Science Brief - September 2024
A 3D orientation map of the Dark Field X-ray Microscopy images acquired during the experiment. Credits: Can Yildirim.

Science Brief - September 2024

Dislocations play a key role in battery failure

Metallic filaments called dendrites can cause battery failure. Researchers led by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the ESRF have found that dislocations guide the dendrites and could potentially play a role in stopping their growth.

Journal: Nature Communications

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Schematic of the

Innovative technique boosts room-temperature X-ray crystallography

Researchers from ESRF and EMBL have developed in-situ serial crystallography (iSX) at beamline ID23-2, enabling fast, efficient data collection from microcrystals at room temperature. This method streamlines crystallization to structure determination, enhancing drug discovery by providing accurate, physiologically relevant structural data while requiring minimal samples and offering high-throughput capabilities.

Journal: IUCrJ

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New results show potential for boost in geothermal energy

Scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and the ESRF have found that rocks in the so-called Brittle-to-Ductile zone underground can let fluids circulate, which could increase the amount of energy generated through geothermal systems.

Journal: Nature Communications

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X-rays reveal details of the mechanism behind the enormous density increase in highly-compressed liquid water

Researchers reveal details behind the microscopic mechanism that enables the large increase of density in compressed water using experimental data from the ESRF and first principles simulations.

Journal: PNAS

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The image shows the monoclinic phase (mC4-model) upon compression. Credits: Li, X., et al. Commun Phys 7, 305 (2024).

Researchers find a new form of iron oxide under pressure

Binary iron oxides, and wüstite in particular, should be straightforward to study as they are chemically very simple. “It has an iron and an oxygen atoms, so on paper it should have no secret to study, but the reality is that under high-pressure conditions, its magnetic, structural and electronic properties are not easy to understand”, explains Ilya Kupenko, ESRF scientist and ERC grantee.

Now results on single crystals of iron oxide under pressure show transitions onto new phases that couldn’t be seen before.

Journal: Communication Physics

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ID21's nanoscope is open to users

The first team to use the nanoscope, from the University of Bordeaux (France), investigated the role of iron in neurodegenerative diseases.

The new ID21 nanoscope offers enhanced capabilities for nano-X-ray fluorescence mapping, nano X-ray absorption spectroscopy and hyperspectral X-ray fluorescence mapping. This new state-of-the-art instrument offers higher lateral resolution (down to 100 nm) with better X-ray fluorescence detection capacities (sub-ppm), higher acquisition speed, an improved cryogenic sample environment, preserving userfriendless thanks to a new graphical user interface.

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Jean Daillant takes role as Director General of the ESRF

On Monday, 2nd September 2024, Jean Daillant started his five-year mandate as Director General of the ESRF.

"Joining the ESRF at a time when, with the EBS, it is once again enabling ground-breaking experiments, is an extraordinary privilege", says Jean Daillant.

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Michael Krisch is appointed Director of Research

The ESRF Council has appointed Michael Krisch as Director of research for Chemistry, Life and Medical Sciences and Soft Matter Science. Michael Krisch has been Director of Research ad interim since 01 March 2023. He took up his five-year mandate on 01 September 2024.

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