Science- How can it help in detecting supply chain fraud
As we enter Globalization 4.0, the adage ‘World is my oyster’ has truly taken a real meaning and global Alliance ?between countries is speeding ?up international trade – unlocking investment and growth benefits more and more. People across the world believe that as international trade and investment grow economies, poverty will be reduced and people will be better empowered . But with every new venture also come risks. Today?big successful businesses have to manage their supply chain?globally by keeping track of everything that happens along the way . But this is an almost impossible task because as products and materials go in and out?there are many opportunities along the way which can leave you vulnerable to fraud, including counterfeit raw materials, goods and dishonest vendors. In 2008 Thomas Weilgum in his report?in 2008 [“Fraud and Theft Risks in Global Supply Chains Are Everywhere,” CIO, 30 April 2008] had talked on enterprises discovering that their businesses were prone to ?fraud and theft as they relied ?more and more on global outsourcing relationships, complex networks of suppliers and vast computer networks to conduct business.” Poisonous chemicals found in toothpaste, lead paint in Thomas the Tank Engine toy trains , contaminated pet foods , ethylene glycol contaminated pediatric paracetamol syrup are just some examples of such unscrupulous products in the last years that have been on the news ?that could have been manufactured anywhere with the supply chain going across from China to Nigeria to Brazil . The list is endless.How can Science help in weeding out such fraudulent practices and help the consumer to buy a product that is made with the right raw materials, employing no child labor or in a sweat factory ?