Science of God For Future World Part 71

Science of God For Future World Part 71

eBook 1205

10 Dec 2024

Science of God For Future World-

Science of God For the Future World has been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe. This ebook is for every age group of people who can understand it.

It is the collection of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

What is Science of God? Do you know?

Science of God For the Future World. It is the most secret, most sacred Science. It is the most ancient Science. It is thousands of years old Science.

What is this Science?

See every one soul, Atma, Self. See Krishna, Jesus, Allah, God or Almighty inside of everyone without any difference of religion, nation, gender etc. Behave accordingly.

Be Roman in Rome.

Behave as per the worldly requirement.

But don't forget, everyone is the son of God irrespective of religion, gender, nation, language, race etc.

Thus you can make your future golden.

And one day you may find yourself very near to the Almighty. Thus one day you may know that you are not the body. You are soul, Atma, Self.

In some places you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

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Science of God For Future World: All Parts-

Science of God For Future World-

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Science of God-

*Do you know?

What is Science of God?

*Science of God!

For the Future World!

It is nothing!

But Behaviour Science!

It is the art of living!

It is your living style!

It is your behaviour style!

With everyone!

*See everyone as soul, Atma, Self!

See Krishna inside everyone!

See Almighty inside everyone!

This is called Science of God!

*If you learn this!

If you master it!

You will be very near to God!

*And one day!

You will know!

You are not merely a body!

You are immortal Atma, soul!

*Try it for some years!

And check yourself!

*Jai Sri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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6 December 2020

Reason of Many Births-

If someone abuses you!

You want to abuse him!

If someone beats you!

You want to beat him!

If someone steals your any thing!

You want to steal his any thing!

If someone cheats you!

You want to cheat him!

If someone kills you!

You want to kill him!

And this is the reason!

Of many births!

Your unfulfilled desires!

They are the reason!

Of your many births!

If you could not do something!

In this birth!

But you wanted to do and you die!

Hence you take next births!

Since you never die!

Only your body dies!

And this is continued till you know!

He and you are same and one!

You were fighting with him!

Like monkey sees his reflection!

In the mirror and fights!

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5 December 2020

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5 December 2020

My Most Viewed Posts Part 1-

Don't worry about people


What is Vivek?

Who says Krishna doesn't come?

One day you will forget

Words of Wisdom : Karma

If you hate Hindu or Muslims

How is Almighty?

What is religious?

Respect your elders

What is the reason of sorrows?... Bird

You are seeing movie

Why so many Gods in Hinduism?

No appointment is required for Almighty

What is Spirituality?

Change starts from home

What is actual knowing?

If you were selected in competition

You can give it any name

You should never be shocked


If you are not selected in IAS or IIT

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5 December 2020

My Most Viewed Posts 2-

There is no true love

People are not loving

A drop in the ocean

What is bathing 429 views

Those who are angry

Everything is allowed to those

Ego is First Thought

You are already so much big

9/ Amazing

Adhyatm Vidya

Selfish and Selfless

Dekhte Dekhte 419 views

They are your enemy

Prakriti is only Maya

Life moves in the direction of the best

64/ Remember - Nothing is Yours

What is Vivek?

Deepavali means Deep + Avali

What is Meditation?

Krishna only is Allah

Role of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group -


What is Knowledge? What is ignorance?

What is worship of Krishna?

Your body is dead


Don't worry about people

Do not entangle in words or individuals

Almighty never changes names

What happens after death

Why we need to know Almighty?

Love to Maa is Love to Devi Maa

Three categories of rich people

You may be

277/ What is ego?-

You should never be shocked

No one is different than me

361/ You can not be two!

353/ Not after the death

Krishna takes birth in you

Happiness is not in things

Temple or Mosque

IAS and Public Service part 1

307/ It is like this - 1638 views

Our Existence is like sand

150/ Divine voice from sky : Almighty

41/ You are mine

What is luck or Prarabdha?

13/ If you are keeping your parents

93/ Namaz and Prayer

137/ Reflection

If someone has spoken bad words

300/ Why sorrows are required?

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5 December 2020

What is mind?-

Mind is different than brain!

Mind means subtle mind!

Which is not visible!

All world is play of this mind!

Mind is accumulated Sanskar!

From our thousands of births!

Our desires, good and bad deeds!

From our thousands of births!

They make the invisible mind!

Our past Karma stored in mind!

And that is the cause of our!

Birth after the births!

Even if you are doing!

Any bad or good Karma!

Even if no one is seeing!

Your mind is seeing!

Your mind is storing it!

At the time of death!

This storage is transferred!

To new body!

You take birth accordingly!

Subtle body contains!

This storage of your Karma!

Subtle body does not die!

Your visible body only dies!

You are not this visible body!

You are invisible subtle body!

One takes next births!

Of human, animal, bird etc!

As per the Karma stored in mind!

As per the deeds stored in subtle body!

That is the reason it is said!

Do good Karma for good birth!

You can't remain without Karma!

Since body is made only for Karma!

If you do selfish Karma!

You take good or bad birth!

If you do selfless Karma!

You don't take any birth!

Birth is the cause of miseries!

Good Karma golden jail!

Bad Karma iron jail!

You can't remain happy in jail!

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4 December 2020

What will you do of such knowledge?-

What will you do?

Of knowledge of the world!

When it can not save you!

From death after the deaths!

Misery after the miseries!

You have seen enough deaths!

You have seen enough miseries!

Now get such knowledge!

That no other knowledge is required!

What is the purpose of such knowledge!

Which can not do any good for you!

And real good is elimination of sorrows!

And real good is to achieve happiness!

So far you received the knowledge!

Your sorrows have been eliminated?

Permanently for ever, not temporarily!

So far you received the knowledge!

Have you achieved happiness?

Permanently for ever, not temporarily!

Get such knowledge!

That no further pain to you!

Get such knowledge!

That you receive happiness!

Not temporarily with doubts!

Yes permanently without any doubt!

Main thing guidance required!

Main thing infinite patience required!

And it is the aim of your life!

Yes, life after the life!

And it is the purpose of your life!

Yes, life after the life!

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4 December 2020

Don't confuse in the names-

Don't confuse in the names!

Like Krishna!







Etc etc!

Make it simpler!

Be simple!

Call it Paramatma!

And Atma!

Almighty is Paramatma!

You are Atma!

You are His part!

He is your part!

All Gods are covered!

In this one name!

All Goddesses covered!

In this one name!

From every religion!

From all religions!

Hence don't confuse any more!

Make it simpler for always!

Since you are present!

Hence He is present!

Since you are His part!

He is your part!

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3 December 2020

Almighty not available by divorce-

Almighty not available by divorce!

Don't think that you will know Him!

Only by seeking divorce!

This situation is created by Almighty!

For making yourself powerful!

Hence you have to face it!

Treat your spouse a part of Almighty!

Treat it as a drama! Don't run away!

Only cowards run away!

You are strong!

Almighty considers you strong!

Hence He has given you this role!

In the drama of your life!

To make you more powerful!

By facing it boldly!

Accept the challenge!

Think, Almighty speaking from spouse!

Think, Almighty acting from spouse!

Thus you get double benefits!

First, an opportunity to remember Him!

Second, opportunity to make you powerful!

And you see the miracles!

After some months!

People have become saints!

By doing this!

People have achieved Almighty!

By following this!

People have become immortal!

By accepting this challenge!

Accept this challenge!

And be immortal!

Be blissful for always!

Defeat death for always!

By knowing Almighty!

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3 December 2020

There is no true love-

There is no pure love!

In this world!

Everyone is trading!

If we are spouse!

We expect from our spouse!

If our expectations not fulfilled!

Then we become unhappy!

If we are parents

We expect from children!

They will serve us!

When we shall be old!

Children do not serve us!

Then we become unhappy!

If we are children!

We expect from parents!

They will fulfill our demands!

If they don't, we become unhappy!

If we are siblings!

We expect from our siblings!

If they don't fulfill our demands!

We become unhappy!

If we are friends!

We expect from our friends!

They should be helpful!

At the time of our need!

If they don't, we become unhappy!

This is the tradition of the world!

And this is called love in the world!

We don't know what is true love!

And this is the reason of our sorrows!

True love is without any expectation!

True love is not a trade!

True love opens the door of liberation!

True love is very much selfless!

True love is the gist of entire Gita!

We can be liberated while living in family!

No need to go to forests or Himalaya!

We can know Almighty in home itself!

If we don't expect anything from anyone!

If we treat everyone with true love!

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3 December 2020

People are not loving-

People are not loving!

They are trading!

We find only rare one!

Who loves in the world!

People say!

We love each other!

But it is just for showing!

Actually they are trading!

People insults anyone!

When he is alive!

But they offer the flowers!

When he dies!

And after the death!

They forget him!

Within a few days!

With such a trade business!

Without loving each other!

They say God doesn't exist!

How can we know Almighty?

Without loving each other!

Since God is love, love is God!

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About Pravin Agrawal

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

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Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die By Pravin Agrawal-

Peace can't be achieved without divine By Pravin Agrawal-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

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You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

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Visit these videos-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-

Unlocking the Soul: The Journey Beyond Identity-

Experiencing Enlightenment: A Divine Journey-

The Ultimate CCTV: Divine Surveillance!-

Beyond the Body: A Journey to Moksha-

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Bhagavad Gita Ki Mahima: Ek Sachchi Ghatna-

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

Shree Hanuman Chalisa Original Video GULSHAN KUMAR HARIHARAN Full-

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Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

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PriyaTosh Sood

Company Secretary at International tractors limited

2 个月

Om Jai Bhole Nath ji Maharaj ????



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