Science from History to Future
Vlcek L.: The form of intensity of moving charge

Science from History to Future



2. Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is Asymmetrical.

3. Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear

4. CORRECTED Maswell's equations

5. Corrected Newton′s Laws of Motion

6. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values:

Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave

Tkin ad = mc2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)]

Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle

Tkin id = mc2 [ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)]

7. Physics is Easy

8. Particles, Waves and Trends in Physics

9. Physics is Beautiful

10. Great Table of Elementary Particles

11. Movement Principles of the Fast-Spinning Bodies

12. Nuclear Fusion


Einstein has written: "Prominent theoretical physicists were therefore more inclined to reject the principle of relativity, in spite of the fact that no empirical data had been found as contradictory to this principle." - RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL AND THE GENERAL THEORY BY A. EINSTEIN, AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION BY ROBERT W. LANSON, FOURTH EDITION, LONDON 1921. We will show the empirical data contradictory to Einstein’s principles of relativity.

In this juncture the question of validity of the idea of space-and-time frame has become ready to be discussed. The answer to the question may be negative. Nevertheless, there are two general facts, initially favorable to the validity of the idea of space-and-time frame.

They are:

A. The form of the interference field

B. The form of the intensity of the moving charge

In part 2 we will show, that the form of the interference field of the moving medium is not-linear (it remains to prove by the metrologers that the interference field is also non-linear for the medium at rest).

We will also show, that the form of intensity of the moving charge is asymmetric.

Einstein made a major mistake. The author proves it in revaluation Kaufmann’s, Fizeau’s and Harres’s experiments in light of the new theory (intensity of moving charge, non-linear form of the interference field, etc.).

Einstein’s two axioms:

a) law of propagation of light in all inertial frames

b) laws of physics (i. e. the law of propagation of light), identical in all inertial frames, mean that the light is propagated in all inertial frames at the speed of c. We can agree with this affirmation only in line with the closed coordinates system, with different media firmly connected with the frames (i. e. their coordinate axes). Otherwise, if we have the coordinate axes (skeletons) of inertial frames with a common medium, then is only one frame (skeleton - xyz axes) firmly connected to the medium. Although the light is propagated at the speed of c, with regard to other inertial frames, it is not true! In all inertial frames not firmly connected to the medium with regard to the frames (skeletons - xyz, axes only) the light does not propagate at the speed c, nevertheless the light cannot propagate in empty inertial frames (skeletons xyz)!

According to Einstein, the expression of vacuum (emptiness) indents to be apparently the unitive medium. That is again not correct.

Nevertheless, the vacuum consists of elementary particles, which also persist in a certain motion. It means that it is possible to connect firmly with a given vacuum the only one frame, which "moves at the speed of v = 0" with regard to the vacuum (medium). It is evident, that it is possible to create the vacuum laboratories on various planets. In all of them, the light is propagated at speed c. But with regard to different inertial frames of planets the speed is different. There are different vacuums, which move at different speed. Einstein had to shelter himself behind the law of propagation of light "at all times" so that both Einstein’s axioms could be "valid" simultaneously.

Einstein corrected the real difference of light speeds in different inertial frames (skeletons) by "different times" in a fictitious "SPACE-TIME". He helped himself with a mixture of "space-time" mathematically expressed by the Lorentz transformation equations. Then he helped himself with other new expressions, that rescue what is not possible to rescue, whereby those notions represent the following closed vicious circle:

Lorentz transformation equations

local time

covariant equations

physical definition of simultaneity

invariant interval

Lorentz transformation equations

We have shown that the idea of space-time frames is entirely wrong. All notions in the closed vicious circle, including "mean proper lifetime of particle" calculated on the basis of the Einstein’s theory of relativity which was not measured experimentally in fact are absolutely wrong. Physics is overflown by such anabashed points. It is necessary to clean the physics. It is necessary to strictly distinguish the measured values of the particles lifetime from the so called proper (shorter) Einstein’s doubtful particle lifetimes, which takes into consideration velocity and shortens the real lifetime to the shorter fictitious (incorrect) proper lifetime, shown in the tables. The table proper lifetimes of particles have to be removed from the physical literature and be replaced by the measured real lifetimes simultaneously with the measured velocities of elementary particles. The incorrect notions of Einstein’s closed vicious circle lead to logical assumptions for the incorrect notions in physics such as different times in different frames, length contraction, energy-momentum tensor, paradox of twins, clock paradox, equivalence of mass and energy etc. That’s why it is necessary to remove this chaos from physics and to bring the results of classical experiments in the right proportion (the place they belong to).

It is not possible to reject Einstein’s theory of relativity by one or by a few experiments. It is necessary to start from vicious circle... The combination of the time "coordinate" with space coordinates into space-time and vicious circle originating from this is a big mathematical mistake.

This is deception of physicists including Einstein.

The big part of "proofs" of validity of the special theory of relativity arose in the earlies, when the theory was new and not yet generally accepted. The experiments should examine, test or contradict the special theory of relativity.

They are Fizeau’s, Harre’s, Kaufmann’s, Michelson-Morley’s experiments.

All of them will be judged in light of the new theory of relativity. We suppose it will be done on the basis of a new definition of medium, our new generalized law of inertia, law of propagation of light (waves, intensity), our new definition of equivalent system of coordinates of our principle of relativity, Doppler’s principle of correct relations, of the form of intensity of moving charge of electric field - the new theory, non-linear form of interference field in moving medium, and the always valid (not only in statics) Maxwell’s equations.

"All mass (standstill and moving) including vacuum, consists of elementary particles, via which the light (wave or intensity) is propagated by Huygens principle. This principle states that each point of wave front (electromagnetic wave front) can be considered as a source of secondary wavelets (small intensities) propagated in all directions. Each source of secondary wavelets (small intensities) i. e. each particle of medium moves at the speed of the medium. In other words, the drag coefficient equals one (the complete drag).

At any moment the wave front (intensity front) is the envelope of these wavelets (electromagnetic wavelets)."

The medium is composed of elementary particles oscillating around their equilibrial positions. It is completely entrained as a whole, e. g. by Earth gravitation field (considering the Earth, the equilibrial positions of their elementary particles are at rest).

The medium oscillated around the equilibrial positions of its particles in microspaces due to the spread of wave motion.

But as a whole, it does not move, while just local medium (elementary particles) are in micromotion around their equilibrial positions (which are at rest considering the Earth, however, because the it rotates and circles around the Sun, the equilibrial positions are also in motion considering fixed stars or the Sun respectively). An absolute vacuum, i. e. zero pressure, does not really exist. It is only a certain, nearly an ideal term, impossible to achieve in any laboratory. Not to state that ?one of the great "triumphs" of relativity is that the medium was declared superfluous - not needed in all coordinate systems" - this is one of the biggest defects of theory of relativity, frequently criticized today. The difference between the medium and ether is substantial. While the ether was defined as penetrating through the entire matter, at the same time it was firmly connected with the absolute stationary space and torn off by environment with a different tearing coefficient = drag coefficient . The medium is an environment, in which wave motion is spread. If we would endeavor to compare "tearing coefficient" of medium and the ether respectively, always for the medium . It is necessary to realize that there is a large number of media in the Universe, mutually moving, while the "jump" of wave motion from one moving medium to another one is ensured by Huygens principle (see 1.2.3).

Ground spheres of air as well as media are completely entrained by Earth’s gravitational field. Considering the Earth, it is difficult to speak about a relative motion of medium regarding the Earth ("ether wind").

The stellar aberration is also composed of other media besides the ground level of the atmosphere (medium immediately around the star-the source of light, media between the star and the Earth, media around the Earth and higher levels of the atmosphere). It is not possible to say that it is one medium in these experiments (Michelson’s experiment and stellar aberration), and put them in contradiction.

The author has a medium, no ether. The author has a theory of a non-linear form of the interference field - Beckmann [11] has not this theory.

With own theory of medium and of non-linear form of the interference field, we can explain Fizeau’s experiment, stellar aberration and Michelson-Morley experiment, at the same time.

Let’s have a real coordinates system firmly connected with a real laboratory on Earth, where all experiments testing the physical theories are performed. We know that this coordinates system moves around the Earth axis during an astronomical day i. e. it performs a quasi-circular motion. During the year it rotates around the Sun approximately in a quasi-circle together with the Earth. During 2*10^8 years it circulates in the quasi-circle around the center of the Galaxy. It performs a quasi-uniform motion in a quasi-circle together with the Sun. The Galaxy performs a quasi-uniform and quasi-circle motion around the center within the framework of metagalaxies of star clusters and our laboratory coordinates system on Earth together with it, etc. From the experimental testing of the law of inertia it is known that the body moves along the "plane" stated by a waterlevel, i. e. in fact it is not a straight-line uniform motion, but it is the motion in the circle of the Earth radius of R=6378 km. The space aeronautics show that space ships, Earth satellites and orbital laboratories move quasi-uniformly in almost a circle around the Earth.

The atomic theory shows that the electrons and the nucleus circulate around the center of gravity of atom in approximate circles. The body rotating around its own axis (a flywheel) persists in this status. Similarly, the planets, stars, galaxies, molecules, nuclei and elementary particles rotate around their own axes. Since the uniform straight-line inertial motion cannot be achieved in a microworld, its place here is exclusively in the inertial quasi-circle motion. It is analogous in the macroworld. Each real "straight-line" motion can be replaced by a circle of a huge radius. This discussion results in the following: "Every mass (atom, molecule, particle, body, vacuum) persists in the status of the quasi-rest or quasi-uniform motion in a quasi-circle as far as it the external forces do not force it to change its status. (This notion is called the generalized law of inertia)." The inertial rotation of body consists of a quasi-uniform motion (in the quasi circles) of body’s atoms. The inertial rotation of particle consists of a quasi-uniform motion (in the quasi-circles of subparticles - quarks, prequarks.

Finally, it is necessary to stress, that since the idea of inertial straight-line uniform motion has no place in physics, neither the idea of the inertial system (in our theory it is replaced by the notion of equivalent system-see 1.2.4.) nor the notions of Einstein’s principle of relativity, local time, co-variant equations, nor Lorent’z transformation equations physical definition of simultaneity, nor invariant interval has any place in physics.

No real motion can be straight-line one. Every motion drawing near the straight-line one is just a part of curvilinear circular motion with final radius.

We have already known that straight-line motion does not really exist, it is only possible a hypothetical approximation for large radii of curvature. On surface of Earth, the circle with radius R=6378 km is a "straight line" (in light of the origin of this term at Newton - laboratory desk - a plane defined by the level).

These radii of curvature are even larger for galaxies - they have the size of several light years - and they are more similar to the straight line, which they will never reach. In reality we have not uniform motion in a circle, but a non-uniform in ellipse (quasi-uniform motion in a quasi-circle) or rosette respectively-see Consequences 2, point 20.

Centripetal acceleration forces in the author’s theory are not constant - they change: alternatively it is growing and declining. In a "circle" can be uniform or a non-uniform motion.

The non-uniform motion has a sequel: a little deformed circle on ellipse or rosette respectively and creation of stationary cloud.

Centripetal acceleration  is not the acceleration in direction of the curve of the circle (tangential one), but in direction perpendicular to this curve, it has nothing in common with the acceleration in direction of curve. It determines the size of curvature of circle line only, and in the extreme case, the size of the straight line ( centripetal acceleration = 0  ). On the surface of the Earth, on an "ideal plane" determined by the water level, normal acceleration on the "straight line", that lies in this "ideal plane" , equals (v^2)/6378000.

The standard Newtonian physics is somewhat corrected by Generalized Law of Inertia.

1.1 Newton in his book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy":

Every body continues to rest in a state of rest or a uniform and rectilinear movement, until and because it does not force the forces applied to change this state.

In an rotating frame of reference the law of inertia is  allegedly incorrect, therefore the Newtonian formulation was replaced by the postulate of the existence of inertial frames of reference (by EINSTEIN !!! ).

Galilei′s, Newton′s, Einstein′s movement "along a straight line" is a circle with radius 6378 km!!

No real motion can be straight-line one. It is only mathematical definition.

Mathematics is NO PHYSICS !!!

The postulate of the existence of inertial frames of reference

 does not belong to physics. Neither postulate does not belong to physics.

Physics is based on experiments and not on postulates.

  "The difference between a good experiment and a good theory is in the fact that the theory gets old quickly and it is replaced by another one, based on more perfect ideas. It will be forgotten quickly. The experiment is something else. The experiment, which has been thought well and performed carefully, will step in the science forever. It will become its part. It is possible to explain such experiment differently in different periods of times."


1.2    Galileo Galilei

?The first law (the law of inertia), in a less clear form, was published by Galileo. It should be noted that Galileo allowed free movement not only along a straight line, but also along a circle (apparently from astronomical considerations). Galileo also formulated the most important principle of relativity

?1996: Let’s have a real coordinates system firmly connected with a real laboratory on Earth, where all experiments testing the physical theories are performed. We know that this coordinates system moves around the Earth axis during an astronomical day i. e. it performs a quasi-circular motion. During the year it rotates around the Sun approximately in a quasi-circle together with the Earth. During 2*10^8 years it circulates in the quasi-circle around the center of the Galaxy. It performs a quasi-uniform motion in a quasi-circle together with the Sun.

?The Galaxy performs a quasi-uniform and quasi-circle motion around the center within the framework of metagalaxies of star clusters and our laboratory coordinates system on Earth together with it, etc.

?From the experimental testing of the law of inertia it is known that the body moves along the "plane" stated by a waterlevel, i. e. in fact it is not a straight-line uniform motion, but it is the motion in the circle of the Earth radius of R=6378 km.

The space aeronautics show that space ships, Earth satellites and orbital laboratories move quasi-uniformly in almost a circle around the Earth.

2. Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is Asymmetrical

3. Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear

? Linear form of the interference field

? Non linear form of the interference field

The comparison of Harre's experimental values which do not comprise the drag coefficient with both linear and non-linear form of the interference field, as well as the results of Fizeau's experiment.

Until recently it has been assumed that the shape of the interference field is "linear". The corresponding fraction of the shift of the interference fringes is directly proportional to the corresponding part of the wave length. If, for example, the distance of two interference fringes is divided into 100 divisions and the shift of 23 divisions is detected, we thus assume that the change occured over a length of . In other words, the shift of the fringes is considered to be equivalent to the change of length. This view corresponds to the linear form of the interference field, see fig. 2.12. Fig. 2.12. The "linear" form of the interference field What justifies us our assumption that the interference field is linear? Is the assumption correct? In physics we are used to picture the experimental results through curves which are not "saw-tooth" as is the case with the linear interference field, but which have a nicely rounded shape. Let us replace the "saw-tooth" linear interference field by some rounded non-linear interference field. Let us choose sinusoides or semi-circles instead of the sawtooth abscissas. In case of semi-circles according to fig. 2.13 we get: Fig. 2.13. The non-linear form of the interference field in the 3rd quadrant: , as (2.46) In the shifted 1st quadrant (2.47)

4. CORRECTED Maswell's equations

Intensity E of the electric field according to Lorentz equals to our intensity Estill.

The 4th Maxwell's equation:

Maxwell's equations which are always valid (not only in static) acquire the form:

2.1.3 The electromagnetic field. Maswell's equations.

5. Corrected Newton′s Laws of Motion

?First law:

"Every mass (atom, molecule, particle, body, vacuum, transmission medium) persists in the status of the quasi-rest or quasi-

uniform motion in a quasi-circle, or quasi- elipse ( excentricity e –> 0 ) as far as it the external forces do not force it to change its

status. (This notion is called the generalized law of inertia).“

?Third law:

All movements in physics are based on principle of action - reaction and on velocity of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, α ).

- Action, as a motion of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, α ), is characterized by alternating acceleration and deceleration

motion in the source, along ellipse or quasi- elipse ( excentricity e –> 0 ).

Stable particles of various speed   ( leptons μ?, τ?, baryons, mesons ), bosons W +, W-, Z ( β electrons) are characterized by

kinetic energy in direction of motion             Tkin id = mc2[ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)] 

- Reaction creates in the transmission medium, electromagnetic waves, as unstable “particles” -

neutrinos νe, νμ, ντ , mesons π0, π+ , π- , η , K and gamma rays ( f >10^19 Hz ) are characterized by kinetic against direction of  

motion     as wave            Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)] 

Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves, or “unstable particles“  i.e. neutrinos and mesons.


Physics is Easy

Leptons ( electron, muon, tau ), W + - Z bosons and neutrinos ( electron neutrino , muon neutrino, tau neutrino) can be replaced with electron moving at different speeds from 0.001c up to 0.999.. c :

Electron, electron neutrino are in the electron at speed of electron : from v= 0.001c to v= 0.9 c

Muon, muon neutrino are in the electron at speed of electron : v= 0,995308032046c

Tauon, tauon neutrino are in the electron at speed of electron : v= 0,99971316674c

W + - boson and neutrino are in the β electron at speed of electron : v= 0,99999364465781184c

Z boson and neutrino are in the β electron at speed of electron : v= 0,999994396590953c

Higgs Boson 125300 MeV/c 2 speed of proton : v= 0,9928305c β electron is radiated from a neutron

Hyperons, mesons and quarks can be replaced by proton and neutron ,or alpha particle respectively, moving at different speeds from 0.1c up to 0.999.. c:

Lambda hyperón 2286,46 MeV and pion π 0 : 134.9766(6) MeV are in the proton

 at speed of proton v= 0,8022863362c

hyperon Chí c (2645)+ 2646,6MeV and pion π ± : 139.57018(35) MeV are in the proton

at speed of proton v= 0,819183027c

hyperon 6,165 GeV and meson K- 493.7 MeV are in the alpha particle

at speed of alpha particle v= 0,7533c


?What is Quark?

Two energies, which are measured in opposite directions, and we consider them as quarks are actually two different kinetic energy of a single proton, the first in the direction of its movement, and the second in the opposite direction. Quarks are actually locked (confinement) in proton, as is clear from the individual tables.

-QUARK = proton of different speeds

 A pair of quarks of one generation = one speed of proton:

u,d quarks are in the proton at speed of proton : from v= 0,05875c to v= 0,105065c  

c,s quarks are in the proton at speed of proton from v=0,713c to v=0,7805c

t quark is in the proton (neutron) at speed of proton (neutron):

v=0,994637c for top quark: 169 100MeV

v=0,994766c for top quark: 173 400MeV/c2

b quark is in the proton (neutron) at speed of proton (neutron): v=0,8665c for 4,2 GeV bottom quark


A pair of quarks of one generation = one speed of proton:

u,d quarks are in the proton at speed of proton : from v= 0.05875c to v= 0.105065c  

c,s quarks are in the proton at speed of proton from v=0,5111c to v=0,7805c

t quark is in the proton (neutron) at speed of proton (neutron):

v=0,994637c for top quark: 169 100MeV

v=0,994766c for top quark: 173 400MeV/c2

b quark is in the proton (neutron) at speed of proton (neutron): v=0,8665c for 4,2 GeV bottom quark

u,d quarks are in the proton at speed of proton : from v= 0.05875c to v= 0.105065c 

Quarks are actually locked (confinement) in proton as is clear from the individual tables

c,s quarks are in the proton at speed of proton :

 from v= 0.713 c to v= 0.73333c  s quark  m0 = 70 – 130 MeV/c2 , 95+5?5 MeV/c2 [1]

 m0  = 80-130 MeV/c2, Theorized Murray Gell-Mann (1964) George Zweig (1964) Discovered 1968, SLAC

[1] Citation: J. Beringer et al. (Particle Data Group), PR D86, 010001 (2012)   (URL:

c quark Theorized Sheldon Glashow, John Iliopoulos, Luciano Maiani (1970)

Discovered Burton Richter et al. (SLAC)(1974) Samuel Ting et al. (BNL)(1974)    

 c quark m0 = 1.16–1.34 MeV/c2 ,  m0 = 1.29+0.05 ?0.11 GeV/c2[1] Decays into Strange quark (~95%), Down quark (~5%)[2][3]

t quark  m0 = 172.44 ± 0.13 (stat) ± 0.47 (syst)GeV/c2[1] ,    

 m0  = 173.4  MeV/c2, Theorized Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa (1973) Discovered CDF and D? collaborations (1995)

 Decays intobottom quark (99.8%), strange quark (0.17%), down quark (0.007%)

b quark is in the proton at speed of proton : 0.8665c bottom quark Tkin id = 4.2 GeV / p:

 [ ] = 4.476313841592169302436394

Tkin ad =  149,9613333459543879   MeV

 [ ] = 0.159827140990503087217669575

t -> b -> c -> s -> u <-> d This decay of quarks actually means a reduction of the speed of proton

6. Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values:

Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave

Tkin ad = mc2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)]

Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle

Tkin id = mc2 [ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)]

A particle moving in a transmission medium.

Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) moving at the velocity of v has two different values:

Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge)

Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion of a particle ( charge)

It is realy as Newton′s kinetic energy,

where v is velocity of a particle ( charge) .

Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion of a particle ( charge)

It is realy as Maxwell′s electromagnetic wave energy,

where v is velocity of a particle ( charge).

Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion.

7. Physics is Easy


1. Leptons ( electron, muon, tau ), W + - Z bosons and neutrinos ( electron neutrino , muon neutrino, tau neutrino) can be replaced with electron moving at different speeds from 0.1c up to 0.999.. c :

2. Hyperons, mesons and quarks can be replaced by proton and neutron (or alpha particle respectively ) moving at different speeds from 0.1c up to 0.999.. c . : 

u,d quarks are in the proton from v= 0,05875c to v= 0,105065c 

Electron and proton are the stable fundamental elementary particles.

t -> b -> c -> s -> u <-> d

This decay of quarks actually means a reduction of the speed of proton.

QUARKS = proton of different speeds

A pair of quarks of one generation = one speed of proton: u,d quarks are in the proton at speed of proton : from v= 0,05875c to v= 0,105065c .... down – up,

c,s quarks are in the proton at speed of proton from v=0,5111c to v=0,7805c :

t quark is in the proton (neutron) at speed of proton (neutron):

v=0,994637c for Top quark: 169 100MeV

v=0,994766c for Top quark: 173 400MeV/c2

b quark is in the proton (neutron) at speed of proton (neutron):

v=0,8665c pre 4,2 GeV Bottom quark

Leptons ( electron, muon, tau ), W + - Z bosons and neutrinos ( electron neutrino , muon neutrino, tau neutrino) can be replaced with electron moving at different speeds from 0.001c up to 0.999.. c :

Electron, electron neutrino are in the electron at speed of electron : from v= 0.001c to v= 0.9 c

Muon, muon neutrino are in the electron at speed of electron : v= 0,995308032046c

Tauon, tauon neutrino are in the electron at speed of electron : v= 0,99971316674c

W + - boson and neutrino are in the β electron at speed of electron :

v= 0,99999364465781184c

Z boson and neutrino are in the β electron at speed of electron : v= 0,999994396590953c

Higgs Boson 125300 MeV/c 2 speed of proton : v= 0,9928305c

β electron is radiated from a neutron

Hyperons, mesons and quarks can be replaced by proton and neutron ,or alpha particle respectively, moving at different speeds from 0.1c up to 0.999.. c:

Lambda hyperón 2286,46 MeV and pion π 0 : 134.9766(6) MeV are in the proton at speed of proton v= 0,8022863362c

hyperon Chí c (2645)+ 2646,6MeV and pion π ± : 139.57018(35) MeV are in the proton at speed of proton v= 0,819183027c

hyperon 6,165 GeV and meson K- 493.7 MeV are in the alpha particle at speed of alpha particle v= 0,7533c 

8. Particles, Waves and Trends in Physics

Speeds of electrons and protons in atoms are small. For example: An electron moving at a speed ve= 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Accurate electron speeds are given in the table in this article. Confirmation of Doppler′s principle in hydrogen for Balmer line Hα. Comparison the official and of the author′s results. Theory of particles, waves and heat. Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves. Neutron, β electron , gamma rays – calculations. Discussion to Cobalt-60 decay. Stable electrons moving with speeds (0,99 c – c ) creates leptons (μ?, τ?), neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z (= β electrons). Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons (μ?, τ?) = ( particles = electrons different speeds), neutrinos νe, νμ, ντ (= waves) , bosons W +, W-, Z (= particles = β electrons moving at nearly the speed of light ) and gamma rays (=waves of extremely high frequency >1019 Hz ). Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c ) creates baryons and mesons. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α ), which creates baryons and mesons. 

Through the work of Max Planck, Albert Einstein holds that all particles also have a wave nature (and vice versa) for compound particles like atoms and even molecules. For usually cannot be detected.[2]

Wave–particle duality is an ongoing conundrum in modern physics. Most physicists accept wave the best explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena; however, it is not without controversy.

Theory Wave - particle duality elegantly incorporates kinetic energy kinetic energy against directions of movement ( 51-52 : Calculation of the kinetic energy of a particle moving at the velocity of while isn’t , Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie, Arthur Compton, Niels Bohr, and many others, current scientific theory have a wave nature (and vice versa).[1] This phenomenon has been verified not only for elementary particles, but also for compound particles like atoms and even molecules. For macroscopic particles, because of their extremely short wavelengths, wave properties particle duality is an ongoing conundrum in modern physics.

Most physicists accept wave anation for a broad range of observed phenomena; however, it is not without controversy. kinetic energy in direction of movement (as particle or wave in (as wave against the spread of directions of movement) in relations the particle moving at the velocity of v : and many others, current scientific theory

This phenomenon has been verified not only for elementary particles, but also particles, because of their extremely short wavelengths, wave properties particle duality is an ongoing conundrum in modern physics. Most physicists accept wave-particle duality as  the best explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena; however, it is not without controversy. 

Wave - particle duality elegantly incorporates kinetic energy in direction of movement (as particle or wave in the direction of movement) and kinetic energy against directions of movement (as wave against the spread of directions of movement)


The Feynman diagram for beta decay of a neutron into a proton , electron , and electron antineutrino via an intermediate heav In the "stable" neutron, electron orbits around the center If will start beta decay of a neutron, β electron has kinetical energy in direction of motion a speed 0,023337082847141190198366394399065c, and radiates Planck : 80 398 MeV = h*f , f is frequency circulation electron around center of mass in neutron in Neutron ( = Proton and an electron orbiting a common center of mass )

The Feynman diagram for beta decay of a neutron into a proton , electron , and electron antineutrino via an intermediate heav the "stable" neutron, electron orbits around the center-of-mass with speed greater than 0,999994c.

electron has kinetical energy in direction of motion 80 398 MeV ( it is W - boson )

Planck : 80398 MeV = h*f ,

f is frequency circulation electron around center of mass in neutron in center- of- mass coordinate system ng a common center of mass ) Beta decay is mediated by the weak force.

Proton is moving at a speed 0,023337082847141190198366394399065c, and radiates γ rays.

9. Physics is Beautiful

10. Great Table of Elementary Particles

11. Movement Principles of the Fast-Spinning Bodies

12. Nuclear Fusion


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