Science of the Creator & Genetics of Rebirth

Science of the Creator & Genetics of Rebirth

Science of the Creator and Genetics of Rebirth


The human kind is facing a crisis of faith at global level, which is manifold and multidimensional. It calls for a paradigm shift in our value perception and radical rethinking on our age old fundamental values of life. It is time when forces of unity and harmony can triumph, and marvel of science and technology can be used to ameliorate human sufferings and ensure quality of life. It requires to explored symphony which is at once both ancient and modern as identity of life, and our heritage. Our ancient scientists have traced the secret of universe and life long back scientifically.

The key for world peace lies in the existence of the creator above faith in Divine unity. The universal consciousness is one and same for all. The Science of God with cycle of birth and death on the earth; may give a universal solution for world peace above faith. It may not be the monopoly of any one religion on the earth. It is common inheritance of mankind with dawn of civilization on the earth.

The world is global nest, but hard to understand. The human species is highly evolved with mental evolution. He is suffering from faith in God and creator of the creation. The religious scriptures are the guide with symbolism. The creator is one and same for all. It has been imagined in the form of a primeval man and said that the God has created man in his own image. The development of modern science has confirmed the same in their own way with experimental proof. It means the God Creator should not be the monopoly of faith only, but reality to its core of development with myths, when scientific confirmation was not possible.  The narration of God in different languages with myths looks different, but saying one and the same thing with different names.  The religious commandments are according to space, time and environmental condition.

Now we have crossed all the geographical boundaries, where earth is one and humanity is one with ancestry in single DNA. The Higgs field space is common ensign of existence on the earth. The vital fundamental energy is source of all without attribute and character. It has been described as Creator.

The Creator God                                                                         

The creation has evolved from a single ancestor. The single unified is source of all it has been expressed in the beginning of the Rig-Veda.

I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the creation sacrifice, which is the treasure of jewels Rg.1-1-1

The vital fundamental energy has manifested with its dualistic force with phonon and photon, which is the source of all. It has lay down the foundation of the creation system, where phonon and photon with broad spectrum are two complimentary forces of nature.

The Photon and Phonon are two distinct opposite complimentary forces of nature. They held up the creation and life, under space time fabric.  

The Photon and Phonon with charged particles led the path of evolution just like two parallel river opposite struggling for contending reins.

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.

Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, Vipasha and Sutudri speed down their waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘twere on chariot the ocean (Rig. 3-33-1,2)

The photon and phonon feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like two river Vipasha and Sutudri. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins.

The phonon stimulates the action, but not involves in action, and remains unaffected. It follows the mankind from generation to generation with new life from DNA as instrument of life.

The Primeval Man      

The creator fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a primeval man, he is the architect of the creation. The primeval man God has created the creation in his own image and entered into the creation to regulate it.

The vital fundamental energy is creative force with space sky as the centre. It has been described as omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God as principle of the creation. The underlying space Higgs field has imparted mass to elementary particles with asteroids and planets. The space Higgs field is ensign of existence and has been described as soul with creative force of fundamental energy. Hence it has been said that God and Soul is one without attribute and character.

Service of Humanity

The Brahma, God is the cosmic principle, and the Soul is life principle, both are same, and beyond perception of human senses. Hence it is the matter of self realization, just like magnetism induces magnetism in iron, in the same way the cosmic principle induces its replicates. The life on the earth is its higher form with evolution and complexity in nature. Hence it has been said that God and Soul are one and the same without attribute and character. The man is himself the divine incarnation of God, with ignorance, he feel separate from the God. Hence the service of humanity is service of God.

The Creator

In the beginning rose Hira?yagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven. What God shall we adore with our oblation? (Rg Veda 10-121-1)

The four components of the atom, the three subatomic particles and vital energy with space in the nucleus constitute the foundation of the creation.  

FORTH from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with, the stalk it turned to Am?ta. That which is holy oil’s mysterious title: but the Gods’ tongue is truly Amrita’s centre (Rg. 4-58-1)

The elementary particle from the atmospheric ocean is eternal source of creation and the space with vital energy in the nucleus of atom binds them in series with asteroids and planets.

Let us declare aloud the name of Ghrita, and at this sacrifice hold it up with homage. So let the Brahman hear the praise we utter. This hath the four-horned Buffalo emitted (Rg. 4-58-2)

The four components of atom feed the creation like Buffalo milk, where it’s like molecular choreography where the molecules choreograph their own behaviour and held up the creation sacrifice with homage.

The structure of DNA                          

The creator primeval man ‘Purusha’ is architect of the creation and painter with different shapes. Tvashtè DNA is shaper of all creatures.

Tvashtè the lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us (?g. 1-188-9)   

Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number. Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered in to mortals Rig.4-58-3

The four horns - The four horns is a symbolic expression for four bases of DNA, they are universally present in the living-beings,

Three legs - the DNA execute its function with triplet genetic code, the triplet genetic code is just like his three legs for its function.

Two head- The two helix of DNA are just like his two head.       

Seven hands- The triplet nucleotide pairs have two hydrogen double bond and a hydrogen triple bond. = it is just like the seven hands for actions.

Triple bond - The DNA replication and synthesis depends on the hydrogen triple bond, it has been explained by saying that ‘bounds with the triple bond the DNA roars loudly just like a steer.

The DNA is universally present in the living-beings, they are subject to birth and death, hence it has been expressed that the mighty God-DNA has entered into mortals.

Ribhu The cell has a body formed for flight in nature. The Charger DNA is swift like wind, the motion is his spirit. Just like his  horns, they spread in all direction with rest less beat.

11. A body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.

Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses (Rig-Veda 1-163-11)

DNA-Universal Instrument                                         

Yama beyond, below Vivasvat beyond that do I see nothing whatever; into Yama has entered my sacrifice, Vivasvat stretched after the worlds (bhê). Atharvaveda 18-2-32

The universal occurrence of genetic material DNA in the living-beings has been expressed; it is synonym to our modern knowledge of Genetics. In the biological world, which is before us, I see nothing beyond Vivasvat - DNA. From the DNA the chromosomes have been synthesized. They have stretched in the world in the form of food chains and the food webs, it has been expressed.


The Eternal Infinite Nature

That oil in triple shape the Gods discovered laid down within the Cow, concealed by the Panis.

Indra produced one shape, Sun another: by their own power they formed the third from Vena-vibration (Rig-Veda 4-58-4)

The source of eternal infinite nature is hidden in three, which feed the creation and life eternally. The Indra electricity with electromagnetic bond energy regulates the nature with synthesis and degradation, under space time fabric. The Sun is another eternal source with seven complimentary spectrums of visible light and resonant vibrations. The live organisms with origin of life have prepared third eternal source with unending cycle of birth and death from immortal resonant vibrations.


Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is, heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (?g-Veda 6-61-12)

The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels.

The germ of the world of the world ensign of all creation, be sprang to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over, when the five tribes brought sacrifice to Agni (Rig. 10-45-6)

The five tribes; five gross elements Pancha Mahèbhêta, Air water, sky, energy and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is sign of life with resonant vibrations.


The immortal DNA is the part of nature, and is blue chip of life. It has been described as bio-Soul. The immortal words stimulate the language on the DNA. The metabolism is the source of consciousness. They appear with birth in the womb as hereditary life principle, and disappear with death.

Rebirth and Immortal DNA

The life has evolved from single DNA and spreading in all the direction with unending cycle of birth and death. The voice is identity of life and immortal voice follows the mankind from generation to generation with new life.  

The DNA is instrument of life with triple bond and double bond of hydrogen with Nitrogen. It has blown out from sun with gigantic radiations prior to the formation of earth and survived in deep sea. It’s like molecular choreography where the molecules choreograph their own behaviour. In the same way the DNA choreograph its own behaviour with its first dawn in slime of primordial soup with Life’s First Spark. Once it got the nectar water under controlled temperature. It has maintained its nectarine quality with photon-phonon interaction and plasma membrane like two faces of the same coin with electron configuration.

The photon-phonon interaction Electron configuration                                                              

The generation of the atom from the subatomic particles with photon-phonon interaction is the primary symbol of existence. All elementary particles are vibrating with resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complimentary with each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonant with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted it into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013.

The structure of DNA Complimentary mirror image                         



Cosmic Bio-signature from Sun

The DNA charger, identity code                                 

The DNA is instrument of life. Life consciousness, it is like birds their nest upon the tree, the single phonon wave magically hold the cell body to execute functions of life.               

The life in all its form is one, but all have different genetic identity in DNA, which is 99.9 % is same in all. The 0.01 % DNA constitutes the genetic identity of an individual in life. Even the time time-twins have different genetic identity and fate in life. It has four bases arranged in two complimentary base pairs Adenine and Thymine A═T , Guanine and Cytosine G≡C and control whole biological world with double bond and a triple bond of Hydrogen. It divide in air and synthesize its complimentary base, just like image in the mirror, the hydrogen bonds divide and reunite on other side with electron configuration.

It is possible to image DNA with atomic resolution STM using scanning microscopy imaging. The live observation in ultra high vacuum based on wave of words in contrast mechanism under modeled contour of van der wall’s surface A DNA gives fantastic results. It has been observed in ultra resolution image that one purine and one pyrimidine base complimentary to each other, just like A T G C they separate and synthesize complimentary base on other opposite side. It means there is no separation the hydrogen triple bond change into double bond and catch triple bond on opposite side, it goes on unending, it has spread DNA on all sides. It synthesizes its complimentary base pairs in air, with which it has maintained its identity from Sun to Earth and in biological world as universal bio-signature with photon-phonon interaction.

 The DNA has a charger mental code with a synonym phonon code. The specific phonon code activates the charger mental code in the womb from air. The activated mental code led the development of infant from fertilized DNA with sense organs and brain. With development of the body, it has spread in the whole body and is in direct contact of atmospheric ocean of thought waves, which compress it from all sides with their frequency and amplitude. The cell membrane acts as boundary with configuration of electrons with half spin change in the wavelength, it conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action. The DNA has the speaker and an antenna to grasps the thoughts from atmosphere, the mind executes the thought with words from mouth.  

The activation of DNA mental code                                     

As soon as the fertilized DNA divide in the womb, first a mental code open, it is activated by its complimentary thought word’s wavelength in the atmosphere with change in the wave length of DNA complimentary code to that thought mentality as one. It is genetic identity of an individual in life with one thought wave length of voice.

The activated gene code led the DNA replication in fourfold manner with synthesis of first cell body in the womb with 23 pairs of chromosome in human-beings. The chromosomes have all information of life and death. It is genomic identity of an individual in life with one thought wavelength of voice. The different wave length of the seven syllables has a broad spectrum; out of this a particular wave length is identity of an individual. This wave length activates the complimentary DNA code in the womb with change in the wavelength of the fertilized DNA code. It led the development of infant with hereditary characters from parents and mental wave length decides the fate in life with its connection in the atmosphere. Hence the whole body has the same genetic code and particular thought wave length all in the body.

The cellular body beholds the thought mentality adorned to body. The atmospheric ocean is the treasure house of imperishable thought words. It has laid down the silent invisible foundation of thought, words and sensations with dualistic force of resonance and echo. It is just like two faces of the same coin and plasma membrane is transition zone of wave length adorned to cell body.



The vital fundamental energy has manifested with its dualistic force with phonon and photon, which is the source of all. It has lay down the foundation of the creation system, where phonon and photon with broad spectrum are two complimentary forces of nature. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon under go synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc2.

The Gravitational waves are akin to phonon waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light. The photon-phonon interaction plays an important role in modern physics and device applications, photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. It has opened a new window to discuss photon-phonon interaction as two distinct opposite forces interacting with each other at molecular level Li, E. et al.

The Photon and Phonon are two distinct opposite complimentary forces of nature. They held up the creation and life, under space time fabric.  

The Photon and Phonon with charged particles led the path of evolution just like two parallel river opposite struggling for contending reins.

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.

Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, Vipasha and Sutudri speed down their waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘twere on chariot the ocean (Rig. 3-33-1,2)

The photon and phonon feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like two river Vipasha and Sutudri. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins.

The phonon stimulates the action, but not involves in action, and remains unaffected. It follows the mankind from generation to generation with new life from DNA as instrument of life.

The Vital fundamental Energy       

It is vital energy, which is easily accessible all round, just like one can experience all oceans in a drop of water. The eyes can not perceive it, but it catches the eye sight to generate thoughts with action in fraction of a second.

The vital energy is most unseen, most mighty to stimulate thoughts in brain. Just like eyes work on the tune of vision with picture on retina. It is unseen principle and experience of life. It stimulates the action, but not involves in action, and remains unaffected.

The man has never seen the voice, yet he see, one man has hearing, but never heard her, but on another man, she showed her beauty as well dressed women to her husband. The voice is earliest with origin of life. The wise men have created the language for communication. It is imprinted in the mind as blessed sign of friendship with music of life in different tones of seven syllables.

It means that the Life is not the battle field to fight among Human-beings on the name of faith. The Life is to fight with one's own self against materialistic lust of power, for higher next birth. It has been described as ‘Jehad’ to fight with one’s over self for materialistic lust in the ocean of life. During the journey of life, the individual soul is himself responsible for his own welfare on the earth.

The immortal DNA is the part of nature, and is blue chip of life. It has been described as bio-Soul. The immortal words stimulate the language on the DNA. The metabolism is the source of consciousness. They appear with birth in the womb as hereditary life principle, and disappear with death.       

We have ancestry in single DNA with space Higgs field with vital energy as source of all on the earth as creator. The food metabolism is the source of life. During the journey of life, we are sailor of the same boat.


I am very much thankful to Govt. of India for award of senior fellowship, Dept. of culture, and Govt. of M.P. for work, Department of Higher Education as Professor and Principal during my service. I am also thankful to Archaeological Survey of India for Seals and to Smithsonian Institute, America for literary assistance and NASA for pictures.



1. Li, E. et al. Photonic Aharonov–Bohm effect in photon–phonon interactions. Nat. Commun. 5:3225 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4225 (2014)

2. Steven W. Hawking, George F.R. Ellis, "The Cosmic Black-Body Radiation and the Existence of Singularities in our Universe," Astrophysical Journal, 152, (1968) pp. 25-36.

3. Steven W. Hawking, Roger Penrose, "The Singularities of Gravitational Collapse and Cosmology," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A, 314 (1970) pp. 529-548.

4. Mark Eastman, Chuck Missler, The Creator: Beyond Time and Space, (1996) p. 11.

5. W. Wayt Gibbs, "Profile: George F. R. Ellis," Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55.

6. See

7. See and; see also and

8. Dark Matter in the Universe (Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, 1986-7), J.N. Bahcall, T. Piran, & S. Weinberg editors.

9. Dark Matter (Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Recontre de Moriond), J. Audouze and J. Tran Thanh Van. Editors.

10. The Large Hadron Collider: Shedding Light on the Early Universe – lecture by R.-D. Heuer, CERN, Chios, Greece, 28 September 2011

11. Examples of Great Discoveries in the Fundamental Forces – Gravity probe B FAQ, Stanford University website, 2012

Read more:

A Structure for De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid

J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick (1)

April 25, 1953 (2), Nature (3), 171, Molecular Configuration in Sodium Thymonucleate

Franklin, R., and Gosling, R. G.

Nature 171, 740-741 (1953)


Molecular Structure of De oxy pentose Nucleic Acids

Wilkins, M. H. F., Stokes, A. R., & Wilson, H. R.

Nature 171, 738-740 (1953)

Trivedi C.P.                  Indus Vedic Genetics 2012 ISBN 978-659-22809-4 Lap Lambert Academic            publishing, Germany                    

Trivedi C.P.                  Quest of Creation Higgs; God particle ISBN 978-3-659-22041-8 Lap Lambert Academic publishing, Germany 

Trivedi C.P.                   Quest of Creation Higgs God particle and Vedas Lap Lambert Academic publishing, Germany

Trivedi C.P.    Vedic Geeta the Secret of Eternal Life ISBN 978-3-659-20814-0 Lap Lambert Academic publishing Germany

Trivedi Chandra P.     Lord of Creation Einstein’s Grand Unified Force, ISBN 978-81-7110-447-9

                                    Parimal Publications, Shaktinagar, New Delhi



Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi    


Prof. Chandra P Trivedi Professor with incredible amount of experience as professor, researcher and Principal of lead college, Bhind and Ratlam under Jeewaji University, Gwalior, and Vikram University, Ujjain respectively. As an academician author of more than 10 books, his books and work has been published in many leading papers of the subcontinent and books from India and Germany. He is former senior fellow, Department of culture, Govt. of India, Associate IIAS, Shimla. As a Professor and Scientist, he has gone into the depth of Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism and Vedas at Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam. He is among original thinker with innovative approach to solve the national problem. He explored India’s glorious past with answer of Einstein’s Grand Unified Force. As an academician, Vedic Scientists and professor, he has first time crack the Vedic code with oldest un-deciphered symbols of the world ‘Advanced gene technology’. Going ahead Prof. Trivedi has given the answer of modern problems related with origin of life consciousness and Higgs field 2013.


My name is Parimal but not Brahma who created Universe. Simmilarty with you I read Statesman and. sent articles. Now I write books already published 2 books. 6 more books are ready ; 2 under processing. What is not similar you had been in high Government posts. I was not. I am a consultant Surgeon worked more than 45 years in India and abroad. I shall be grateful if I can speak to you. I live in Kolkata Mobile no 9830449614. Email [email protected].

Binay Kumar Samanta

Director at Project & Environment Consultants

8 年

India has been the cradle of most ancient civilisation in the world, because of early genetic evolution of man vis-a-vis Darwins theory.

Vidyardhi Nanduri

Independant Research-COSMOLOGY VEDAS

8 年

Space Cosmology needs best of brains trust. Hindu cosmologyin consonance with Modern Science-Key talk by me -Tirupati-itihasa Sankalana Samiti and TTD, Feb 2007 book available.. For rNA-DNA interlinks read first two book 1993-95.GIFT A BOOK- KNOWLEDGE BASE- ENLIGHTENED SPIRIT FOLLOWS 15 Books at LULU.

Pinaki Ganguly

HR and Digital Transformation, the Branding, Intelligent Automation Expert, Innovator and Author

8 年

Very well written sir, enjoyed reading the post.



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