Science of God For Future World Part 167

Science of God For Future World Part 167


Science of God For Future World Introduction:

Science of God For the Future World has been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe. This ebook is for every age group of people who can understand it.

It is the collection of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

What is Science of God? Do you know?

Science of God For the Future World. It is the most secret, most sacred Science. It is the most ancient Science. It is thousands of years old Science.

What is this Science?

See every one soul, Atma, Self. See Krishna, Jesus, Allah, God or Almighty inside of everyone without any difference of religion, nation, gender etc. Behave accordingly.

Be Roman in Rome.

Behave as per the worldly requirement.

But don't forget, everyone is the son of God irrespective of religion, gender, nation, language, race etc.

Thus you can make your future golden.

And one day you may find yourself very near to the Almighty. Thus one day you may know that you are not the body. You are soul, Atma, Self.

In some places you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

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Science of God For Future World: All Parts-

Science of God For Future World-

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Science of God-

*Do you know?

What is Science of God?

*Science of God!

For the Future World!

It is nothing!

But Behaviour Science!

It is the art of living!

It is your living style!

It is your behaviour style!

With everyone!

*See everyone as soul, Atma, Self!

See Krishna inside everyone!

See Almighty inside everyone!

This is called Science of God!

*If you learn this!

If you master it!

You will be very near to God!

*And one day!

You will know!

You are not merely a body!

You are immortal Atma, soul!

*Try it for some years!

And check yourself!

*Jai Sri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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5 Feb 2023

Feedback From One Group Member-

Radhe Radhe Sir,


Experience With Spiritual India

It is a privilege and a blessing to be a member of Spiritual India Group led by you. This is not just a group, it is indeed an extended family. The connection with the group provided a path to Spirituality. Groups have a positive influence on self awareness having a positive outlook, provided a lens through which I can elevate my understanding about Purpose of Life, daily enhanced Spiritual experiences shared by the group members.

I feel blessed to take the sip of divine knowledge from the Holy Grail of Spiritual India everyday.

I apologies to those if any of my post hurts someone.

I would like to express my profound gratitude for this new paradigm that I've acquired from this conglomeration .

You have been an exemplary Mentor, have learnt a lot from your very informative,inspirational small poetic messages.

Thanks to you and all group members for having an immense influence in my Spiritual trajectory!


Hare Krishna


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17 October 2024

Science of God For Future World Daily

Dear Friends,

*Daily I am sharing Science of God For Future World at 6 am daily.

*I am not sharing this anywhere else daily.

*If you are interested, you can visit my LinkedIn profile and read this series daily.

*Similarly I am sharing the following series on LinkedIn almost daily-

Daily Sharing Bhagavad Gita

Daily Sharing Yog Vashishtha to Know Almighty

My Most Favorite Beautiful Quotes: All in One

*I am sharing some other beautiful posts also on LinkedIn almost daily.

*I am not sharing them anywhere else daily.

*If you are interested, you can visit my LinkedIn profile and read these series daily.

*You can Google search my all the profiles by the following key-words:

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

*Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

*Happy Sharad Purnima!

Pravin Agrawal


Spiritual India


29 December 2024

You are always Self

*You do everything thru body!

You do everything thru mind!

You do everything thru intellect!

*Who else is there?

To do anything!

To do everything!

*You are always the self!

Body acts due to you!

Mind acts due to you!

Intellect acts due to you!

*You are the presence!

You witness everything!

*When you know yourself a body!

Then you feel as if sleeping!

When you know yourself Atma!

Then you know you are awake!

*You are always self soul Atma!

Who will do other than you?

Who will know other than you?

As if you do in your dream!

As if you know in your dream?

*You are knower!

You are knowledge!

You are knowing!

In your dream!

Same is true now also!

*You do everything in dream!

You are every action of dream!

You are every doing of dream!

This you know when you wake up!

*You were everything of dream!

You were everyone of dream!

You know this when you wake up!

Same is true now also!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


28 December 2024

Death is Nectar, Life is Poison

*Think yourself!

Can father kill us?

Can mother kill us?

*Almighty God!

He is the only father!

He is the only mother!

Of our millions of births!

How can He kill us?

*He is our most beloved!

Beloved than the most beloved!

He loves us so much!

He is our most beloved Self!

How can He Kill us?

*You don't know!

You must try to know!

Death is Nectar, Life is Poison!

Our home is not this earth!

Home of Almighty our Eternal Home!

*For ignorant-

Death is Poison, Life is Nectar!

For knowledgeable-

Death is Nectar, Life is Poison!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Happy New Year Posts-

Slideshows more than 1000K Views Linkedin-

My 10,000th Blog in Speaking Tree-

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25 December 2024

My Posts Are Not True

*My posts are not false!

My posts are not true!

*Can you tell me?

Dream is true or false?

*Dream is neither true!

Nor it is false!

When you see dream!

It appears true!

When you wake up!

It appears false!

*Same may be the case!

With my any post!

It depends upon your!

Level of understanding!

*When you don't understand!

You may find it false!

When you understand!

You may find it true!

*But at full understanding!

You will find everything false!

You will find everything true!

After knowing ultimate truth!

*In fact only Almighty is true!

Everything else is false!

*A small child wants moon!

He understands it a toy!

How can mother give it?

*When the same child is grown up!

He understands his mistake!

*Self soul Atma is Paramatma!

Paramatma is Almighty Brahman!

He is infinite unlimited!

No one can bind Him in words!

He transcends the opposites!


Which can be described in words!

Which can be spoken in words!

Which can be written in words!

Which can be right or wrong!

Which is within the mind!

Which is never true but seems to be true!

That is Maya or illusion!


Which can not be described in words!

Which can not be spoken in words!

Which can not be written in words!

Which can not be right or wrong!

Which is beyond the mind!

Which is always true!

That is not Maya or illusion!

That is eternal truth!

*Self soul Atma!

Paramatma Brahman Almighty!

That is beyond true or false!

That is beyond anything everything!

That is beyond the imagination!

*Don't trouble your mind!

For deciding about it!

Don't say it true or false!

Since it is beyond everyone!

Since it is beyond everything!

*When you contemplate!

And contemplate!

When your mind is tired!

And intelligence is defeated!

When your ego is smashed!

Then you may get its glimpse!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


25 December 2024

Drishta is only one

*Everyone is Drishya!

Everything is Drishya!

*Drishta is only one!

That is self soul Atma!

That is Paramatma!

*Drishta in English seer!

Drishya in English scene!

*Drishta Drishya also in duality!

That is in ignorance!

When self soul Atma sleeps!

*When self soul Atma wakes up!

Then no duality!

Only self soul Atma remains!

Only Paramatma remains!

*Differences of religions!

Only in duality!

Differences of Gods!

Only in duality!

*In fact there is no duality!

In fact there is no non-duality!

Only self soul Atma exists!

Who is Paramatma!

*Krishna is Paramatma!

Krishna is every God!

Krishna is Jesus!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Merry Christmas!


24 December 2024

Even if you know me, you don't know

*Those who know me!

They don't know me!

*Even if you know me!

You don't know me!

*Don't think me!

I am merely a body!

I am self soul Atma!

*If you consider me a body!

Then you are in ignorance!

Then you are in darkness!

*Aim of your birth!

To know me!

To know yourself!

*You are not a body!

You are self soul Atma!

*I know this truth!

You don't know this truth!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 December 2024

Think I am living in forest

*Think I am living in Ashram!

Think I am living in a temple!

*Don't think I am living in home!

Even if I am living in home!

*I don't have any desire!

Right from the year 1990!

After my Spiritual Birth!

*I don't do anything!

Even after doing everything!

*I don't live in the home!

Even after living in my home!

*I can't go even to meet my Maa!

I can't see my relatives, friends!

Without the permission of Almighty!

*I can't desire to meet my Maa!

I can't desire to see relatives!

I can't desire to see the friends!

*My every action!

That is of Almighty!

Since He makes me dance!

*I am not a body!

I am self soul Atma!

*I do every action of body!

But I never do anything!

*I don't live in the home!

I don't live in the forest!

I don't live in an Ashram!

I don't live in a temple!

*I live in self soul Atma!

As I am myself Atma!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


22 December 2024

True love kills you

*How is true love of God?

When you know Him!

*True love is like!

Fish without water!

Fish loves water!

That it will die without it!

*Love of God kills you certainly!

You will depart from this body!

But you may return or not!

Depends on Almighty!

*Then only you can know Him!

Without giving your life!

You can't know Him!

*Life should not be dear to you!

World should not be dear to you!

*You should not think!

Almighty is so cheap!

*Only then you can know Him!

After knowing only!

Your true worship starts!

Your divine journey starts!

*Divine journey!

It is not an easy life!

Some time you are fed up!

Some time you want to leave it!

Some time you want to leave family!

Some time you want to leave world!

*Those who can walk!

On the edge of sword!

They walk on divine path!

*Don't start this journey!

Don't walk on this path!

If you don't want to walk!

On the edge of sword!

*Krishna rightly says in Gita!

Initially you drink poison!

At last you can taste nectar!

*Cost of one drop of this nectar!

More than billions of dollars!

You become richest in world!

Then you feel at top of world!

*Then only you have eternal life!

Then only you become immortal!

*God helps you in every step!

But some time you feel!

That God is not helping you!

This is due to lack of devotion!

*God tests you so many times!

Almighty tests you at every step!

*This is as per my experience!

This is as per my journey!

Though there may be difference!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 December 2024

Mindfulness is Meditation

*You are in family!

You can't sit for meditation!

For hours together!

You have other works in family!

*You are man, woman!

Do you need any meditation?

To remember this truth!

Do you need any worship for it?

*You are not a body!

You are self soul Atma!

Be always mindful about it!

Be always alert about it!

*If anyone comes to you!

If you go anywhere!

If you stay anywhere!

See everyone self soul Atma!

*Be always in self-awareness!

This will do your personal growth!

This will do your inner transformation!

See everyone as your reflection!

*Cultivate art of letting go!

By giving more value to Atma!

*Cultivate self-love, self-acceptance!

By giving more value to self soul!

*Enhance your mental well-being!

Daily read, share divine posts!

*Always love everyone!

Seeing yourself in everyone!

Thus enhance your relationship!

With self soul Atma Almighty!

*This will be your meditation!

This will be your worship!

*Thus know your divine power!

Be peaceful in chaotic world!

This is purpose of your birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

*Happy First World Meditation Day!


20 December 2024

Karan Karavan Haar

*Its meaning in English-

You can't do anything!

God only makes you dance!

He is Karan Karavan Har!

*You can't know Him!

By your own efforts!

*You have to surrender fully!

To God or God-realised!

*Only then you can know Him!

This is the purpose of birth!

*A baby can't do anything!

He loves to Ma!

Even if Ma beats him!

He doesn't leave Ma!

*Same type of love!

We require for God!

He will beat us with pain!

Even then we shouldn't leave Him!

*It's most easy path!

It's most difficult path!

Easy when we learn to walk!

Difficult when we don't learn!

*Krishna also tells same!

In Bhagavad Gita!

Initially we have to drink poison!

In the end we can drink nectar!

*In no case we should leave hope!

In no case we should leave path!

*Always remember!

Never forget!

Drop of water can cut rock!

Not by its power!

But by its persistence!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


19 December 2024

No one can know me

*Without faith and belief!

No one can know me!

*Without full surrender!

No one can know me!

*Without pure love!

No one can know me!

*Without following truth!

No one can know me!

*I am easily known by one!

Who remembers me always!

Without a break for some days!

*I am easily known by one!

Who is ready to give his life for me!

I am easily known by one!

Who loves me more than his life!

*I am easily known by one!

Who loves me more than!

Any other thing person!

In the entire universe!

*I am easily known by one!

Who has no other shelter!

Who has no other refuge!

Except me only!

*No one can know me!

By the mind or intellect!

*If one is egoless!

One can easily know me!

If one is thoughtless!

One can easily know me!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


19 December 2024

Don't think I am not present

*I am invisible!

It doesn't mean!

That I don't exist!

Don't think I am not present!

*I am everywhere!

I am inside you!

I am outside of you!

I am in between of you!

*I am inside of any atom!

I am out side of every atom!

I am in between of every atom!

*My nature set right everything!

My nature set right every wrong doing!

*I can't tolerate!

Even the smallest mistake!

Even equal to the pin!

It may be from your body!

It may be from my body!

*Those who break!

Any religious place!

They are already punished!

They are being punished!

They will be punished!

They may be from any religion!

*No one can escape me!

Nothing can escape me!

*My nature set right everything!

Though I am invisible!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 December 2024

You will forget this pain after sometime

*For those who are having!

Any pain in their life!

*At present you have pain!

But after some time!

You will forget this pain!

*Try to remember!

Earlier you had pain in the past!

May be ten or twenty years ago!

Do you remember that pain?


This pain also you will forget!

After ten or twenty years!

*Try to withstand this pain!

It is to make you more strong!

A weak person can't enter!

In the kingdom of Almighty!

*Pain is a way to refine yourself!

You will increase your Titiksha!

Withstand your pain!

Don't be coward! Be brave!

Gold glitters on heating!

*You have to forget your body!

Since you are not merely a body!

You are self soul Atma!

*Go to any hospital!

See the pain of others!

It is more than your pain!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 December 2024

To get rid of body for ever is Liberation

*Body is the main cause of all pains!

To get rid of body for ever is Liberation!

*You are not limited to this body!

You are eternal self Atma!

Your nature is eternal!

You are always without pain!

*This life is very small gap!

Of your infinite eternal life!

*Happiness is momentary!

In this gap of eternal life!

Here joy less, pain more!

*Ants are attracted to honey!

They are stuck in the honey!

They can't go back!

Same is your condition!

You are stuck in the world!

Here only allurement of joy!

*You can't get both!

You can get only one!

Worldly joy or divine joy!

*Day and night can't be together!

Divine joy like day!

Worldly joy like night!

*Nectar and poison can't be together!

Divine joy like nectar!

Worldly joy like poison!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 December 2024

Learn to withstand pain

*There are many pains in life!

Pain of diseases of body!

Pain of Corona etc!

Pain of accidents!

Pain of missing the beloved!

Pain of so many fears!

Pain of death and birth!

*Pain if not getting job!

Pain of missing the job!

Pain during the job!

*Pain of not getting beloved!

Pain of missing the beloved!

Pain of getting the beloved!

*Pain of not getting the good!

Pain after getting the good!

Pain of missing the good!

*Pain of getting the bad!

Pain during the bad!

Pain after missing the bad!

*Pain of weather!

Pain of desires!

Pain of expectations!

*No one is happy in any circumstance!

Happiness comes only for some time!

*No one is happy in this life!

This life is a very small gap!

In the infinite eternal life!

Which can only make you happy!

*Try to withstand!

All these pains!

As life is another name of jail!

Life is a prison or cage!

Life is Karma Bandhan!

*You are not a body!

You are self soul Atma!

You are jailed in the cage of body!

*Learn to withstand the pains!

It will make you more strong!

Then only you can know Self!

Then only you can know Atma!

Then you can get relief from pain!

*Initially you have to drink poison!

To taste the nectar in the end!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


17 December 2024

Play of Senses

*Wife is play of senses!

Brother is play of senses!

Nephew is play of senses!

Uncle is play of senses!

All relatives play of senses!

All friends are play of senses!

My body is play of senses!

*When I see anyone different!

This seeing becomes!

Sense of seeing!

*PM CM play of senses!

Billionaires are play of senses!

Most popular is play of senses!

All leaders are play of senses!

All film stars are play of senses!

*Rich is play of senses!

Poor is play of senses!

*Everyone is play of senses!

Everything is play of senses!

*Every house is play of senses!

Every Apartment play of senses!

Every city is play of senses!

Every nation is play of senses!

*This world is play of senses!

Sun moon stars play of senses!

Entire cosmos is play of senses!

Every atom is play of senses!

*Every Guru is play of senses!

Every God is play of senses!

Every Goddess play of senses!

*Heaven is play of senses!

Hell is play of senses!

Every Loka is play of senses!

*I am playing with myself!

With my senses!

I am Brahman!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


14 December 2024

Your wife is play of senses

*Your husband is play of senses!

Your wife is play of senses!

All people are play of senses!

All things are play of senses!

This world is play of senses!

*Nothing exists!

Except the self!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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13 December 2024

Intense Dainya Bhava Melts Krishna

*When one becomes!

Like a fish!

Without water!

Krishna melts!

*When your no work is done!

Even after your efforts!

Then you have some Dainya Bhaava!

*When your spouse is not good!

When your lover is not good!

When your friends are not good!

When your children are not good!

When your parents are not good!

When your boss is not good!

When your seniors are not good!

When your juniors are not good!

When nothing is good for you!

When world is not good for you!

When you are about to weep!

When you feel very hurt!

*When you are seeing no light!

When no one is to help you!

When only Almighty can help you!

*Then divine attracts you!

Then you have Dainya Bhava!

Then you attracts mercy of Krishna!

*When you have intense Dainya Bhava!

When fish is about to die without water!

When you are about to die without God!

*When you are so thirsty of God!

That you may die without Him!

When you are so hungry of God!

That you may die without Him!

*Then you get intense Dainya Bhava!

Then Krishna makes no delay!

Then Almighty makes no delay!

He immediately reveals!

His divine secrets!

Then you open the doors of divine!

Then true worship starts!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


13 December 2024

You can't be changed

*If you are changing!

Then you are something else!

You can't be changed!

*True remains true!

False remains false!

*You are not false!

You are true!

*True always exists!

False never exists!

*True may not be visible!

False may be visible by illusion!

*Since you exist now!

You exist always!

*You are not a body!

You are something else!

*You are consciousness!

You are self soul Atma!

*Atma is Paramatma!

Paramatma is Brahman!

Paramatma is Almighty!

Only one for all religions!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


12 Dec 24

You can be anything only if you are already there

*Only you are covered!

By illusion!

By ignorance!

You are not seeing yourself!

*Remember! Never forget!

You can be anything!

Only if you are already there!

But you have forgotten for sometime!

*Whatever you are!

You will remain!

You can't be changed!

*If you are changing!

Then you are seeing something else!

Then you are in illusion!

Then you are in ignorance!

*Gold remains gold!

Even if it is changed to necklace!

Water remains water!

Even if it's changed to vapor!

Light remains light only!

Even if it's changed to images in TV!

*Truth always remains truth!

Even if you see it in changed form!

You are such truth!

*Happy Guruwar, Thursday!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


11 December 2024

Main Reason of Pains

*You become Drishya!

But you are Drishta!

That is main reason of pains!

*You feel pain of body!

You feel pain of mind!

Due to this reason!

*Drishya means scene!

Drishta means seer!

*When Drishta becomes Drishya!

It feels pains of several types!

*You are seeing your body!

You are seeing everybody!

You are seer self soul Atma!

*When you become Drishya!

You are trapped!

In cycle of birth and death!

*You are born!

To know this truth!

To get rid of these pains!

To get rid of your body forever!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Happy Mokshada Ekadashi.


11 December 2024

We don't need to eat, drink, breathe

*We are nectar, body is poison!

Nectar doesn't need anything!

*If we eat!

We are trapped in body!

If we drink water!

We are trapped in body!

If we breathe!

We are trapped in body!

*But, by force!

We have to eat, drink, breathe!

As per our Prarabdha!

As per our past Sanskaar!

Hence we are trapped in body!

*We are not a body!

We are consciousness!

We are self soul Atma!

We don't need to eat drink breathe!

*Body is the cause of pains!

Body is a jail, prison!

Soul is jailed in the cage of body!

It considers body as self!

*Purpose of birth of everyone!

To know this truth!

And be free from this cage!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Happy Mokshada Ekadashi.














Happy Mokshada Ekadashi.



10 December 2024

Cage of Body

*You are imprisoned!

In the cage of body!

*You are not a body!

You are consciousness!

You are self soul Atma!

*You know this truth!

When you leave your body!

*Then you repent!

You didn't care of yourself!

You didn't care of self soul Atma!

You cared your body!

Which you are leaving!


Take care of your self soul Atma!

More than your body!

By remembering this truth!

Thus always remember Paramatma!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


10 December 2024

Are you happy in the world?

*If you are happy in the world!

Then you are trapped!

In the cycle of birth and death!

Then you are ignorant!

*World can never make you happy!

You can't hold sky!

In the same way!

You can't hold the world!

*You have to miss the world!

During the life!

After the death!

How can you be happy?

*Thing which makes you happy!

It will make you unhappy!

At the time of missing!

You will certainly miss the world!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


10 December 2024

What is Karma?

*Someone from the group asked very beautiful question.

What is Karma?

*My reply-

If you expect the results, that is Karma.

Then there is Karma Bandhan. Then there is bondage. Then there is jail or prison for you. Then

you can't know- Who you are?

*If you don't expect results. Then it is not Karma. Then no Karma Bandhan. Then there is no

bondage. Then there is no jail or prison for you. Then you can know- Who you are?

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 December 2024

Everyone is waiting for death

*Everyone has forgotten this truth!

Since everyone is entangled!

In other issues of this world!

Everyone is waiting for death!

*Only purpose of birth!

On this beautiful earth!

To know self soul Atma!

To know Almighty God!

*Everyone comes empty handed!

Everyone goes empty handed!

*But the one who knows!

The self soul Atma Almighty God!

He doesn't go empty handed!

He goes with knowledge!

Of self soul Atma Almighty God!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 December 2024

How to make every work worship?

*Fixing the goal and waiting!

These two things make!

Every work as worship!

*Mother gives birth to a baby!

First she fixes the goal for it!

Then she waits for nine months!

She uses all the precautions!

*In the same way!

You have to give birth to God!

Not outside but inside of body!

*You will have to decide for it!

You have to fix this goal!

Then you have to wait!

You have to take all precautions!

*Then you can make!

Your every work as worship!

*Today human is aimless!

He doesn't fix this goal!

Hence he can't move further!

This is the cause of his sorrows!

*Without deciding about station!

You can't purchase railway ticket!

You can't reach to the destination!

*Decide your destination!

And purchase the ticket of divine!

*Thus make your every work worship!

By waiting inside the train of divine!

*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 December 2024

When I was enlightened

*I was enlightened!

During the year 1990!

After sad demise!

Of my beloved father!

With the mercy of Krishna!

*During those days!

I remembered only!

Paramatma and death!

Most of the times!

*How I felt during enlightenment?

How you feel during enlightenment?

*When you are enlightened!

You feel that you are not body!

You are pure Atma! Soul!

*Then earth is revolved very fast!

There is so much brightness!

You can't see anything except divine!

Soon the world is disappeared!

Only you and Paramatma are left!

*Then you get divine eyes!

Every thing becomes divine!

You can't see Almighty by these eyes!

*Soon you are also merged with Paramatma!

Drop merges in mighty ocean of Almighty!

*Then you feel and live as Atma!

You feel you are thousands of years old!

Then you see the person!

Of even one hundred years old!

As very small child!

*Then you need not to live in the world!

Since very purpose of life is achieved!

It depends upon you to live or not!

*But you may choose to live!

For the good of one and all!

As per your remaining Prarabdha!

*Then you see every one as Krishna!

Then you see every one as Shiva!

Then you see everyone as God!

*Then you can give even one crore rupees!

Even to a Beggar!

If you have this amount!

Thinking him God!

*Then no difference remains!

Between any person and God!

*Then you can touch the feet of!

A beggar! Untouchable!

A dog! Cow! Any animal!

Considering him God!

*Then you forget the doors!

Even of your home!

*Then you look like a mad!

Then you are intoxicated!

In the love of Krishna!

Then you forget all things!

*Then sweet food will be bitter for you!

Then bitter food will be sweet for you!

*Then even if you speak!

A smallest lie!

You will feel like!

You are shot!

You have no life!

You are finished!

*Then you feel the home of Almighty!

As your home! Sweet home!

*Then joy of lust or sex will be like poison for you!

It will be very difficult to you to leave the joy!

Of bliss, Anand, Paramanand, divine joy!

*Such was my state on enlightenment!

Such you may feel on enlightenment!

Though there may be differences!

As per the state of everyone!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 December 2024

What is worship?

*When God melts?

When God appears?

*When we have!

No attachment with body!

When we are ready!

To give our life for God!

*When we don't care!

We may die or live!

For the sake of God!

To know Almighty!

*When we don't love!

Any other person or thing!

In the entire world!

More than the Almighty!

*Then God shows His mercy!

Then Almighty melts!

*Then He Himself comes!

Then He doesn't send any other!

Either for your rescue!

Or for taking you with Him!

*In both cases!

You don't survive!

Either you leave the world!

Or you live in the world!

*We must be ready for both!

Either to leave the world!

Or to live in the world!

To know Almighty God!

*When we are!

The most downtrodden!

Lower than the lowest!

With strong faith on God!

*Then God shows His mercy!

Then Almighty melts!

*Then Almighty makes no delay!

To show His mercy!

Either to take you with Him!

Or to leave you here Godly!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 December 2024

No use of worship of God

*If you can't see God in human!

Then no use of worship of God!

*Remember! Never forget!

If you don't see God in human!

No one can help you to escape!

From the cycle of birth and death!

*There will not be end of sorrows!

If you don't respect the elderly!

If you don't see God in humans!

*No God on earth can help you!

No worship on earth can help you!

If you insult your elderly!

If you insult the humans!

*Elder may be your parents!

Your siblings or any others!

*If elders are happy with you!

Every God will be happy with you!

*If you respect your elders!

If you worship the elderly!

Seeing God inside them!

Then you worship every God!

*Best are those!

Who can see God!

Inside of younger!

Inside of elderly!

Inside of everyone!

They don't need!

Any other worship!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 December 2024

Almighty is Drishta

*We all are Drishya!

If we treat us a body!

Almighty is only Drishta!

*Drishta means seer!

Drishya means scene!


We treat us Drishya!

That is reason of bondage!

We feel us bounded!

*We are a part of Almighty!

We are also a Drishta!

We are not Drishya!

We are self soul Atma;

*Atma is consciousness!

Not normal consciousness!

That is pure consciousness!

That is Sat Chit Anand!

*Nothing exists except Almighty!

Nothing exists except Atma!

Almighty is Supreme soul!

Almighty is Brahman!

*Every God is Brahman!

Every Goddess is Brahman!

Irrespective of religion, nation!

That is one and only one!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


5 December 2024

We are losing our Sanskar

*Sanskar are more important than education. We are losing our Sanskar.

*Today I remember my childhood. When I was child, during the evening when the lights were

switched on we all the children used to greet to our parents and elders with Namaskar, Ram

Ram, Jai Sri Krishna etc. Youngers used to greet the elders in the family daily at the time of


*We had small temple in home. We all family members used to do Aarti at the time of dusk.

After Aarti we used to sing Bhajans, glory of God daily.

*We are losing our Sanskars. We have lost our glorious past. Now we have become educated.

We have lost our most of the traditions.

*Always remember!

Never forget!

Sansjars are more important than education.

What will be the use of education if you impart education to your children and your children do

not respect you in the future?

*Invest your time, money and energy for imparting Sanskar to your children to create a golden



5 December 2024

I don't want to see any message

*I don't want to read any message!

I don't want to see any message!

I don't want to see WhatsApp Group!

I don't want to see Social media!

*Knowledge is not gained outside!

Knowledge dawns itself from Atma!

*I don't want to gain worldly knowledge!

World is itself an illusion!

Hence worldly knowledge also illusion!

*For me world doesn't exist

For me world is my dream!

What will I get from world?

What will I get from its knowledge?

*I am not merely a body!

I am Self soul Atma!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


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3 December 2024

Deh Dhare Ka Dand-

*In my childhood I came to know this proverb in Hindi-

Deh Dhare Ka Dand.

*Its meaning in English-

Punishment of getting a body.

Since it is trapped in the body which is like a jail.

*Jeevatma is eternal fragment of Paramatma or Almighty. It is imperishable, immortal since it is

son of Paramatma.

*Son of king is prince. He becomes king.

Jeevatma is son of Paramatma.

Paramatma is always joyful. He doesn't have even slightest of sorrows. Hence Jeevatma is also

joyful and doesn't have even the slightest of sorrows.

*But Jeevatma has become full of misery after coming in this world full of sorrow.

It is always having miseries during the birth, death, diseases, insults etc. It can not do anything

as per its wish. Body is mortal. It also feels itself as a mortal.

Body is having different types of pain like body-pain, headache, diseases, pain of birth and


*Even then it is having one good quality that it can be free from this body during this birth itself.

Thus it can be free from this punishment or jail.

*You should always try in this direction. Be mindful about this truth always!

You should never forget that you are not flesh and bones. You are not a body.

You are the self, soul, consciousness or Atma.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


1 December 2024

Body acts like a mirror

*Self acts through body!

Though self never acts!

Body acts like a mirror!

*If body is pure!

It shows purity!

If body is impure!

It shows impurities!

*If body is Godly!

It shows God!

If body is demoniac!

It shows demons!

*Whatever body eats!

Whatever body sees!

Whatever body listens!

Whatever body touches!

Whatever body smells!

Whatever body speaks!

Whatever body thinks!

Body acts as per that!

Body becomes as per that!

*Thus body selects for itself!

God or demon!

Heaven or hell!

Liberation or bondage!

*Human body is priceless gift!

Available with mercy of Almighty!

*Self soul Atma is never bonded!

Self soul Atma is never liberated!

*There is no liberation or bondage!

For self soul Atma!

Atma is Paramatma, Almighty!

That is only one for all religions!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


29 November 2024

On the day of today last month


29 October 2024

Dil Mein Andhera Hai, Bahar Roshni

*Celebrate Diwali!

In your inside!

Not outside!

*Dil Mein Andhera Hai!

Bahar Roshni Jalate Hain!

This is the tradition of world!

*Its meaning in English-

Inside of your heart is darkness!

But outside you light the world!

What is the use of such lights?

*Illuminate your heart!

With the divine light of Almighty!

Thus always celebrate!

Happy Dhanteras!

Happy Diwali!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


28 November 2024

You are the light, not lighted

*You are the thinker!

Not a thought!

You are the light!

Not lighted!

*Your thought!

Body and world!

*Lighted areBody and world!

*You are a dreamer!

Not a dream!

*Dream is-

Body and world!

*You are the seer of movie!

Not a movie!

*Movie is-

Body and world!


Who you are!

You are not body and world!

You are not flesh and bones!

*Don't be trapped by your body!

Don't be trapped by this world!

*Knowing yourself and God!

This is the aim of your birth!

On this beautiful planet earth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


19 November 2024

It doesn't matter to me if I share or not

*For me it doesn't matter!

If I work or not!

If I share or not!

Since for me all this is a dream!

*Food should be given to hungry!

Water should be given to thirsty!

*One doesn't value of food!

If one is not hungry!

One doesn't value of water!

If one is not thirsty!

*Those who are truly hungry!

They will search the food!

Those who are truly thirsty!

They will search the water!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

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About Pravin Agrawal

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

He has shared more than 10,000 Blogs on the speakingtree website. He regularly shares his posts and blogs in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. You may Google search his all the profiles by the following keywords-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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19 DEC 2022

Whatever I share with you

*Some time, some of the friends ask-

I love your this post! Your this sharing is so beautiful. From which book you have taken this?

*Earlier I was hesitant to reply this!

But now I am replying-

My Dear Friends, whatever I share and post that is my original writings though nothing is mine! This is true in most of the cases!

*My no sharing, no post has been taken from any book! This is true for most of the cases!

*Do not forget this-

When fool Kalidas can become wise, and he can write many beautiful books with the blessings of Almighty God. Why not a fool like Pravin can write and share all these posts with the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna?

*Now you must have got your reply automatically!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Happy Maha Navami.

Happy Navratri.

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Spread the Wisdom!

Hi Friends,

*Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. I am regularly sharing my blogs in Speaking Tree, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.

*In Speaking Tree website I have shared more than 10,000 blogs.

*Please visit and share! Help to spread Wisdom!

*You may Google search my all profiles by following keywords -

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

? ? ?

Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

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Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die By Pravin Agrawal-

Peace can't be achieved without divine By Pravin Agrawal-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

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Visit these videos-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

Hare Krishna kirtan-best kirtan hare krishna bhajan-kirtan song-iskcon kirtan-

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Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

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Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

Most Relevant Linkedin Articles of Pravin Agrawal-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List 4 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

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