helps to bring down the stress level and uplifts a tranquil atmosphere.

According to spiritual gurus and leaders, if you keep repeating the mantras every day, it will set you up Psychological association with mind / body and hence neuro system follow for success and positivity. Prayer makes it easier for people to forgive. Researchers found that having participants pray for partners and friends made those individuals more likely to forgive their partners, friends and is consistent with other research suggesting that prayer improves relationships.

When you make intention and the Universe hears it, your Soul understands it and will do everything to manifest it as reality. When DNA is activated, it hears every command you give. It will work towards making that a reality. That is the power of DNA; immense power to co-create, to create. When DNA is activated, all the minds work as one called synchronization with nature. Body, Mind, Soul and Nature Earth surrounded us, in harmony with five basic elements, serenity love and peace uniting. This is the time to wash away all stains from our society, soul and heart purging, and our body rebuilding as our mind needs exercising healing and caring.

Prayers are very powerful as it sends out healing energy towards the person or situation / event that needs to be healed. Group prayers are even more powerful as the power of prayer becomes exponential. Quantum physics has proved that when multiple people hold the same thought in their minds at the same time, the energy of the field created is the square of the number of people holding the thought together. Your prayer is answered according to the universal law of action and reaction. The law of your mind is the law of belief. This means to believe in the way your mind works, to believe in belief itself. The belief of your mind is the thought of your mind that is simple just that and nothing else.

Positivity and enthusiasm increases– Whenever you feel low chant this mantra. It fills you with good vibes that helps you do all fine for you and others around. A feeling of energy and willingness is created that keeps you going.

Glow on the face- If you chant Gayatri mantra daily then your face becomes sharp and radiant. With confidence boost, your overall personality develops.

Negativity won’t get zoned- People who abide by this mantra is full of positive energy which automatically surpass all the negativity. You don’t get negative or bad thoughts and you move in right direction.

You get religious and work for the welfare of others too- Person starts thinking above himself. He gets engaged in social work and in helping others. He does charity and gets a feeling of self-satisfaction.

Strength to fulfill dreams- This mantra if chanted daily boosts inner strength, confidence, and self-control and becomes an inspiration stream to get your dreams comes alive.

All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts. Remember, it is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result. Begin to believe in the eternal verities and truths of life, which never change. Then, you will move onward and upward. Whoever reads this and applies the principles of the subconscious mind herein set forth; will be able to pray scientifically and effectively for himself and for others.

Thought is incipient action. The reaction is the response from your subconscious mind which corresponds with the nature of your thought. Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and good will, and wonders will happen in your life. Helping others in their difficult times is an immeasurable gift to humanity.

Everyone no matter how big and strong, could use a little help sometimes, never be afraid to ask for it, nor hesitate to help when asked. Offering help is its own kind of goodness while accepting help is its own kind of strength. Don’t expect others to help you during your hard times, if you have not offered to help them during their troubles. Extend your helping hand to others without expecting any credit for your gesture.

The expression of gratitude is essential to humankind’s sustainability and survival. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression. Gratitude’s stabilizing and healing effects, which have been researched from multiple standpoints - cultural, psychological, physical, spiritual, have made it abundantly clear that the benefits of living a grateful life are irrefutable. And when people in great numbers choose to practice, integrate, and embody gratitude, the cumulative force that is generated can help create the kind of world we all hope for and desire, for ourselves and for future generations.

When you pray for others, Universe listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you. This Highest State (unconditional loving stages) is the same for all and the experience is also the same, some difference in the interpretations put on the Highest Truth. The interpretations are made with the mind. The minds are different and so the interpretations are different. The expressions may differ according to the nature of the seekers.

Researchers found that having couples pray together increased both feelings of unity and trust and did so more than having couples talk about positive experiences. This work suggests that prayer is more than just an emotionally positive experience. It helps bring couples together. There is quite a bit of research focused on the different ways that people use prayer to cope with a variety of psychological and physical health challenges. Research is also discovering how the content of a prayer matters.

For instance, prayer that is focused on showing thankfulness and/or getting closer to God has a positive effect on mental well-being. Prayer that is focused on asking God /nature for something does not positively influence well-being and may even harm it. Researchers continue to explore the power of prayer.

While chanting the Gayatri Mantra, you should always close your eyes and try to concentrate on every word and understand its meaning. Each word or even sound should be uttered correctly, as it should be. Although it can be chanted at any time of the day, it is suggested that it is better to chant the mantra early in the morning and at night before sleeping.

Eventually, the mantra is an expression of gratitude to both the life-giving Sun and the Divine. It boosted devotees taking a heart-centered approach to the mantra. The sensibility it awakens is more significant than the literal meaning. It’s an offering, a way to open to grace, to inspire oneself.

From the seven verses of Rigveda, Gayatri mantra is the one with three in-depth terms- Tripda, Vai, and Gayatri. It is trust that when the symbol of creation was envisioned from verses then the universe was said as Gayatri. It is stated in the Upanishads as a significant ritual and in the Bhagavad Gita as the poem of the Divine. It is a belief that chanting Gayatri Mantra firmly establishes the mind, and if people carry on his-her life and do the work that is destined, our life will be full of joy and happiness. There is the glory of God in the mantra mentioned in scriptures and also the method to attain Him is mentioned.

Until that method is not accepted till then, it will be impossible to attain self-welfare, that is, attain Godly benefit. It has been said in pious Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23 that ‘OM-Tat-Sat’ is only the mantra to attain complete God. It is remembered by three methods to attain salvation. ‘OM’ mantra is of Brahm, that is, Kshar Purush, ‘TAT’ (is indicative which is told to the one who takes initiation) mantra is of ParBrahm, that is, Jaap of Akshar Purush and ‘SAT’ mantra (is indicative. This is also called Satshabad, that is, Sarnaam. The method of attaining that God is different.

In Yajurveda Chapter 40 Mantra 10 and in pious Gita Ji Chapter 4 Verse 34 it is said that ‘ask enlightened Saint about the knowledge to attain complete God and to understand the true spiritual knowledge’. This will be told to the one who will take name initiation) is of complete God, that is, Param Akshar Brahm, Jaap of Satpurush. The method to chant this Jaap (OM-Tat-Sat) is also by three methods. Complete salvation is possible with this only.

Spiritual Bharat Siddha Bimala Temple #Gayatri #gayatrimantra #Gayatri_Mantra #gayatridevi #GayatriPariwar #??????? #?????? #????????????? #hinduism #spiritualbharat #dranadisahoo #rishikesh #Vishwamitra #Rishi #RishiSunak #ancientindia #templesofindia #sanatandharma #sanatanihindu #Sanskrit #NewIndia #HindusOfTheWorld #mantra #ancientwisdom #BharatMataKiJai

Sharath Chandra K

Software engineer, at Tech mahindra

10 个月

Superb explanation

Suresh Kumar Panchbhai

ExGM Bhilai steel plant,33+ yrs Managerial and leadership experience in Mechanical Maintenance Sinter Plant @Bokaro Steel Plant & Coke Ovens@ BhilaiSteel Plant @Steel Authority of India Limited

2 年

All historical dates about gayatri not authentic, go for more research may find true picture

Nitin Naik

Sales & Marketing department

2 年

Very true ?? correct.

Viswanatha Donthi

Retd. GM (MP) at Nmdc Ltd, Formerly Known As National Mineral Development Corp

2 年

Very good explanation based on research



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