Is science dead?
Alright? No, it’s not all right. Enough is more than enough, and something needs to be said. Actually, the time for empty words is over … something needs to be done.
Anybody who knows me knows that I have little interest in politics (aka politricks), but a lot of interest in and concern for the wellbeing of my fellow man, woman (and odd assorted gender-benders). Moreover for all creatures, great and small. And for those who don’t know me, I’m a health professional with some 40+ years experience in helping many people successfully get on top of their health / wellbeing issues.
So here goes (and maybe I’m talking to the wall):
The powers that be are completely out of touch with the common folk, with humanity. With their needs, desires and aspirations. And when I say the powers that be, I’m not just referring to those who hold the reins and wield the whip in the political arena, but also the so-called leaders in the domains of religion, science, the arts and medicine.
In many respects, the people (viz. you and me) are treated with disdain; as ignorant, incompetent, irresponsible. As fools.
The bottom line is this – we’re at a crossroads that will determine the fate and future of humanity in general, and yours specifically. The clock is ticking and time is running out. While much is uncertain, one thing’s for sure – the powers that be are not about to voluntarily relinquish their ever-growing control of the lives and destinies of all of us. Nor will they be held accountable for the pain and damage they’ve inflicted.
Anyway, my opinions are of little import, but I ask that you read and consider the words of a man whose knowledge, experience and understanding far surpasses my own. So, please take the time and trouble to read the attached paper by Steve Kirsch.?