Science and Religion
The morning started with another blackout. The deterioration of the batteries of the artificial atmosphere system started to produce them now regularly. Their terminals, when exposed to the Martian atmosphere saturated with carbon dioxide, separate the oxygen from the carbon oxidizing them. With time, the oxidation corroded the metals blocking the transfer of energy. Such a scenario was not considered in the designing of the batteries making them now susceptible to unexpected blackouts.
The lack of resources of Mars made the engineers decide to install the battery pack outside the artificial atmosphere areas. Keeping them inside would have required increasing the purifying capacity of the air compressors to cope with the toxicity caused by the normal operation of the batteries. Now, after 8 Earth years, the hope is the next battery generation whose manufacturing just finished months ago. Sadly, the transportation, replacement and startup of the new system will take more than other 3 Earth years. Maybe 4. Just the mere transportation of each delivery requires 2 years.
This situation started without any warning one year ago. The first time it happened, the backup oxygen tanks prevented negative consequences. However, the few who understood the impact of the damage panicked thinking of the horrors of an eventual losing of the breathing system. They were also smart to allow themselves to be dragged into desperation only in the privacy of their rooms.?
This was the last inflicting situation to add to the extreme and aggressive dairy life of being the first colony of Mars. For such a transcendental enterprise, top scientists were chosen. Genetics, robotics, chemist, physics, physicians, were among the list of specialties needed. Everyone not only had outstanding achievements in their respective fields but also had almost perfect health accompanied with strong bodies. The hostility of the Martian land would bend the strongest humans, then limiting the scope to healthy specimens.? For instance, the head of the genetic modification lab was part of the team that got the Nobel of chemistry for enhancing a cactus to survive in up to 98% concentration of CO2, while at the same time, being successful in a couple of excruciating physical competitions.?
Selecting the cactus for that development was connected to its ability to survive without water for long periods of time and precisely intended for the Martian Mission. If the cactus was successful at improving the concentration of the carbon dioxide of a closed martian area to lower levels, other plants less resistant to high CO2 levels would be introduced to further improve that atmosphere. The plan was to produce a domino effect that led to planting normal plants from Earth, not just enhanced. What was not considered was the components and caring Mother Earth provides to her plants. Once those samples were planted on martian soil, they died without hope.??
The people living in the colony accepted to go there. They decided to take part in the historic mission to expand the human realms to other worlds. The pain and suffering they experienced during that time was accepted and stoically beard. However, what was morally reprehensible was the two boys who were conceived there during those years. Not only because their parents deny them the chance of having earthly lives, with sunshine, flowers, birds, grass, etc, but because they were planned, like the enhanced cactus, to test the adaptation of the earth species to the martian soil. For them, living in a closed environment, without plants or animals and located in the middle of an unending, toxic and dead desert, was normal.
The technicians solved the problem with the batteries and the energy was restored. The loud speakers then announced the restart of the systems together with announcements related to the other topics of the colony. The protocol required to indicate the date and time of the city of London, as a reference of the Earth time. This particular day, another announcement was included: …our brothers and sisters in our home planet celebrate today the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who faced death 2000 years ago to save us from evil. We will join together at 1900 hours to celebrate it in the communion of our martian community family.????