The Science Behind How Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

The Science Behind How Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Every day, millions of people suffer from cancer and the harmful effects that stem from conventional treatment methods. Many of these people are told by their doctors that their disease is “incurable,” comparing their lives to an hourglass whereby their time on Earth is quickly running out. Cancer patients are led to believe that they only have two treatment options: chemotherapy or radiation, which are often coupled with surgery. Both chemotherapy and radiation negatively impact the body’s natural ability to heal itself as it harms healthy tissues. One study even proved that chemotherapy is ineffective more than 97% of the time (watch Dr. Peter Glidden discuss these findings here). What if I told you that a cure for cancer not only exists and is proven to be effective, but that you can also make this all-natural remedy yourself (here’s how)? For decades, cannabis has been studied and used to treat and kill cancer cells. There have been numerous medical studies performed and countless examples of people consuming cannabis oil to completely heal themselves from cancer.

This Man Cured His “Incurable” Cancer Using Cannabis Oil

Last year, 50-year old Darren Miller was diagnosed with “incurable, inoperable” lung and pericardial heart sac cancer. His doctors told him that if he pursued chemotherapy, it would buy him merely a year to live. Since this was the only option given to him, he chose to undergo chemotherapy treatment. After conducting research on alternative treatment methods, Miller decided to switch to using cannabis oil, so he and his wife moved to California where he began producing it and using it frequently. Seven months later, Miller’s doctors told him he’s 100% cancer-free, not in remission, which he claims is due to his use of cannabis oil.

Miller has continued to use cannabis oil even after being given a clean bill of health, which he refers to as a “maintenance dose.” Miller explains, “most people die from secondary cancers caused by their treatments; their radiation and their chemo. So, I plan on taking a small amount every day for the rest of my life, hoping that there’s no reoccurrence of disease.”

Now, he’s back in his home in Illinois where he’s running a “compassionate cannabis” program to help educate others on how to make and use cannabis oil to treat cancer.

Cannabis can and has been used for many years to treat a wide variety of illnesses including cancer. Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. When you consume cannabis, this activates cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body itself creates compounds called endocannabinoids, which help to produce a healthy environment. Cannabinoids play a significant role in immune system generation and re-generation, which is why cannabinoids reduce cancer cells. Although different strains of cannabis don’t have the exact same effect, an increasing number of cancer patients are experiencing positive results in a small amount of time by using cannabis (source).

Numerous organizations and universities including Harvard Medical School have been studying the effects cannabis has on cancer cells, proving its success and recommending it to be used as cancer treatment.

Even the U.S. government has unwittingly confirmed that cannabis kills cancer cells. A group of federal researchers commissioned by the government were selected to prove that cannabis has no accepted medical value, but their findings proved otherwise (read our article here).

If you’re looking for more proof that cannabis can cure cancer, check out the following article:

20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer

Why Curing Cancer Should Never Be Considered “Impossible”

Numerous cancer patients are told by their doctors that their diseases are incurable and inoperable and that they’re essentially a lost cause. Not only is this incorrect, but it’s also ignorant. There are numerous natural therapies for cancer outside of conventional treatment methods, with cannabis being one of the most effective ones. By giving these people a death sentence, you’re stripping them of the hope and strength they’ll need to successfully heal themselves. You can read Dr. Adem Gunes’s article on why there is no such thing as a hopeless cancer case here.

Cancer is often referred to as a man-made disease, but nature has provided us with an abundance of cures that are proven to work. Many cancer survivors attribute their cures to cannabis. The following articles are some of the other real-life examples we’ve covered:

9 Year Old Girl Who Used Cannabis To Cure Her Cancer Shares A Message With The World

Teenage Girl Uses Cannabis To Treat Leukemia & Great Results Were Seen – Doctors Publish Case Study

Man Pushing 80 Years Given Two Weeks To Live – Cured His Cancer Using Cannabis

Aside from cannabis, there are a number of other all-natural treatments for cancer that are being studied and used by cancer patients all over the world. Some of these alternative methods include vitamin C injections, turmeric, plant-based diets, frankincense, and more.

If you or someone you know has cancer or is looking to further their knowledge about this disease, I would highly recommend watching The Truth About Cancer. This docu-series opened my eyes to the sad truth and corruption behind the cancer industry, big pharma, the food industry, and much more. Our article here explores what each of the 9 episodes is about in more detail.


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